Chapter 17

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I lift the bouquet up and threw it in a garbage dump nearby. I sat in the car and took off.

Ah-In pov

I didn't know what to do. I did not even blink but just froze in the same position. He pulled back and looked at me. "Sorry if you were shocked by my sudden action. I just didn't want to be embarrassed if you say no. Please go ahead if you want to reject me" I froze in the same position and did not move a muscle. He waved his hands in front of me. I flinched and said, "I-I look Tae I am sorry infact so sorry. You are such a nice a person and a nice guy but" "But what? what's the matter?" "I already have a-a Boyfriend and you are like a brother to me" His eyes widened in shock. He gasped loudly as he covered his mouth. I could clearly see that he was embarrassed from the way he just looked at me. His cheeks turned red he held his hair in frustration, "Why the hell didn't you just tell me?!?!" "I am sorry Jungkook told me that scandals would spread everywhere if you ever reveal about your dating life" "I know but why wouldn't you tell me? I wouldn't go spread the news anyways" "I am sorry I was just scared" He covered his face and berried them in his palms. "Its ok I know you didn't know that I had a boyfriend" "But still. What I did is terribly wrong" I put my one hand on his shoulder and said, "Its fine" "I just can't I really need to go" he said as he took off. "The poor guy must've been shook. "I didn't even get a chance to give him the chocolate that I bought. It's all my fault why didn't I tell him earlier. 

I grabbed a piece of chocolate from the box and took a bite. Though I don't like chocolates or any sweets. I went towards the dustbin to throw the wrapper. My eyes caught a bouquet in the dustbin. It was filled with beautiful flowers. Why would someone throw such a precious thing away. I read the label it was written..... Ohh no!!!! no!!!! 

"Ah-Inahh sorry for doubting you yesterday I really wanted to make it up to you today 

with love - Cutie seokjin

Ohhh nooo!!! Ottukeee he was here? What am I gonna tell him? I hope he completely listens to me and trusts me. 

I reached home and I was waiting for Jin. He was not back yet. I heard the car in front of the house. I opened the door and saw Jin walking all wobbly. He wasn't able to walk properly. There was blood in the corner of his mouth. "Jinshiiiii gwenchanayo???" I asked as I ran towards him to catch him. I caught his arms to support him but he slapped my hands away, There was a strong stench of alcohol as he spoke. "Ah-In just get inside it's cold" he said as he gestured me to get inside his home. I couldn't come back to my senses as the smell of alcohol hit my face. I grabbed my head and bent down. "Ahh- In I said get inside!!!" he raised his voice this time. It made me flinch. "Andwee Ah-Inahh you were ok. Take the memories out. Don't let it in don't let in don't let it in!!!!!!!" Tears started forming up in my eyes as I moved back and my back hit the fence. I suddenly felt him grab both my shoulder. He shook me once, "I know you don't like me drinking but- but I had no other choice. You said you know what I saw right? why didn't you push him away Ah-In?" "I-I---" My heart started beating fast. My pills I-I need them.

My heart rate started increasing and I felt uneasy. Let it out. "Please leave me" I said in a low voice as I clutched my chest. He let go of me. I saw tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked down he grabbed his hair and let out a scream. I couldn't bear with this anymore. If this continues ill pass out. I pat on my chest so that I could calm down. I ran towards my house and closed the door. I ran towards my bedroom and grabbed the pills. I had some and and got better I sat down on the floor as I berried my head in my knees holding my knees tightly. 

Next day

I heard knocks on the door. It was morning already? I tried to remember what happened yesterday I opened the door and saw Jungkook outside. "What happened between the both of you yesterday? Jin hyung's condition is the same as yours. Even he looks miserable and sad. Anyways get dressed. Lets go" "I don't think I can come today" I said in a barely audible voice. "Why not? today is the selection remember?" "Please leave Jungkook I can't come today" he stepped a foot inside my house and lift up my chin. He made me look at him and said, "Tell me whats wrong" I hugged him and said, "Why does everything go wrong with me? I don't get it. It is my fault that I broke his heart. My fault that I didn't tell him earlier about Jin. I just want to die" He hugged me back and said, "Nothing is your fault. whatever the problem is just sort it out right now" "I don't think I can face him. I am terrible person" He pulled me and rang the doorbell to Jin's house. The door opened revealing Jin who looked sleepy and his eyes had dark spots under them. His were all puffy. "You two talk the problem out right now!!" "But I don't have anything to say" "But I do please just-just hear me out for once. You promised that you trust me" Jin let out a huge sigh and opened the door as I and Jungkook went inside. He sat on the couch and we sat next to him. "I am gonna head out. You both can just sort things out" 

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