Chapter Thirty-One

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In Singhania Mansion......

Haldi Function......

Today was Aahil and Kia's Haldi ceremony, and it was going to be done at their own places.

Haldi function was set up in Singhania Mansion's garden.

Aahil was dressed in all white. He was made to sit on the stool which was placed in the middle, and the ladies of the family have surrounded it, and all the men were watching it.

Aahil was making faces seeing the yellow paste which was going to apply to him soon.

"Why do we need to apply this, Mom? It is looking like yuck," Aahil said while making faces.

"It is important so that you will look handsome just like your beautiful bride so that you can compliment her beauty at the wedding," Sharda said, seeing her son's face while everyone chuckled at Aahil.

"Oh really, then why are you only apply it on my face? You should apply on my full body so that I can look handsome, just like her," Aahil said, removing her Kurta while Shadra stopped him from doing so.

"When did you become naughty, Aahil? I must say you are getting some effect from Kia's naughtiness," Sharda said.

"Okay, so Bhai, let's started our actual Haldi ceremony," Myra said, coming towards Aahil with a bowl filled with Haldi water.

"Princess, you are not going to do anything stupid," Aahil warned her, but whom he was kidding, Myra Singhania never listens to anyone.

"And do you think like that, Bhai," Myra asked, raising her eyebrows.

"When the elders have done applying the Haldi on Aahil's cheeks as shagun, then the Singhania siblings looked at each other mischievously, and the next moment Aahil was drenched in the Haldi water.

"What the hell guys, it was Haldi function, not Holi," Aahil said annoyingly t his brothers and sister.

"It is for us Bhai, and it is our revenge for not playing Holi with us except your princess," Karan said.

Yes, Aahil never likes to play Holi, but he always plays a little with his PrincessPrincess, but that was also with Gulal only in his room. He never went outside his room on Holi.

"Oh, so you want to play Holi haa, great, let me show you how I play Holi, you all just wait," Aahil said. He also throws the Haldi water on them, and soon they all started to throw the water on each other except Myra, who was hiding from her brothers, but unfortunate for her partner in crime saw her hiding and then smirk looking at her.

Myra saw his smirk and widen her eyes because she knew what was coming to her next, and in the next moment, she started to run while Vihaan was also running behind her with the Hldi water in his hand.

"Don't you dare Bhai," Myra said, running for her brother.

"And why do you think I wouldn't dare?" Vihaan asked her.

Myra was running, looking behind at Vihaan, when she hit with something. She looked and realized that it was someone's chest, but she did not see his face and hid behind the person holding his shoulder while the person was just standing without moving like his body was gone numb, and he was not able to move.

Vihaan also stopped seeing her hiding behind the person. When he looked at the person's face, he narrowed his eyes because he was our Ranvijay.

He came to attend the function as Aahil specially asked him to come.

"If you throw this on me, then I swear I will complain to Bade Papa and Chote Papa, and I will also cry in front of them, and then they will take a proper class of you," Myra said, threatening Vihaan while peeking from behind Ranvijay.

Vihaan's eyes widened at her, threatening because everyone knew that no one could see her cry and her one drop of tear mean it will be worst for the person who made her cry.

"You gonna be kidding, right?" Vihaan asked in disbelief.

Right now, his all focus was on Myra, who threaten him; he totally forgot about Ranvijay, who was standing in front of him while listening to the conversation between them.

"Oh, you can very well try me," Myra said, crossing her arms around her chest while coming out from hiding behind Ranvijay.

"Okay, I will not do that," Vihaan sighed and said in defeat while Myra was smirking at him because she knew what will work on her brother.

"Promise me first," Myra asked.

"Okay, promise, Happy," Vihaan said.

"Very happy," Myra said, went towards her brother, who was making bad faces, and hugged him.

"I love you," Myra said with a pout.

"Love you too, Cupcake," Vihaan replied with a smile and gave a peak on her forehead.

"Come, let's go to them," Vihaan said, and she nodded; they both started to went towards the others.

It was when Vihaan realized something and stopped on his track and turned around to see the person who was still standing at the same place.

It was also when Myra realized that the person was Ranvijay Rawat, and she narrowed her eyes, looking at him.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Rawat?" Before Vihaan could say something, Myra already asked him about his arrival.

"Why can I not come here, Miss. Myra, it is my best friend's Haldi today, and he also invited me, and why the way what are you doing here, I do not see any office employee here as it is a family function, right?" Ranvijay said with an attitude and in a rude way because he was pissed looking at Vihaan and Myra's closeness and not able to understand their relationship. He could also not asked about it to others.

Hearing his rude reply, Myra could only roll her eyes at him, and it irked him more because no one ever behaved in such a way with him.

"I do not need any invitation to come here, Mr. Rawat, and Invitation was supposed to be for the outsiders, not for the family member," Myra said in the same tone.

"Stop it, guys and Ranvijay, you can go to Aahl Bhai; he was over there," Vihaan interrupted them in between, seeing that they both were about to fight and said to Ranvijay, pointing towards Aahil.

Ranvijay nodded and went towards Aahil.

"Ahh, I just hate him so much," Myra said, gritting her teeth when she saw that Ranvijay already out from her sight.

"Calm down, Cupcake," Vihaan said, making his sister calm, who was getting frustrated.

"Did you hear what he just said, Bhai? Do I need an invitation to attend my own brother's marriage functions?" Myra asked Vihaan.

"Cupcake, he did not know you, right, and he also thinks of you as an employee of SGC, not as our sister, so just ignore him and chill, let's just enjoy our brother's wedding," Vihaan made her understand.

"You are right, and I should not make my mood off just because of an outsider," Myra said, nodding her head in understanding.

( But Myra dear, this outsider will be going to be your everything, and you will not even think to spend your life without him )

"See Vihaan Bhai, Karan Bhai is looking clean; let's go and play," Myra said to Vihaan with mischief, pointing towards Karan, who was less dirty with the Haldi water.

"Sure, Why not, Cupcake," Vihaan returned the same smirk, and they both started to go towards Karan with the Haldi water in their hands.

"Hey, Buddy," Ranvijay said, reaching towards Aahil.

Aahil looked at Ranvijay after hearing his voice and seeing him, and a small smile crept on his face.

"Hey, Buddy, thanks for coming, Dude," Aahil said and gave a tight hug to him.

"What the hell is that Dude, why are you looking like a yellow jocker," Ranvijay asked him, seeing him with a disbelief face and controlling his laugh seeing his friend's look.

"Don't even ask me, Dude, it is all just because of these monkies," Aahil said while shaking his head.

Karan was also coming to them while Myra and Vihaan were ready to throw the Haldi water on Karan, and at last, they throw the water on him, but before Karan could be drenched in that water, someone called him. He moved from there and the whole waterfall on Ranvijay.

Ranvijay was shocked by the sudden act and looked himself and found drenched in the Haldi water.

The anger was rising in him, and he was ready to spill it to the person who did it with him, but before he could show his anger, he heard Aahil's voice.

"What are this Vihaan and Princess? Can you not be careful? Look what you have done," Aahil said in a little loud voice.

"I am sorry, Bhai," Vihaan said while Myra was just hiding behind him.

"Bhai, is that Devil angry?" Myra asked in a whisper to Vihaan, to which Vihaan narrowed his eyes, not knowing who she was asking about.

"Whom are you talking about, Cupcake?" Vihaan asked in the same whisper.

"Oho, Bhai, I am talking about that Devil, monster, arrogant jerk means The great Ranvijay Rawat," Myra said dramatically.

While Vihaan chuckled hearing her calling Ranvijay with such names.

"What are you laughing about?" Aahil asked, seeing both his mini trouble makers whispering to each other, ignoring the others.

"Nothing Bhai," Vihaan quickly answered, seeing his brother's stern face while shooking his face left to right with Myra.

"Okay, now take Ranvijay with you to the guest room and gave a set of clothes to him to change," Aahil ordered.

"Ranvijay, you can go with Vihaan and get changed while I will also go and take a bath," Aahil said, to which Ranvijay nodded, controlling his anger on Myra because he was already pissed with her and now this.

"Come with me, Ranvijay," Vihaan said and took Ranvijay with him to the guest room.

Now everyone also went to their rooms to clean themself from the holi color.

After taking a proper bath, everyone came downstairs. Ranvijay also joined them while Myra was nowhere to be seen.

They all were talking about tomorrow's wedding and were discussing if they forgot anything.

Aahil, Ayan, and Ranvijay talked about some business, typical businessmen, huff, while Vihaan was telling Karan and Yash about Myra giving names to Ranvijay, which they were laughing thinking about their sister's face while calling him weird names.

Soon Myra also joined then and sat beside Karan, placing her head on his shoulder, and he also took her in his embrace while keeping his hands around her shoulder.

She was so tired with the preparation and also with the office work, and she was not able to sleep these days properly.

"What were you people talking about, Bhais?" Myra asked her brother, still resting her head on Karan's shoulder.

"Nothing, Angel, Vihaan was telling us that you were calling Ranvijay with some names?" Yash asked with a smirk looking at his sister, who shot a glance at Vihaan and glare at him for telling them about it, but they composed herself.

"So what, every name suit him well, I mean look at him, such an arrogant and rude person he is, always showing attitude like he has a factory which produces arrogance and rudeness and that too just for him," Myra said, pointing towards Ranvijay. The latter was totally unaware of her thoughts for him.

He was also unaware that he had giving such names; otherwise, he would start to split fire by now.

"Do not say that Munchkin, he is Aahil Bhai's friend, we can call him with such names in front of him," Karan warned her as his brother will not like it.

"And who is calling him like that in front of Aahil Bhai? I will call him with these names in front of you all," Myra said, shrugging her shoulder like it was not a big deal to her and her brothers shook their head seeing their sisters like that.

"Okay, Aahil, I will take my leave now," saying that Ranvijay stood up.

"Why don't you stay here tonight and will join the wedding from here itself, and it is my becholerate party tonight, so just stay here," Aahil suggested to Ranvijay, stopping him from going as he wanted his best friend to join his wedding.

"Yes, Aahil Bhai is right, and it will be only us Singhania siblings in the party, so you can also join us," Ayan also added.

Ranvijay thinks for some time and then agreed with them.

"Great, so let's do the preparation for the party," Ayan said and went towards his other brothers, who were talking about something.

"Guys, as we discuss today that it will be Aahil Bhai's bachelor party tonight, so Ranvijay is staying here for tonight and will attend the wedding from here with us," Ayan said. Myra was looking displeased hearing Ranvijay's name.

"Why that Khadoos is staying here, Bhai," Myra asked with irritation.

"Baby Doll, he is Aahil Bhai's friend, so he had to be with him right," Ayan explained, making her nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, guys, let's start the preparation," Ayan said, and then they all went to do the preparation for the party while Myra went to her room to take some rest.

Ranvijay also helped them in preparation. He was enjoying their company and their bickering in one thing and another.

He also loves his brother and sister, but they never had this type of bonding that the Singhania siblings have, and at that time, he realized what a real relationship between the siblings looks like.

To Be Continued................


I hope you all liking the story please let me know your views in the comment box.

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