Enter Kitsune!! (Take 2)

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Kon'nichiwa minna! Welcome back to Kitsune no Akuryō. Kitsune and Fukurō have taken on their most dangerous mission for Danzo-sama, and it would putting it lightly to say that everything when up in smoke. Kitsune's dearest friend, his on comrade in all of ROOT, has been killed by his enemies, a death far worse than death for the young shinobi. Instead of allowing Kitsune to release his rage, the Kyūbi has subdued him and allowed him to be captured by the ROOT's enemies. Now the unlikely troop nears the village, and the Kyūbi is still in control.

      By the time that the group got into a kilometer of the village, Kakashi was looking a the three-tailed fox apprehensively. They couldn't just waltz into Konohagakure with the Nine-tails in toe. It would be much easier if it were Naruto, so Kakashi mustered his courage and asked, "Could you turn back into Naruto?"

       The fox's mouth opened as usual while the sound fell out, "No."

      Both of the ninja looked at the fox in surprise. It hadn't crossed either's mind that the fox would simply refuse to give up control. However, now, it made more than enough sense. Kinoe just wished that they had figured this out before they had gotten so close to the village, but he tried to be persuasive, "It's not that we don't want you around, it's just that the villagers won't like the sight of a multi-tailed fox. They'll immediately attack you and by default Kitsune."

     The fox shrugged, "The brat will still look like my jinchuriki even if he looked like himself."

     Kakashi was at the point of breaking the fox's spine but coolly asked in a tone that left no room for argument, "And why is that?"

    The fox didn't seem to care too much, replying, "It's how things worked out."

     "What things?" came Kakashi's frustrated voice.

     "It is none of your concern. All you need to know is that he's calm and not trying to kill you."

     Just like the fox, Kakashi was undeterred by the fox's tone, "It certainly does concern me. I'm--"

     "You? You mean nothing to him, to Kitsune, and even Kinoe has lost that privilege." The Nine-Tail's voice was frustratingly dry as if he didn't have a care in the world or about this conversation.

      Kinoe sighed, "It's right. Naruto and Kitsune have both been brainwashed at one point in time so that he doesn't know either of us. We should be working with the Nine-Tails if we want to keep Naruto."

      Kakashi growled, but a dog could hardly stand up to the Nine-tailed Fox. "Fine," he muttered and said, "So what do we do? We can't walk into Konoha with the Nine-tails behind us. Everyone would notice."

       Kinoe nodded, "And attack us, probably as traitors."

     "I'll deal with Kitsune outside the village. You can come when he's ready."

    "How will we know that?" asked Kakashi.

    A grin spread over the fox's face, "You'll have to be extra perceptive. Don't worry, I'll disappear soon."

    Kakashi hated how the conversation had run. He remembered this feeling, the feeling of helplessness. He had felt it many times before: his father, Obito, Rin, Naruto... Why couldn't he save these people, the people that mattered most?


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