Chapter 35 - Rumors!!

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🍁"Too Shy To Say,
But I Hope You Stay"🍁

Bryce's P.O.V.

Sunday passed away like a super fast train and it was Monday again. Monday means school day. School means ignoring people around me and getting ignored by Kimberly and Kyler. I never liked going to school earlier but I hate it even more now. Throwing myself out of my bed, I got ready to survive another school day. I glanced at the calendar. One more month has left and I'll be staying with my mom again. Since my relationship with Luke is better than my bond with Becca, I'd prefer to stay more at my dad's place than my mom's.


Yasmine packed lunch for me whilst I ate breakfast with Luke. He showed me the little crayon set he won at a drawing competition. I congratulated him and he smiled molar to molar. Kids are easy to please. Adults aren't. Somewhere in the process of growing up, we forgot how to be happy! Happiness is not always materialistic but we find joy in superficial things only. What a pity.

I drove my car to the school with unhappy feelings bubbling up inside my stomach. I felt lonely and empty all of a sudden. I was greeted by a surprise at the school's gate. Kyler was standing taking the support of his bike at the usual parking spot. It's been so long since he has parked his bike next to my car. Earlier he was mad at me and then he ignored me. Kimberley and Kyler both.

I parked my car. He was scrolling his mobile screen. I picked up my bag and climbed down the car. He was still looking at his smartphone. I walked to him and waited for him to look up. He didn't. Should I talk to him?

"Hello", I said standing in front of him. Nervously, I hold my bag straps tightly. Initiating conversation is tough.

Kyler looked up and said, "Hello Bryce. How are you?".

He's formal.

"Good. How are you?", I asked. His sudden formal behavior made me anxious.

"I'm great as well", he replied as he gave me a tight smile. He again looked back at his mobile screen.

"Will you attend class?", I asked.

"Umm-", he looked doubtful and before he could speak, his mobile rang.

"Hello. Yeah, I'm in parking. Come soon", he said to someone as he attended the call. I felt unimportant and ignored. I stood there looking at my feet whilst he was on the call.

"No, I am not sure about the class. I'll think about it once my friends will be here", Kyler said. I nodded.

I'm not his friend.

I wanted to keep talking to him for some unknown reasons. I refrained as I saw Becca and the group making their way towards us. I gulped down my upcoming words back into my mouth. I can't talk to him right now anymore.

Maybe later, I thought.

"I should leave", I said and he nodded.

"Yeah. Bye", he said and then he resumed looking at his phone.

What's so interesting going on that screen?, I wonder.

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