Chapter 45 - Final Answer!!

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🍁"I wish time has better timing for you and me" 🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

The clock struck eleven and sleep was far away from my eyes. I was restless. My mind was on a run. It was at unease. I left a deep sigh. I'm breathing and overthinking from the past so many hours. I skipped dinner. I didn't leave my room. I took a hot shower an hour ago. Music is playing in my ears, a novel is right in front of my eyes but neither my eyes are focused on the novel nor my ears are enjoying the song. 

Kyler Grace is the only thing on my mind right now.

My mobile rang. I won't deny but I did hope for the call from Kyler. I met with disappointment when I saw it was from Kimberley. Why was I expecting a call from him? Didn't I ask him to give me some time?

Tapping on the green button, I placed my phone in my shorts pocket and said, "Hello". I had my bluetooth earphone on. I left my bed and get out of my room. I made my way to the terrace.

"Hey Bryce. How are you? How was your friendly lunch?", Kimberley asked all excited. I smiled. 

Who kisses on friendly lunch?

"It's complicated", I said.

"I've all the time. I am all free. I've coffee with me. So speak Miss. Introvert. Express yourself today", she said. Her words were so welcoming that I felt compelled to talk and tell her everything.

Why extroverts are so welcoming and so warming with their words? Where did they learn the beautiful power of communication? I wish I could learn that too. It's just not inbuilt in me.

"Kyler proposed to me", I said and then another thirty minutes I told her about my date with Kyler. Yes, it was a date. I told her about my feelings, my doubts and my lack of clarity.

Kimberley listened to me patiently. I told her how Kyler's touch and closeness comforted me. I told her the kiss I shared with him. She didn't respond. She didn't embarrass me. She just listens to me. She was like a human diary to me where I poured my all insecurity and no one judged me. I don't know if I'll regret this oversharing tomorrow morning but right now at this moment, it comforted me and that's all matters. The moon up in the sky listened to my rant. It was also not sleeping.

I sat on the swing after telling her everything. I've used up all the words I had to share and now I'm empty, exposed and anxious. What will Kimberley think about me? Am I overthinking? Will I be able to do justice to Kyler's proposal? A lot of thoughts crossed my mind.

"Bryce, I have listened to you. Thank you for sharing your feelings with me. Thank you for opening up for me. But this is all I can do for you", she said and I frowned.

"I told you everything for giving me a suggestion. Help me", I said biting my lips nervously.

"Listen to me, Bryce. Everyone can give you a suggestion based on their knowledge and experience. But you must not follow them blindly. I can show you some clarity but this is your life. You can not and you must not be swayed by our words. Only your heart can know if you have feelings for Kyler or not. I can help you with getting a better relationship with him. I can stand next to you when you're ready to move on in life with him as your supporter. But whether you want him in your life or not is completely your choice. No one can tell you that. If you are doubtful then you should talk to Kyler. You're answerable to him. Don't run away. He's waiting for your answer. If you don't like him then tell him. Accept him or reject him but give him closure. This is all I can tell you", she kept on saying and I kept on listening.

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