Chapter 15 - Hate Boys!!

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🍁"I'm Not Very Good At Telling People How I Feel"🍁

Bryce's P.O.V.

I glanced over both of their faces. Kimberly and Kyler had expressions of confusion and I could see a hint of annoyance on Kyler's face. His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips were turned downwards showing how pissed he's. Kimberly, on another hand, was looking at me with raised eyebrows. Her eyes were demanding an answer. My palms went sweaty. I couldn't talk. I couldn't answer them. I don't know how to combine the words in a proper sentence to make an answer and then get that answer out of my vocal cords so that it could reach their eyes. Yes, I'm talking like a science nerd.

Focus here Bryce!!

I immediately got up from the seat and said, "You both can sit together. I'll sit over there". I pointed to the first bench of the class which was empty.

"That's not an answer", Kimberly said getting up from the seat too.

"Why did you change your partner?", Kyler asked. He blocked my way by standing in front of me.

"I don't want to sit with you", I said looking up into his eyes but later looked down. He's intimidating me.

"Why?", He demanded. I was tongue-tied. I was anxious and lack the ability to find a proper answer to reply to him.

"Get a side", I said when he didn't give me a room to walk past him.

"Answer me Bryce. We're not done talking", he said in a dead serious tone.

"Hey, dude. Chill. You're scaring her", Kimberly spoke out.

"No one's talking to you, New Girl", Kyler said back to her. I frowned.

Look who is talking? He's the one who was the New Guy a month ago and now he's tagging himself amongst us. Such a delusional boy.

"You're bullying my friend", Kimberly said and I just looked at her in disbelief.

Friend? When did we become friends?

"Since when are you, two friends?", Kyler asked crossing his arms across his chest.


But I felt good that someone took stand for me.

"Since today. Got your answer", Kimberly replied passing him a fake smile. Kyler just sighed as he focused his attention towards me.

"Bryce, what's going on here?", Kyler asked.

"Nothing. I want to change my partner", I said looking everywhere but him.

"Why? Are you mad at me for reading your diary?", He asked.

"Yes", I said and then shut up.

I'm also mad at you for touching me, for carrying me to my bedroom and invading in my personal space without permission. I'm mad at you for being so clingy to me. I'm mad at you that you're not taking hints. Just bugger off. These were few of the points I wanted to say to him but I don't want to catch attention by saying anything to the 'IT' guy of the school.

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