My side

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Dream POV




I woke up to someone knocking on my door and no one ever knocks on my door when I'm sleeping that's something everyone knows. I got out of bed and opened the door being pissed to only be greeted by my boss.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir I thought it was someone else."

"It's alright Dream, I know you don't like being woken up by anyone but this is urgent."

"What's wrong?" I said, sounding a bit confused. I only have ever been woken up once before for a mission, but that was almost 2 years ago.

"Meet me in the meeting room in 5 and I'll let you know," he said while walking out my room.

I wasn't so sure what was going on because this only ever happened once before. I guess this is a pretty important mission. I quickly got dressed in my lime green sweatshirt and some black jean pants along with my signature mask, a circle-ish mask with a smiley face. This was to protect my identity.
I walked into the meeting room to be meet with my boss and a- a child??!

"Uh sorry to ask sir but why is there a child here?"


He has quite the personality.

"Dream this is Tommyinnit or for short Tommy, he will be giving all the information you need for this mission."

"All right Big D let's get to work."

"Ok one don't call me 'Big D' and second I don't even know what this mission is about."

"Oh your right terribly sorry Dream, this mission is a kidnap one, you will be kidnapping the mothers son of the Manhunt Organization Leader Group, George Davidson. Now I have asked Tommy in advance to get as much information on George as possible, his friends, family, where he lives and a bit more. Everything you need to kidnap him and bring him back here to us."

"Wait the old Leader of the Manhunt Organization had a son?!"

"Yes, we recently discovered this information as well, his mother has been dead for almost 2 years now, thanks to you Dream, but this George person poses as a threat to us. If he claims his place as the Leader of the Manhunt Organization he could learn that we killed or you killed his mother which then would only put a target on our backs. Now if we want to live we need to take him captive for a while to have some fun then only then we kill him."

Hmm so the Old Leader of the Manhunt Organization had a son. George. Haha yes I think this will be fun, we could finally get rid of their bloodline meaning their Organization would crumble. Perfect.

"I'm in."

"Great, now it will be tricky you know the current Leader of the Organization will send those hunters after you, are you sure you can do this?"

The Hunters, in the Manhunt Organization they have people in it called 'The Hunters.' And anytime i'm on a mission there's always these two hunters who always try and catch me. They call themselves Sapnap and Badboyhalo. But of course they never caught me, i'm better than that. So I have nothing to fear.

"I'm sure, I'll get the job done."

"Great, Tommy will tell you everything you need to know, goodluck." and with that he was gone.

"Alright Big D here's everything you need to know."

I still don't like that name but whatever. Over the next hour and half Tommy showed and told me everything I needed to know. And with that I was off, tonight I'd do it, but I need to first get these hunters off my back.

It was probably around 10 at night and I've been trying all day to hid and run from the hunters especially the one named Sapnap, I found out he lives with george so it was gonna be a lot harder than I thought it-


Someone came crying out the builds not someone it was him, George. I watched around the corner as he walked up and down the street looking angry and sad, but why though. Eh doesn't matter to me, it's time.

I quickly grabbed him holding a cloth over his mouth which a bit early I put a knockout liquid on it something that puts people to sleep by breathing it in. He was actually pretty strong to my surprise but I was obviously much stronger and held him tight. He keep trying though scratching and pinching me, silly attempts-

Ahh. Fuck. He elbowed me in the gut pretty hard. Now if I was expecting it I wouldn't have let go but he hit me pretty hard and I wasn't expecting it, so I let go on accident and stumbled to the ground a bit but got right back up. Looking at him dead in the eyes, I knew and he knew if he took another step he'd fall so he just stood still looking at me with half opened eyes. Then I decided to speak in my low intimidating voice to startle him a bit which I did.

"You can fight. huh, good to know but sadly for you your looking a bit to sleepy to keeping fighting."

Then he fell, knocked out from the liquid on the cloth. laying on the ground, I looked at him getting a clear image of his

"Wait what the hell am I thinking."

I snapped out of it.
Picking him up and bringing him to my hideout just till he wakes up, only then will the fun begin.

{sorry if there are spelling or some types of mistakes, this isn't as easy as it seems to write a story and it takes time. but i will keep trying! I love you and drink some water if you haven't already!<3}

Breaking Down and Up. // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now