Chapter Ninety-One

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Next day... Headlines on social media...

[ Shocking News: The fallen Model Ria Ahuja, found being intimate with the famous director Mr. Shah]

[ Shocking News: For saving her fallen career, Miss Ria Ahuja chose to sleep with Mr. Shah ]

When the news broke, all the netizens were in an uproar, and all the fans started to comment on this after seeing the news.

Online comments:-

"What the fuck, I have never thought, she could do something like that."

"Yeah, I agree with the above commenter, but we can not see through any person."

"What a slut!"

"She's so shameless!"

"I have heard that she was in a relationship with Sameer Rawat, and now she was cheating on him and betrayed him for her career. What a selfish bitch."


"Go away, you shameless bitch, we do not want a person like you in front of us to dirty our eyes."

"Ria, I am only 17-years-old and am about to compete in a modeling competition. You were originally my role model, but I never expected you would do something like this; you are disgusting. You should leave the industry and not continue to set a bad example for the youth."

There were more people who were cursing Ria at that time. After Ria's scandal spread through all forms of media, all the discussions online were filled with hatred. Random people made accusations using sharp and vicious comments. Meanwhile, loyal fans were too afraid to say anything, worried they would attract even more insults. All they could do was sigh and not let the negativity get to them.

The scandal became more and more vicious and had already started to tarnish Tangning's reputation. However, neither V Entertainment nor Mr. Shah stepped out to clear the matter nor apologized.

After some time, a statement was released by V Entertainment which said:-

"We are terminating our contract with Ria for tarnishing company's reputation and using underhanded methods for getting works."

In the meantime, Ria was crying her heart out in her room. The room was like trash at that moment. Everything in the room was shattered here and there.

She was lying on her bed, hiding her face in the pillow, and sobbing badly.

She could never imagine that things would turn out like this, she was very happy till yesterday, now she was cursing herself for going to meet that director.

"Ria, calm down dear, we will think about something to clear all of this," Ria's mother, Mrs. Ahuja, was consoling her daughter.

"What should I do, mom? I am finished, everything is finished now, my reputation, my career, everything, what should I do, mom," Ria said, crying so badly. Her face was totally ruined by crying.

"Do not worry, dear, your dad is trying to pul down all the news about it," Mrs, Ahuja said caressing her head.

"Please do something Mom, I can not let my career fall just like that," Ria said.

"Did you call Sameer?" Mrs. Ahuja asked as she thought that Sameer could do something about it as he was from the Rawat family, and they were very powerful.

"Mom, I called him, but he is picking my calls, it is all ruined mom," Ria said.

"How has it happened, Ria?" Mrs. Ahuja asked, looking at her daughter, who was like a mess due to continue crying.

Then Ria remembered how it is actually happened, how in one night, all her hard work ruined, her image tarnished in just one night.

Flashback... Last night at Golden Heights Hotel...

Ria and her assistant entered in the room and took their seat while Mr. Shah sat in the opposite of them.

"So what would you like to have," Mr. Shah asked, showing two types of alcohol.

"No, thank you, Mr. Shah. We are just here for the meeting," Ria said with a small smile.

"Oh, Miss Ria, the meeting can be done, first let just drink something first to ease the atmosphere, right?" Mr. said, offering her a glass of wine.

"Thank you, Mr. Shah," Ria thanked him while taking the glass from him.

"Miss Ria, before we start the meeting, why not you let your assistant go outside and take care that no one will disturb us," Mr. Shah said, looking at Ria's assistant.

"Why, I am her assistant and I have to be here while discussing about her work," Priti suddenly said as she did not want to leave Ria alone with him.

"Then I do not think that we could do this meeting because I do not like unnecessary people around when I discuss about the work," Mr. Shah said, not giving them an option.

"Priti, go outside," Ria ordered her assistant.


"I said go," Ria interrupted her before she could say anything.

"Okay, take care, I am just outside of the door," Priti said and walked out of the room, as she did not have any other option.

"So, Miss. Ria, you want this advertisement, right?" Mr. Shah asked, looking at her with a smirk on his face when Ria's assistant went outside and closed the door, and now only both of them were available in that room.

"Yes, Mr. Shah, I really want this add, this is really important for saving my fallen career," Ria said with showing her sincerity.

"I have heard that no one in this industry is giving you any work, and your previous work, which was supposed to be shot by you, was also given to some other models. Is this true?" Mr. Shah asked.

"Yes," Ria replied, indeed tightening her grip on the glass as she already knew that Mr. Shah already knew about that, and he was just reminding her again.

"Then I can expect that you can do anything to get this work, am I right?" Mr. Shah asked, twirling the glass in his hand.

"What do you mean?" Ria asked as she gritted her teach. Although she already knew what he meant by that but she could not help but ask.

"Oh Ria, I do not think that you are that naive not to understand what I am trying to say?" Mr. Shah said while laughing aloud.

"Mr. Shah, I really do not understand what you mean?" Ria asked, still not showing any sign of understanding.

"Oh my God, Ria, what I mean to say is that I want you to give me something and I give you this add, you have heard about give and take right, as simple as that," Mr. Shah said, he stood up from his seat and walked towards Ria and sat beside her and started caressing her thigh.

"Mr. Shah what are you try to do, I am not going to do anything like that," Ria said while shifting away from him.

"Miss Ria, do not be so innocent because I knew you are not the one, so stop you act and come to the point because I do not like to waist my time," Mr. Shah said, getting a little angry at her.

Now Ria was getting scared as she did not know what to do. She expected this, but she thought that she could handle him and it would not this happen, but now all her senses were blank.

"No, Please, leave me," Ria said, trying to go away from him while Mr. Shah gripped her wrist and tightened it.

"Do you really think that you can leave now? When you came here, you have already knew what will be going to happen, and now you are trying to play innocent in front of me. I know your type of girl very well, so do not try to play dump with me here and let just do for what we are here right now, I do not like to waste my time, and it is not like you will not get anything by this, you will also get the add for saving your fallen career," Mr. Shah said and started to force himself on her. Ria started to feel a little dizzy. It was apparent that he had mixed something in the drink because of which her vision was getting blurry.

"What had you made me drink?" Ria asked as she held her head.

"Oh darling, it was just some medication which will help us to enjoy our time more," Mr. Shah said, smiling at her situation.

"Just leave me alone or I shout," Ria said, threatening him.

"And what will happen after that? Do you really think that the assistant of yours is still outside the door? I have already made my man drive her from there so that no one can disturb us. Haha ha," He was laughing like a maniac.

Ria tried to push him as he was now on top of her and was trying to kiss her. If some else sees them, they will think that they were now in engrossed in a very intimate position. She was trying to use all her strength, but she could not do that because of that dizziness.

Suddenly the door of the room opened, and the lights started to flash on them.

Mr. Shah and Ria were both startled by that and looked at the door.

There were lots of people standing with cameras and mikes. They were clicking their pictures and asking questions.

Ria was not in the state to say anything. She did not know how and why it all happened, and it was not what she had planned. Soon some guards came and led the media away from there.

Flashback Ends...

"Do not ask anything, Mom, I do not know how it happened, who informed the media that I was meeting the director there, I had taken care of everything very carefully, it was planned by someone, I really do not how it all happened," Ria said while crying too much.

"Why did you go there when you knew what type of a person he was," Mrs. Ahuja said, gritting her teeth.

"Mom, I thought that I would talk with him and threaten him with Rawat families name saying I was Sameer's fiance, and I had also collected his photos with other artists but I did not know that he would mix some thing in my drink and would start to force me soon after some time I entered the room," Ria explained.

"You are such a fool Ria, did he not knew you connection with Rawat family, and still he had done that, did you really take other people as fool, did you really think the person who had took advantage of many artist will be some fool to leave any evidence or you could collect proof to threaten him that easily?" Ria's father, Mr. Ahuja, said in an angry voice who suddenly came to her room and heard her explanation.

"Now our reputation is totally ruined, and it is all because of you. I am trying to pull down the news, but it is not happening. Call Sameer and ask him to do something because it will not only ruin our reputation but will also affect the Rawat family as you are his fiance," Mr. Ahuja said while going out from her room.

"But he is not picking my calls now," Ria said, seeing her father going from there.

"Call again Ria, he is our last hope now," Mrs. Ahuja said.

Ria started to call Sameer again and again, but he was not picking her calls, she got frustrated and threw her phone, and the phone scattered onto pieces.

"Why Sameer, why? why are you not picking my calls, do you also left me when I need your help so much?" Ria shouted in anger.

"It is all because of you bitch, if it confirms that you are behind all this then trust me, I will not leave you, I will kill you with my own hands, that time you just faced a little but this time, I will ruined your everything," Ria said gritting her teeth.

To Be Continued...

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