Chapter Nineteen

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Same day at Singhania Group of Companies

Myra's office.

After Tom and Jerry fight with her dear brother, she came to the office as she had a meeting with Ranvijay about the work.

She started to work on the project as soon as she came to the office; she wanted to do each and everything by herself as she really liked the idea of building an orphanage and hospital for the children and elders.

She also wanted to give the best and lively environment to live in.

She was engrossed in her work when Kia came into her cabin without knocking because only she has the right to go into her cabin without knocking the door apart from her family members.

"Myra, Ranvijay, and Rishabh are here for the meeting I made them set in the meeting room, and they are waiting for you right now, and these are the files which you asked me to brought," Kia said, giving her the files for which she asked.

Myra took the files and looked at them which figuring out something.

After checking some files, she checked the time in her wristwatch, which was showing 10:55 AM, and the meeting will start at 11 AM, so she needed to go now.

"It's time; let's go," Myra said, to which Kia nodded, and they both started to go towards the meeting room where the meeting was going to be held.

They reached to the meeting room, but she heard something before she could enter inside.

"What the hell is this, I am waiting here for the last 15 minutes, but she is still not here," Ranvijay said to Rishabh irritatingly.

Hearing him saying or one could say shouting, she got irritated and opened the door of the meeting room with a bang, which caught the attention of the people who were available in the meeting room.

"I think you should check the time before shouting, Mr. Rawat, The meeting was fixed at 11 AM and right now the time is 10:58 AM means I am 2 minutes early then how can you said that I am making you wait for the last 15 minutes, it is not my fault that you have reached early for the meeting, I know that you do not have work to do, but I am not ideal like you, I have lots of work to do which I can never neglect like you," Myra said rolling her eyes.

Hearing her sentence, Ranvijay's mouth gets wide open, never in his lifetime ever he heard anyone talking to him in this way with a lot of attitudes without caring that he was the CEO of the world's biggest company and she was just a COO here.

"What did you just say that I am sitting ideal? Let me tell you, Ms. Myra, that I have a lot of work to do than you, and I am just here because of that project; otherwise, I can not even tolerate people like you around me," Ranvijay said, pointing his finger towards her, which irked her more because she never likes people pointing the finger at her.

"Oh really, then listen to me very carefully, Mr. Rawat that I am also tolerating you just because of the project; otherwise, I preferred to stay far away from the people like you who are too arrogant and have so much of the attitude that they think that the whole world is revolved around them and they can do anything they want," Myra said with the same tone and gritting her teeth to controlling her anger which can erupt any time.

They both were glaring at each other when the meeting room's door open, and Aahil came in with Ayan.

"What happening here," Aahil asked, looking at the two people who were ready to kill each other any time.

"What happened, Baby Doll?" Ayan asked, looking at Myra, who was turning red due to anger, which was not a good sign for anyone because angry Myra was not at all good for the other people because whenever she got angry other people had to face her wrath.

Hearing the voice of the other people Myra and Ranvijay looked at them.

Ranvijay saw Aahil and smile a little, looking at him. He went towards him and hugged him, to which Aahil also reciprocate to him.

"Hey Buddy, how are you? Long time no see haan," Ranvijay asked him.

"I am fine, how are you?" Aahil asked, looking at him with the same smile.

"I am good yaar, but you did not contact me for the last two years. I tried to contact you after I came to India but could not get in touch with you then after taking over the company I did not get time," Ranvijay asked, and hearing this, Aahil suddenly looked at Myra, who was getting angrier remembering about the happenings which took place two years ago.

"Sorry buddy, I was just busy with the work and also did not get time. You know the work, and it all took my entire time that I did not even get time for me," Aahil said, looking at his friend.

( Aahil and Ranvijay was like best friends / brothers when they were in college, but Aahil did not contact him after knowing what had happened with his precious sister, he did not want to take out his anger on his best friend, and that was the reason he did not contact him from the last two years )

"Let's forget about it, as now our companies are working together, then we will meet occasionally," Aahil said.

"Yeah, you are right," Ranvijay said with a nod.

Ranvijay was very happy to meet his best friend after two long years.

Aahil felt the opposite, and he was feeling awkward about the meeting and worried about his sister.

If he did not receive the text from Kia and did not come here at the right time, then his sister would surely erupt the volcano of her anger on Ranvijay, and he was also not sure what will she do in her rage.

"Can we start the meeting now," Myra said, gritting her teeth in anger.

"Is this the way you talk to your boss Ms. Myra? Has no one taught you about office mannerisms?" is was Rishabh who said that seeing her irritate face and attitude that too in front of Aahil, who was her boss.

"I do not need to take the class on manners and that too from you, Mr. Rishabh, so it would be better if you mind your own business," Myra said, glaring at him.

"Mr. Rishabh, do not say anything to her," Ayan warned him, to which he frowned because he was not able to understand that why they were tolerating her attitude and asking him to stay quiet.

"Okay, let's start the meeting now, shall we, Ms. Myra?" Ranvijay said, trying to calm the situation down.

Myra did not bother to reply as she was already very pissed off as he makes her remember those bloody memories which she wanted to forget.

Soon they all settle on their respective places and start the meeting.

Myra and Ranvijay mixed their designs together and created a new one that was more perfect than the previous one, and they discuss when they can start the work, materials that will be used in it, etc.

After discussing everything, they called off the meeting.

"Aahil, why don't we have lunch together as it is already lunchtime and we have met after a long time, so let's catch up, what say," Ranvijay suggested, to which Aahil looked at Myra, she looked at Aahil and assured him with her eyes.

She did not want her brother to leave his friend just because of what happened to her.

She knew that Aahil has a very introverted personality, and it was challenging for him to make friends; he never opens up with anyone so quickly and always wore a straight face because of which people fear to come close to him. She was already feeling guilty when she heard that he did not contact his friend for the last two years just because of that incident.

"Ms. Myra, why don't you also come with us for lunch? We can discuss some more thing about this project if we could miss something," Ranvijay said when he saw her going from there.

"No, thank you, Princess, come join us," Aahil said softly because he knew that she would not eat anything because of her anger.

"And I will not take no, you are coming with us that means you are coming with us," Aahil added with a stern voice, not leaving any place for discussion while Ranvijay and Rishabh were just looking at him with confusion, thinking that why he was behaving, so softy with an employee and Ranvijay was also shocked to Aahil talking in a soft tone with a someone apart from his family members.

This was her habit; whenever she got angry, she always skips the food and will not eat until and unless one of her brother or family members will not feed her with their own hands. She still showed tantrums at that time.

Seeing that her brother knew that she was again going to skip the food, so not having any choice, she agreed to go with them.

"Did you leave me any other choice? Let's go. I am damn hungry," Myra said, rolling her eyes to which Aahil smiled at her.

"You guys can go, I have some important work at home, so I have to go to a home as Mom called me," Kia said when they were about to leave for the lunch.

"What happened? Is everything all right?" Myra used with concern as Kia was like a sister to her.

"Yes, everything is good. It is just that mom has something important to talk about, as she said on the call," Kia said, assuring her that there was nothing to be worried about.

She also looked at Aahil, who was also looking at her with concern; she took a glance at him and went from there to her home.

Soon they left for the restaurant in Myrash Hotel, where the table for Singhania Siblings was already book and fixed, and no one was allowed to enter that private cabin apart from the siblings.

They all settle down around the table.

"Hello Sir, what would you like to have?" the manager came with a waiter to take their orders.

"Ice-Cream," Before anyone could say anything, Myra already told the manager her order.

"What? Ice-Cream? that too for lunch, are you out of your mind? It would be best if you ate something, Myra, something like food, not Ice-Cream," Ayan scold her because she always showed tantrums in having food.

Hearing the scolding from Ayan, Myra made a sad pout.

"I want Ice-Cream," Myra said with an angry pout.

"No, you will not," Ayan said.

"Yes, I will," Myra said in the same tone, which showed that she would not bulge without having the Ice-Cream.

"Please, Baby Doll, eat something healthy, then I will let you eat Ice-cream as well," Ayan said in a requested tone.

"Ayan is right, princess, and you can not have only Ice-Cream for lunch; it is not good for your health, Eat something healthy, then we all will eat Ice-Cream with you. Is that okay?" Aahil asked her, to which she think a little and agrees.

Soon they all placed their orders, and the food also came very quickly.

All this while Ranvijay was just looking at them with confusion and hearing their conversation.

Ranvijay and Rishabh both could not get any hint about their relation, but they were well aware of one thing that they were very close to each other, and the guys were very protective towards Myra.

Aahil and Ranvijay were conversing about their two years what they had done in these two years and about business as well, and in between, Aahil never forgets to feed Myra with his own hands Ayan was doing the same. Nothing was important for them than their sister, who was making faces while eating.

"I am full; please, I can not eat more," Myra said, stopping Ayan from feeding her more.

"This is the last one, Baby Doll," Ayan said

"You are saying the same thing from the last 10 minutes, and the last never come. I also want to have Ice- Cream. If I will not leave a place in my stomach, then how will I have my Ice-cream," Myra said, rolling her eyes.

Ayan sighed and gave her the Ice-Cream knowing that she will not have more.

Seeing the Ice-Cream Myra face light up like a star, and she kissed Ayan cheeks in the flow without paying any attention to her surroundings and the two more people who were showed seeing her kissing Ayan, to which Ayan did not say anything and just having his Ice-Cream with her.

This closeness was somewhere not liking by Ranvijay, who was fisting his hand, seeing them so close and acting like that.

He did not why, but he did not feel good seeing her too close to any male other than him.

He was totally unaware of the feeling which was growing inside his heart without his knowledge.

And these feelings will show him the different type of face in his life where he will surrender his life for Someone, Someone who will become precious to him, SomeoneSomeone for whom he will be ready to give his whole life and do anything just for her smile.

That SomeoneSomeone for whom he will be ready to fight to the whole world.

Hey Guys, I hope you all are doing well. If you are liking my story please share your feedback, it helps me to know my mistake and to correct them, If I will not know that you people are liking my work or not then how can I be able to get encouraged to do more work and upload more stories. 

It is my humble request to my readers, please share your feedback.

Happy reading....  :)

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