A Voice

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Clay POV

A year.
It's really been a whole year.

Days move fast but feel so slow to me, I just.. I still miss him. After his death everything changed, for the better though I guess. The Other Side had officially been taken down due to Schlatt's death. Wilbur was now made official Leader of the Manhunt Organization. Bad and Sapnap- I mean Nick have taken me in, it was a bit rough at first they didn't trust me at all actually. They watched me every second of the day. It was very annoying but I understood why they did it and after some time I think I've gained their trust, maybe not all of it, some of it though to a point where I now call them my friends.

Because I had nowhere to go when the Other Side was taken down I was left alone again, thankfully the Organization took me in. They gave me a bed, food, training, and even took me on some missions, everything I once did but now for the greater good.

I may still seem like an asshole to some people but I don't care, George really did change me in the little time we had spent together. I enjoyed every second of it, his smile, every time he would blush a pretty pink, his dark brown eyes that would turn a golden brown in the sunlight, and his puffy dark brown hair, I really loved him. Everyday Bad has to remind me that it wasn't my fault but I can't help not feel guilty. I did this to him. I basically killed him. I know he said he forgave me. I just can't forgive myself, not yet I still feel trapped and I want to be free.

His birthday was coming up, I knew that because Nick had told me about a month ago and that day has now come. Nick and Bad had already went and wished him a happy birthday but now it was my turn.

"Hey George. Uh.. It's me...Clay,"
"happy birthday..." I spoke, having a slight crack to my voice. I had to be strong for him, for me.

"I brought you a gift, I feel like it holds a lot of memories, good and bad ones."

I pulled out my dagger, the thing that basically started all this.

"It's not much but it means a lot to me and I know it's just an object but you know that feeling when you get something you love so very much and you never want to let it go, well that's kind of how I feel about this knife. And I'm sure if you were here right now you'd be laughing at me with your sweet smile about how silly this i-is.."

I couldn't do it.
I started to cry. Collapsing down onto my knees.

When George died Wilbur had him be cremated so he could be free. We let his ashes go at the top of a mountain nearby on a cliff side. We had also planted a blue flower, one to represent him to show that he was free now.

I kneeled next to the flower watching it flow in the wind as I cried.

"George I can't tell you how fucking much I miss you right now. Why did you have to go?.. It's so hard.. I-I can't let you go, I can't forget, I blame myself everyday for what happened. Bad tells me I shouldn't be so hard on myself but I can't help it.."

I watched as the flower stopped blowing in the wind.
"George please..." I whispered out, hands on my face crying into them.
A pedal broke off of the flower, I looked up watching it as it touched the ground. That's when I heard it. I swear I heard something, it was so clear, it kind of sounded like..



It was him I know it was him, that was his voice it had to be.
I looked around all angles of the mountain from where I sat.

That's when I heard it again.

"Clay....Let me..go..."

Those words. I loved and hated them at the same time because I knew it was him speaking to me, somehow, someway, and if it was him then he just told me to let go, he wants me to let him go...

I slowly stood up looking down at the flower and at the pedal that had fallen from it. Taking one deep breath in and out I looked at the dagger in my hand, staring at it for a minute.
I squatted down and placed it next to the flower standing back up, I turned and walked away not being able look back.

If that was truly him speaking to me and him wanting me to let him go then I had to, I'd let him go.
But I know there will never not be a day I don't think of him.

I love you george. I'll see you again, someday.


The End

{ Thank you all so much for everything, I never thought this many people would like this story and it truly was so much fun to write. I hope you loved it as much as I did!<3 I do plan on writing another story very soon and when I do I'll let you all know but until then I love you and have an amazing day!! :) }

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