Chapter Forty-Nine

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Today was the most awaited day for Kriti and Ria, and the rest of the team members.

Kriti was almost ready, and her models were also prepared to walk on the ramp. Ria was getting her final touchup because she was supposed to be the show stopper, so she will be the last one who will walk at the end.

"Okay, so are you guys ready?" Kriti asked her team members and the model.

"Yes Ma'am," Her teammates said in unison.

They all were both nervous and excited because it was the best opportunity they could ever get.

"It's time guys," Kriti said as the host gestured to her that it was time.

With the music started, her models began to walk on the Ramp one after another. They all were holding a confident attitude and put an expression that will complement the dress perfectly.

Now it was time for Ria to walk.

"Are you ready Ria?" Kriti asked in a little nervous tone.

"Of course, Babe, just chill, it will be fine," Ria said with confidence.

Now it was time for Ria to go. She took a deep breath and started to walk with a confident face. She was wearing a long rainbow gown which was flowing when she was walking on the stage.

She walked to the edge of the stage and gave poses to the media, which was available to do a live telecast for all the model and came back, she stood and waited for Kriti to come and join her while all the other model who was in Kriti's designed dress also came to the stage and joined Ria.

Soon Kriti joined Ria, and the audience started to clap for them. Kriti had a proud smile on her face seeing that everyone was giving a positive response about her designs.

"What is all this, Miss Kriti? I have never expected this from you. How can you even think to copy my design on which I have worked so hard," Kriti and Ria were about to go when they heard someone's voice from behind.

Everyone looked towards the voice in confusion, only to find a man in his late 30's standing and looking at Kriti. Kriti and Ria were looking at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about Mr. Vashishth? and when I ever copy your designs, they are all my designs which me and my team had work for day and night to create all of them," Kriti said as she recognized the person standing in front of her as it was her biggest rival in the fashion industry.

"Oh, so now you are playing innocent and all, you copy all my designs and idea and showing in the name of yours, and now you are denying all this, I will sue you for this, I am going to file a complaint against you for sure for this and will see how you will be able to survive in this industry," That person said showing his anger at her.

Looking at the situation, which was getting more worse, the organizers came to talk with them as the media and the most famous personalities were present at that event, and they were all curious to know what was happening there.

"What happened Mr. Vashishth?" One of the organizers asked the person addressing him as Mr. Gorge.

"Mr. Wilson, Miss Kriti has copied all my designs which I was going to present in the show. I really do not know how she did that, but it was all my designs which she presents right now," Mr. Vashishth said, pointing at Kriti, who was frowning at him.

"What the hell is that Kuldeep Vashishth? I know that we do not get along with each other well and are completing in this industry, but it does not mean that you will say whatever will come to your mind, and I will just take the blame, as I already said that these all are my designs," Kriti shouted in the top of her lungs.

The whole venue was crowded and was just listening to them, and the entire media were covering the situation live, so you could say that the whole world was watching the case right now. But they were not getting that what was actually happening.

The organizers took both of them to backstage as it will not be suitable to talk about such a thing there because the whole media was present there.

"Miss Kriti, did you really copied Mr. Kuldeep's designs?' Mr. Wilson asked to her.

"What? Are you kidding me? Why would I do that? As I said, these all are mine, not his," Kriti said in frustration as she had never faced such a situation before.

"You are still lying? I really can not believe it. How can you stoop that low to do that?" Kuldeep said sighed in frustration and was a sad face.

Looking at the situation, the organizers went a little from the and discussed something. After the discussion, they all came back to them to announce their decision.

"Miss Kriti, as it is a very grab situation, so we need to investigate it properly, as you all know that every designer asked to submit their designs before the fashion how, so we will check when you both have submitted your designs to see the situation well," Mr. Wilson said as he was the head of the organizers. At the same time, the others also nodded with agreement.

"Okay, I agree with it," Kuldeep quickly agreed with them, and so Kriti.

The organizers asked the person in charge to check when they both submitted their work, and he went to check while they were waiting for him.

After checking everything, the person in charge came with some papers which had all the information about the designs and the designers.

They checked the papers and came to a conclusion.

"Miss Kriti, we never expected it from you, we invited you as we thought that you are a talented designer, but we all were wrong, you presented a copied designs which was someone else work," Mr. Wilson said.

"What are you talking about Mr. Wilson?" Kriti asked in confusion and frustration.

"See by yourself, Mr. Kuldeep submitted his designs three days before your submission, and the designs were already under his name, and he had also submitted the documents for the same," Mr. Wilson said to her and gave her the papers to check.

Kriti was shocked to know that. She quickly took the papers from him and checked that which was more shocking to her as everything Mr. Wilson was saying was true, but she did not understand that how that could even be possible as she herself designs all of them with her team.

"How can this possible, ( she looked at Kuldeep in anger ) It is all your doing. You copied my designs and submitted them in your name before me, and I will not leave for this Kuldeep. I will kill you, and you are trying to ruin my reputation by doing all this, you bloody basterd," Kriti said, marched towards Kuldeep to punch him on his face, but she was stopped by the other organizers.

On the other end, Ria was just thinking of digging a hole and hide in it, as she never expected that she would be stuck in a situation like this in which her career can be at stake.

"It is not the end, Miss Kriti. After going back to India, I am going to File a complaint against you and your company and then make you see what it is like to ruin someone's reputation," He said the last part in a warning tone.

"I am not going to leave for this," Kriti said and walked from there. Ria also went behind her as she was also frustrated and did not know what to do.

When Kriti came out from the entrance, the media surrounded her and started to the asked question.

"Miss Kriti, Did you really copied Mr. Kuldeep's designs?" One reporter asked, forwarding his mike towards her.

"No, I did not," Kriti said.

"What are you going to do with Mr. Kuldeep's accusation about the designs?" Another reporter asked.

Kriti did not say anything, just started to go from there. While Ria did not go towards the media when she saw the press at the entrance, she stopped in her track and just hid somewhere when she saw that the press was surrounding Kriti.

She knew that if she goes there, then she will also be in the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers. That was the reason she did not go there, as right now, she wanted just to stay away from Kriti as it will spoil her career.

The reporters were regularly asking the question to her and did not let her go, soon her teammates came and rescued her from the media and took her to the Hotel.

When the reporters went back from there, Ria came out from the hiding place and went to the Hotel.

To Be Continued.....

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