Playing with Knives

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George POV

"Fucken hell mate." I woke up again after 3 hours of sleeping, I could tell time pretty okay just by looking at where the sun was. Dawn. It's the morning maybe just around 7am. I'm still tied up to the chair i'm was in before, but with some new bandages wrapped around me.

"Good you're awake again." He was carrying a bag on his back that he didn't have before.

"What's going on?" I asked

"We're leaving, we can't wait here for you to heal up anymore. The hunters have started their hunt for me now."


"I guess they really want you back."

"What are you talking about?!" I was becoming a bit angry. Nothing he's saying makes sense.

"Ohh that's right you don't know."

"Know what?"

He took a pause then started walking to behind me and cut the ropes holding my arms and legs together. I looked back at him rubbing my arms from the faint bruises that the ropes caused.

"I'm taking you to my boss, he wants you, you have value on your name-"

"What do you mean by value?"

"When we get there i'm sure he'll tell you."

I sat staring at him.

"Are you going to kill me..?"

He squat down and looked at me while maintaining eye contact.

"..Yes but not now you're too pretty to kill right here in this place, I'd rather do it somewhere a bit more fancier for you."

Did he just say..

"Hmm stand up I need to see if you're able to walk."

I did what he asked for as soon as I stood up I just fell right back down.


"Ok so you can't stand just yet..."

He picked me up without warning. He carried me bridal style with a bag on his back which I believed had food and weapons.

"You alright?"

I hesitated a little bit to respond because I winced at the pain from my side.

"Yeah I'm fine."

And with that he started walking with me in his arms traveling to who no where's. Where ever we were we weren't near people so I guess he didn't worry about people spotting us, but these 'Hunters' as he called them. They were looking for me..but why.

Hours passed and it was becoming sun set so we found a cave to settle in for the night. He put me down on one side of the cave and went to the other side to start cooking.

"Foods almost done."

He ate and I just sat there. I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to eat my wound hurt too much and he seemed to notice this.

"I've got to change you bandages again."

He walked over to me and started to undo my bandages..that's when I saw his dagger. Without thinking twice I grabbed it as pushed him away from me standing up. I was able to stand now since I had gotten enough rest and energy.

"Woooah now there's no need for violence, we can talk about this yeah.."

I knew I was too weak to fight but maybe I could scare him off.

"st-stay away from me.."

I began to feel dizzy. And he knew that from looking at me. I haven't eaten or drank anything in 2 days. Everything was moving in slow motion.


I fell to my knees dropping the knife in my hand. Dream had got down and took the knife looking at me.
He took the knife and lifted my head up with it to look at his masked face. He was close to close. He lifted his mask up a bit with his other hand only showing his mouth.

"..Pretty boys shouldn't play around with knives.."

With that I was out. While I was I couldn't help but think about about his face or the half of his face he showed me. His jawline, it was so crystal clear to me, it was sharp and gorgeous..and those lips, they looked soft and plump and had a reddish pink tint to them.
Wait! What the hell am I thinking, stop stop stop it! He's going to kill me..Dreams gonna kill me. I can start liking him, I can't. It's stupid, 'Pretty boy' he's just playing with me at this point. I need to just control myself. Who in hell's name starts liking their kidnapper or better yet starts to have feelings for them...

{OMG THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE READS!! WOKE UP THIS MORNING TO THIS, THANK YOU I LOVE YOU ALL!! seriously hope you have or had a good day I love you and your worth it!! <33}

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