Chapter 44 - My Family!!

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🍁"Distance Gives Us Reason To Love Harder" 🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

I was numb. I was looking down into his chocolate brown eyes which were looking up at me with so much hope, so much admiration that it hurts. My heart breaks for Kyler. My eyes moistened. How can he say he loves me? What have I given him apart from rejection and rudeness? Do I feel the same for him? Do I love him? My lips were sealed. I wanted to speak but my mind was blank. This is too sudden. I've not coped from the two kisses I just had minutes ago.

"My knees are kinda hurting, you know", Kyler said as he shifted in his position. I bent down facing him. I held his hand. He blinked at me quietly.

Do I deserve this love?

"Kyler", I spoke. But what should I say? What are the right words to express my feelings? Do I like him? May be. Do I see him as a lover? Why did I kiss him? Is this a one-time thing? So many questions I've and I've answers of none.

"Yes, Bryce Bear", he said giving me his heart melting smile.

I opened my mouth but door bell of his house beats and I closed my mouth again. Kyler looked in the door's direction and then at me. I left his hand and he got up and walked to open the door. I felt relieved somehow. I quickly opened the front camera of my mobile and looked at my face. My lips were bruised. I panicked. I look like a mess.

"Where is the bathroom?", I asked him before he could open the door.

"To the right", he motioned and I ran. Once in the bathroom, I glanced at myself in the mirror. My lips were red and swollen. My lipstick was smudged. My hair looked unbrushed. I closed my eyes feeling embarrassed. The kiss I had flashed across my eyes and I just hit my forehead. 

Embarrassment was eating me out. I washed my face with water and hand brushed my hair. I heard Kyler's mom's voice. Goosebumps covered my body. Why is she here? I'm not ready to face her. I cried in my mind. This is too much. I opened my mobile and googled, 'How to hide bruises on lips with makeup?'. I should have learnt these hacks at the right age. I'm such a loser. 

I got options like using a green corrector, orange corrector, concealer and lipstick. I pulled my hair. Where the hell am I going to arrange them? This is so bad. My image will be ruined. Someone open the ground and let it swallow me. 

I applied lipstick. The only makeup I had and took a deep breath. I'll walk straight to the door and ran before his mom could notice me. I placed my ear near the door to listen to what's going on outside. A knock on my door startled me.

"Bryce, are you okay?", Kyler spoke from outside. I opened the door. He was standing in front of me.

"My mom and Dylan are back. Dylan hurt himself and his knees are bleeding", he said as I walked out. 

"Is he alright?", I asked looking around me. No one is here. I sighed in relief. They won't see my face now. Thank God.

"Yes. Mom is dressing his wound in her bedroom. Do you want to say hello?", He asked.

Not today.

"I don't think it will be a good idea. I should leave", saying so, I held my bag and walked as fast as I could. I noticed Kyler following me quietly.

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