Guess Who?!

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Kon'nichiwa mina! Welcome back to Kitsune no Akuryō. I honestly can't believe that I've made it to over a thousand reads for this story. I was just looking one day, and found that I was a 1.2k, and I looked again thinking, "Wait what!?" Sure enough they were there, and I'm just so grateful to all of you for joining me on this adventure. The genin have passed the first of three exams which will test their skill in becoming chun'in: the written test has already come as have harsh words and projectiles against the offenders of the exams, but the Forest of Death has far more and far more deadly danger in store than a stray kunai.

Sasuke Uchiha's P.O.V.

    I had made it to the next stage; I was one step closer towards my goal. Sakura's voice broke into the silence as we raced among the trees, " We need to have a code, a passcode, so that we know that its us we're talking to."

    I huffed, "Well, its got to be something non-verbal; otherwise, Naruto won't be able to do it."

    Sakura grabbed my shoulder glancing back the way we'd come. She was giving a irritated smile to the offender, "Plan on getting separated before we even get started?"

    Naruto, the culprit, was a told decameter away from us. He shook his head and caught up to us before trying to mouth the word, "Passcode."

    "You have an idea?" Sakura asked excited.

    Naruto took a deep breath before shaking his head and simply enunciating, "Say."

    Sakura glanced at me, "But if it's something we say, then you---"

    "No, the dobe has got a point," I decided glancing at Naruto thoughtfully, "Naruto's the only mute genin."

    "Yeah, so?" Sakura asked.

    Naruto nodded, already moving on, leaving me to clear things up with Sakura. Go figure. I began following Naruto to help us stay together while I tried to explain.

    "Nobody knows that one of our members is mute, so if we asked for a password from someone disguised as Naruto, they wouldn't know to be quiet."

    Sakura was moving now, but she didn't look pleased, "That Kabuto guy had cards on everyone including Naruto. Who knows about who else has that kind of information."

      I shrugged, "Who would think that we'd use something like that to our advantage."

       Sakura huffed, "Fine, but Naruto still needs some sort of gesture so that we know its him. If they do know, then whoever can just stay quiet, and we'd have no idea. Any ideas, Naruto?"

     We both glanced at Naruto who had returned to the back of the squad. He was grinning now as he stopped. I reluctantly followed suit, knowing that we were losing valuable time. I watched Naruto curiously. He put his hands right next to Sakura's ears, and she looked nervously, "Naruto?"

    His clapped echoed amidst the trees. She jerked yelling, "I'm not playing around!"

    Naruto shrugged and shook his head, turning to me. He looked me dead-set in the eyes before reaching toward my face. I jerked away and tried to swipe his hand away, grunting, "So you'll just do something like that."

    Naruto nodded, grinning as if that would explain everything, before running again.

    "That's not very nice," Sakura said following after us.

    I sighed, "Yes, but only Naruto would really know what annoys us."

    Sakura huffed, "I suppose so. Well, now that we've gotten that sorted, what are we going to do?"

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