Chapter 17 - Senorita!!

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🍁"I Believe In Using Songs To Say Things"🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

Parking my car at the usual spot, I threw my bag over my shoulder as I climbed down the car. Adjusting my hoodie and giving a glare to Kyler's bike already standing next to my car, I made my way inside the school. He didn't change his parking spot yet. I walked inside the school premises and made my way to my locker. My headphones plugged inside my ears were taking me to a different world in this very fine morning. I don't want to listen to anyone.

Music is in my blood. It takes me to another world without even teleporting. All I've to do is concentrate on the music and forget about the rest of the world. It gives me such blissful solitude that I can't even explain. It makes me happy and alive. Whenever my mood is ruined, it lifts it up somehow.

"I love it when you call me Senorita", I was singing on my own making sure not to gain a crowd. I couldn't help but get inflow with the lyrics. I could feel my head moving to and fro, my legs doing a little dance. As if my reflexes were not in my control. I was controlled by the music.

"I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya but every touch is-", I was busy singing when I saw a pair of eyes and a smug smile giving me all the unwanted attention. As soon as our eyes met, Brian Calvin grinned. I took off my earphones and closed the song by tapping on the pause button. I left a deep sigh.

Great. Now he'll talk. Who wants to listen to a random guy when they've amazing singers to listen to?

"Hey girlfriend", he said walking towards me. He stood holding the door of my locker. I appreciated how he towered over the door and blocked the view behind him. He's so tall and handsome.

Shut-up, I told him in mind.

"Don't call me that", I said whilst arranging already arranged things in my locker to avoid looking at him. I need to show myself busy.

"Then should I call you Senorita?", He mocked. I glared at him. A goofy smile was playing on his lips. He was enjoying messing with me but I'm not gonna entertain him.

"I've a name", I said.

"And I sadly don't know your name, senorita", he said.

You don't need to, loser!!

"Bryce Decker", I replied and he nodded with a genuine smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Bryce. I'm Brian Calvin", he said as he forwarded his hand towards me. I saw he had worn a cap which says, "Sexy". A major part of the cap and few loose strands of hairs were managing to hide his eyes. I've seen his eyes in the picture Kimberly showed me yesterday but seeing those eyes in reality will be a different experience. He also had worn a hoodie just like me.

I hate it when I couldn't see people's eyes because then I couldn't tell what's going on inside their head. I couldn't appreciate genuineness in his words because I can't see his eyes.

"Let's not talk", I said and ignoring his hand which was forwarded towards me, I shut my locker. With a last glance at his footwears, I turned around to walk away. My steps were suddenly halted by a pull from behind. Brian holds me by arm and turns me around. My anger was on cloud nine.

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