A Lovely Loss

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// please read this! there is smut in this chapter if you are uncomfortable with it you may skip it, it doesn't affect the story line so your all good, I put a ⚠️ warning where the smut starts so you can skip past it! And for the people who do read the smut part play the song above when you read it if you'd like! Thanks and have a great day loves!! Also this is my first time writing a smut so i'm sorry if it isn't the greatest right now //

George POV

I was still asleep when Dream got up. He went out to go and try and find some food for us. Looking at where the sun was it was probably around nine in the morning. Dream soon returned with some more wood so we could heat up the food we had in his bag. We quietly sat waiting for breakfast to be done. I couldn't take it anymore.

"why did you kiss me?"

He looked up at me not saying a word.
So I asked again with a little bit of a harsher tone to my voice.

"Why did you kiss me Dream?!"

He spoke

"I don't know."

"You don't know??"

A minute has passed and I needed to ask the one question that remained on my mind.

"Did it mean anything to you..?" I wanted him to say yes so bad and I know it's crazy, he hurt me, he kidnapped me and he's going to kill me. Though maybe if this kiss meant something to him, he wouldn't.


Now I'm not gonna lie and say that didn't hurt me, it did. I feel like he's just playing with me. God I fucking hate him. I looked away so he wouldn't be able to see the tears forming in my eyes, I quickly wiped them away.

Time passed and we begin walking again, it slowly became sunset. I wanted to say something but 'what' was the question. I was angry and I needed to get it out.

"Dream." I stopped walking.

"What." he stopped walking as well, being a few feet in front with his back facing me.

"Why did you kiss me"

"I said I don't know, don't push me George."

"No! You don't just kiss someone and not feel something for them even if it's just a little bit of feeling, there's still something there!"

He turned around and started walking towards me at a study paste.
He took both of his hands, lifted his mask up a bit, then put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for a very passionate kiss. And this time I kissed back.

"George I like you, I want you every single bit of you."

That's all I wanted to hear.

"Dream I like you to, I have and will continue to like you."

He took a pause.

"George..I know you don't know a lot about me but I'm willing to spend every last minute of my days with you, getting to know you and you getting to know me."

With that last sentence of his I pulled him in again for yet another passionate but intimate kiss.
Dream pulled away slightly out of breath, "can I have you.."

I smiled pulling him in once again for another kiss. That being my signal saying yes.


Dream POV

I picked him up, his legs wrapped around my waist walking to the nearest cave I could find.

Breaking Down and Up. // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now