Chained Lightening!!

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Kon'nichiwa mina! Welcome to the next chapter of Kitsune no Akuryō. Kitsune has been given a mission of great import. He must assassinate a traitor to the ROOT, Risu. He is currently passing on ROOT information to enemy intelligence. Kitsune and Fukurō must team up to find and end this business.

Kitusne's P.O.V.

     Today had been long expected. Danzo-sama had been preparing me for the is moment for the past year, and, now, I would be ready. Fukurō and I were on a mission to kill a traitor to the ROOT, an ANBU named Risu. He was sharing ROOT intelligence with enemies of the Leaf and must be stopped at all costs. Interrogation was out of the questions. Danzo-sama required first that this man die so that he could not leak any more valuable intelligence. Danzo-sama had received information of where this ANBU was located and was sending us, the Yoru squad, to dispatch him.

     When we came to the location, no one was there. My head began pounding, but I quickly pushed it aside.

    "Look around. He couldn't have gone far," Fukurō intoned.

     I nodded, and we began our search. I climbed a tree while Fukurō searched the grounds. In the branches, I sent out wave upon wave of thin chakra. It didn't take long for me to feel chakra flare off to my left in the woods. I rushed over there and found Fukurō fighting two ninja. Neither had a squirrel mask, but it was hardly fair. One of them formed hand signs and was holding a ball of lightning before he ran at my mentor. I slipped two senbon from my sleeve and sent them flying at his shoulder.

    The limb went limp, and the chirping lightning dissipated in his hand. The other ninja threw a tagged kunai at me from which I quickly jumped away onto the ground. It was not an ideal position, but it wasn't blown to pieces either. I didn't even worry about the others' positions as far as what they would do to me. I quickly began moving around the woods, placing bombs. They were namely explosion bombs, but I sprinkled in some of my own: sleep, spiked, sticky, a little wind. Meanwhile I was trying not to get caught and then return to a hiding place in the trees.

    Unfortunately, after placing a selection of bombs, a hand grabbed my arm, and I couldn't break free. I came face to face with the other ninja, the one who had thrown the tagged kunai at me. His mask looked nothing like a squirrel. If anything it looked like a weasel, but that didn't really matter right now.

     "Kitsune!" he said, but I wasn't paying attention, I flipped in place and kicked him in the face before jumping away. Once I was a safe distance, I pulled out a kunai and prepared to fight even as the headache returned with force. In my peripheral vision, I could see Fukurō fighting the other ninja in close hand-to-hand combat.

    I was almost too late to realize the wood flying at my face. I jumped around it, pulling out two senbon as I did to incapacitate him. I let the senbon fly, but the weasel ninja dodge by moving his head. Having the free opening again, I began moving on the battle field, placing bombs  and hoping to get a chance to place them on one of the enemy nin if possible.

    Another hand grabbed me, but I slipped loose and was faced with the other ninja, the lightning one. I didn't like his mask at all. It brought a bad taste in my mouth. I could see that Fukurō was fighting Weasel right now while I was fighting Lightning, but I couldn't watch for long. I saw a punch coming to my face and quickly dodged. We began to exchange blows as I realized that he was only striking with one arm. The other was still incapacitated from my senbon which were still sticking out of his shoulder. He had fought Fukurō one-handed?

     But I couldn't spend too much time on that thought as a kunai came rushing at my face. I blocked it and returned the blow, but was immediately blocked myself. I tried to attack, but Lightning cut me off before I could swing. I tried to think and plan ahead, but with no luck. Fukurō had once told me to let my body move through the actions and not overthink things, but I was running out of options. Even with just one arm, this guy was unbeatable.

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