Chapter One Hundred Twenty

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As everyone decided to stay in the reception and behave normally so that no one can suspect anything abnormal. But they were also very worried about Myra and constantly in touch with Herry about the situation.

Soon the reception party came to an end and the guest had already let leaving only family members there. Ranvijay had already informed Rawat and Singhania's elders that Myra was not feeling well and she had already gone to her room to take a rest so that no one would ask about her when they saw her missing.

Sameer and Ria were already left to the room which was booked for them by Priya and Kriti and Nishant was also left for their rooms.

Ranvijay and the others send the Rawat and Singhania's elders at home first saying that the youngsters wanted to stay a little longer to catch up and said that they will come home at next morning.

No one from the elders got any suspicious because they thought that the youngsters rarely got any chance to catch up. So they all agreed.

It was after an hour when Sameer, Ria, Kriti, and Nishant came out of their room and started to go out.

"Sameer, how's it going? " Kriti asked when they all started to go the location forwarded to them by the kidnappers.

"Everything is alright," Sameer said.

"So, where are we going now?" Nishant asked.

Ria sneered, "to witness Myra's death."

"I am a little nervous," Ria said fiddling with her fingers in nervousness.

"We are already into it. What is there to nervous about now?" Sameer said and gave an irritated look to Ria.


Inside of an abandoned factory of the outskirt, Myra was taken out of the car.

Myra didn't know how much time had passed, but when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a pitch-dark room. She tried to adjust her eyes to see around, but it was hard to see anything. She felt that her hands were tied behind her back. Her feet were also tied with ropes, which were biting into her flesh.

Seeing all this her eyes turned cold but she still maintain her composer and did not let the people find out anything abnormal. She still has to keep acting to catch everyone red-handed. She looked around at the room and found a surveillance camera at straight in front of her.

"Who are you and why have you brought me here?" she asked, trying to converse with the person through the camera who had kidnapped her and trying to make them feel that they had almost succeeded in their mission

"We don't have to answer your question. You just wait and watch how painfully we torture you and kill you," came a voice that sounded as though it was not from a real person. Myra had heard that kind of voice only from artificial intelligence software.

"Talk to me in your real voice. What do you want? Whateveryour boss has offered you I will double that and give you. Release me now!" she shouted.

"Shut up you bitch!" came the reply. "We don't work for you."

"If my brothers find out about this situation, they are going to kill you!" said Myra to scare them off.

"Hahaha. your brothers aren't here. Why do you think we have picked you? They will come tomorrow and by that time, your body will found floating in the river." The person gave a sinister laugh.

Soon some footsteps could be heard and some people come to the room where Myra was tied. Hearing the footsteps Myra looked at the door and narrowed her eyes and a smirk appeared on her face. Soon she again made a confused look not to let the person suspect anything who was watching her through the surveillance camera.

"Long time no see dear, how are you?" As the door opened, Myra heard the person's voice which she had expected already. she chuckled a little in her heart but her face turned cold seeing him.

"It really is you. It seems that only you only know how to do this. Did you not get other idea other then kidnapping, you know it's really outdated now." Myra said.

"So what if we know this method? Do you have a problem with it? No, that's not right. Even if you have a problem with it now, you can't resist it." Kriti said she was very proud now. She was feeling so happy seeing Myra like that.

"You are also with him? Great. What do you want now? Why did you kidnap me?" Myra asked although she had already known the answer.

"Myra, Oh Myra, why are you still talking so much when you're about to die!" Myra did not answer but still looked coldly at Virender.

"The same reason, nothing new," Virender answered.

"And I will still give you the same answer, nothing new," Myra said looking straight at Virender with a smirk.

"Myra Singhania, I am giving you last waring now, hand over that thing to me and I will let you live or this will be your day on earth, I have already waited for many years and if I can not get it then I will also not let you enjoy the glory, and trust me no one will be able to save you this time," Virender said, warning Myra.

"What are doing and what are you waiting for? Just kill her right now," Ria said in irritation.

"Ria is right. Why are we still talking to her? Let's just finish her and go back. What if someone comes to save her." Kriti also agreed with Ria.

"Shut up," Virender shouted at them making them take a step back in fear.

"Are you not going to give it to me?" Virender asked again.

"How many times do I have to tell you that? Is there something wrong with your brain or what?" Myra said rolling her eyes.

"Youuuuu," Virender pointed out at her in anger.

"You should know, whom you are messing with Ms. Sighania or I should say Mrs. Ranvijay Singh Rawat..??"

"And you also don't know with whom you are messing with Mr. Virender Bhatia," Myra said.

Virender laughed like a psycho and said, "Good. Very Good. You have become quite bold haan. Great. Let's see then how much you will stay this bold after I injected this drug into you," Virender said and soon a person come to him and gave him an injection which was filled with some kind of liquid.

To Be Continued...


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