Chapter 8 - Play!!

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🍁"I Like Long Walks,
Away From Everyone"🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

I opened my notebook, took out my fountain pen and started scribbling in my diary. I wrote and wrote until and unless my mind was calm and composed. Kyler Grace mistook me as Becca, he almost kissed me, he touched me, he physically tried to get close to me, he was almost way too close. My heart race even at the thought of that scene. Last night was rough and the longest night ever. I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled.

After rambling in my diary for the next twenty minutes or so, I closed it and placed it inside my bag. Checking the time at my watch, I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the library. Adjusting my spectacles, I walked to the canteen and get one good cup of coffee. I've fifteen minutes left for my free period to get over and my English period is about to start.

English class means one hour of seeing Kyler's face because we're so-called partners for this project. If only he'd be a stranger, tolerating him would have been a bit, a teeny tiny bit easy but NOW? Things have taken a drastic change since last night, at least for me. I've a secret to hide inside my chest and have to act cool whilst all I can think is how close we're and this is making my cheeks heat up.

I'll survive, I chanted mentally!!

Holding my coffee mug, I turned around and saw Jimmy Joe walking towards me holding some yellow pamphlets in his hand. His bright charming smile greeted me. My face doesn't reflect back his smile. I don't do that. I like being a neutral face. Smile hurts my cheeks. I smile only for special ones.

"Hey Bryce", He said standing in front of me.

It's Miss. Decker, I mentally said.

"Yes?", I asked. I'm not a happy go lucky person. If people come to me, they've to get something important to talk. I don't entertain people just like that. That is something extroverts do. They feel energetic after knowing many people and they're quite friendly too. I like my peace and my people.

I'm still finding my people!!

"I heard you visited the community department yesterday and added an application there. Do you want to join our NGO campaign?", He asked with unsurity in his smile but his eyes were telling a different story.

"I'd love to help. I can teach or draw whatever", I said holding my coffee close to me giving me company whilst I'm talking to Jimmy. I'm not alone. My coffee is with me.

"Would you like to come to the orphanage this Saturday?", He asked folding his pamphlet and keeping them inside his jeans.

Weren't these pamphlets to be distributed?, I thought!!

I wonder he doesn't want to give it to me. It must be for his special friends or cool people. I'm least interested in knowing whatever these yellow pages have inside them. I'm good in my clueless world, thank you very much.

"Earth to Bryce", Jimmy said waving his hands in front of my eyes.


"Sure. Send me the address. I'll reach", I replied.

"I'm going there alone. I need to check if you could help or not. So, would you like to come with me?", He asked.

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