Finding Resolve

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Konnichuwa minna! Sorry I haven't updated in ages. Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy.

     I was back in my cabin staring at the ceiling. Why wasn't I in Konohagakure, you might ask. I could not have possibly finished visiting each house in the large town. You would be right. The truth of the matter is that I don't know either. After Danzo-sama had found me possessed by the Kyūbi then left me, I went back to knocking on doors. I had not finished my mission to be sure, and as ugly as I felt inside, I did not want to feel Danzo-sama's disappointment or wrath again.

    As I laid down for the night in the open street, I heard foot steps. I kept my eyes shut and remained motionless. My first thought was that whoever it was might go away. As whoever was nearing, I hoped that I would be passed by or perhaps thought dead.

    "Kitsune," came his deep scratchy voice.

    I nodded my head with my eyes still shut, affirming that I was listening.

    "Your mission is over. Come back home."

     I fake yawned, nodding my head again. I was wondering why Danzo-sama was spending so much time with me in the open. Didn't he know...hadn't he heard about how much the villagers hated me? Why would he cause disrepute to fall on----

    Danzo-sama kicked me in the stomach. I felt his breath close to my ear, "Never release the Kyūbi's chakra again. Unless I tell you."

     I nodded balefully with eyes open now, and, to make sure he got his point across, he walked on my hand with his cane as he walked away. I knew he put more weight on it than  necessary.

    Yeah, I never wanted to anger Danzo-sama.

    The next morning, I disappeared inconspicuously and came to Danzo-sama's office. As much as my mission was a failure, protocol required that I give a report after my mission. I walked with slumped shoulders to his office. I didn't look up or to the side as I felt my fellow ANBU's stares at me and saw their visible smirks or heard the snickers hidden behind masks. They had full reason for it after all. I had failed my mission. I had done the unthinkable, and I should rightly be punished for it. This would be the first part of the punishment I should receive for failing Danzo-sama. I tried to block out their laughter and hatred, but that forced me to look inwardly which was far worse. I contemplated my selfish actions, only going on missions for Danzo-sama, killing all of those people all those years ago and bearing the thing that did the deed, and, generally, not caring about anyone but myself in my selfish stupidity.

    I stood before Danzo-sama's doors and made known my presence, "Kitsune making a mission report to Danzo-sama."

    "Say it louder," Tora sneered, "I didn't hear you, you lousy good-for-nothing butcher!"

     I tried to hold back my tears, but I spoke up, "Kitsune. Making a mission report to Danzo-sama."

      "Let him inside," I heard my master's voice.

      Tora moved away and whispered, "Open it yourself, you useless demon."

      I flinched as I turned the door knob. I hated the name, but wasn't it true? What I found in the room was no worse than what I endured outside, but I was grateful as I accepted the fact that Danzo-sama was not glaring down my neck.

    "Mission report," he stated calmly.

     My shoulders relaxed as I knelt to the ground before raising my masked face. He neither sounded nor looked angry, but then again I had still failed my mission. I knew that wrath was to come. I took a breath, "Mission Failed. No people of Konohagakure were helped. People up to the Uchiha district were asked if they were in need of service."

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