Chapter 46 - Locked!!

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🍁"You're Still My Person,
Even if I'm Not Yours"🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

I parked my car outside school and climbed down throwing my bag over my shoulder. Kyler's bike was parked already next to me. I pulled my hoodie over my shoulder and walked inside the school. The winter is approaching and it's chilly now a days. My head is covered during entire whole school hours as I don't want to catch a cold.

Two months have passed away since my last conversation with Kyler. The day I asked him to let me go, he agreed and left. Since that day I've not heard from him. A lot of things have changed in these two months. Things are getting back to normal.

Walking through the bodies of students, I walked inside my classroom. I sat on the last bench seat next to the window all alone just like old times. I plugged in my earphone and opened my novel. Today we've English period.

After submitting the assignment, Kyler, Kimberley and I were free to choose any other partner for our next project. Kimberley paired with Jimmy. She sat with him during class as well. They're one of the popular couples in our school. Kyler also has paired himself with Hana Jules. He sat with her now. I sit alone. A student dropped out from our school so my class has an odd number of students which left me with no partner. I don't mind as well.

The class door opened and Kimberley walked inside. She spotted me and gave me a wide smile and waved at me. I waved back. She walked to the other row and placed her bag next to Jimmy. Hana Jules, Kenneth Weasley, Jimmy and Melissa, the IT students huddled around Kimberley and they all got busy talking.

I'll have to wait till lunch break to talk to her.

Kimberely and I still ate lunch together where she tells me about gossips of school. She talks to me about everyone except Kyler. She never brings him to my notice. I know she's hiding his life from me. I never questioned as well. I wanted to but I couldn't.

I focused on reading my novel to tune out everyone around me. I still have ten minutes before Mr. Feltchman came to take the class. I heard a group of boys making noise and yelling whilst they're playing Pen fight. I looked up to judge them. What are they? Five? Stupid teenagers.

The classroom door was opened again and Kyler walked inside. My heart beats unevenly at his sight. His eyes traveled all around. They stopped at me. He passed me a smile and then joined his group. I smiled back but he didn't notice. This is the only amount of communication I've had with him now.

Kyler wishes me or passes me a smile whenever our eyes meet or we cross paths or if we meet at parking coincidentally. He never tries to talk to me. He isn't rude to me either. He's making the distance I always wanted from him and I hate to admit that I actually miss his teasing and constant presence.

Unknowingly, I've developed a habit of him.

I have joined the cafe near my mom's place again because I am fond of Miley and Timber. Good news, Timber confesses his feelings for Miley and she accepted it. They're dating for two months now. I love being around them. 

Becca has started studying from open school since she has chosen modeling as a full time carrier. Most of the time she's working. She's gaining fame. Last week her Instagram handle got a blue tick. How did I know? My mom texted me and the whole school is talking about her.

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