Chapter 38 - Let's talk!!

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🍁"It is the connection we can't explain" 🍁


Bryce's P.O.V.

I was hugging him tightly. I could hear his rapid heart beat. I felt safe in his embrace. Kyler pulled me away and looked down at me. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes and felt something melting inside me.

He said, "Go inside. I'll deal with him. I'm here. You don't need to worry". I nodded as I wiped my tears. I took two steps back from him.

"What are you doing here?", Nate yelled from behind. Kyler turned around and I saw Nate had a brick in his hand. My eyes widened.

"I'm here to meet my girlfriend. Do you have any problem?", Kyler said in a commanding voice.

This is the second time he called me his girlfriend.

"She's not your girlfriend. This brick is", saying so, Nate threw the brick right at Kyler. He immediately turned around and covered me. The brick hit his left shoulder and he groaned in pain. 

"Are you alright?", I asked as I saw his painful facial features.

"I'd kill him", Kyler said as he gritted his jaws. He turned around and lunged at Nate. They both punched each other. Though Nate looked lean and weak in front of Kyler but he was so good at his punches. I judged him to be timid too soon.

"She's fu**ing mine", Nate yelled loudly as he jumped up and kicked his leg on Kyler's face. Kyler falls on the ground. I couldn't comprehend what to do next. I should call for help. I was hyperventilating.

Nate rolled some chain with pointed things around his palm. Kyler was getting up from the ground. Nate walked to Kyler and was about to punch Kyler but I yelled.

"Stop or I'll call the cops", I said as I ran towards him and pushed him away from Kyler. Nate looked surprised at my action.

I need to protect Kyler at all costs.

"Bryce don't be a fool. Just be my girlfriend already. I promise no one will be hurt", Nate said as he held me close with both his arms. The chain around his palm pricked my skin.

"Don't touch her", Kyler said. Holding his left arm, he got up on his knees. I saw blood dripping down his arm. He was scrunching in pain. My eyes teared up.

He's hurt because of me.

"Do you want me to finish him?", Nate said as he glared at me. My legs trembled out of fear.

"I said leave her alone", Kyler yelled as he approached us. He held my hand to pull me towards him.

Nate pushed me behind him and instantly punched Kyler on his face with that pointed instruments. Kyler falls on the ground again. His lips and his chin were bleeding. Shock surfaced my senses. My limbs trembled and I fall down as the energy left my body. I was scared to death.

I was scared for Kyler.

"Stop it please. I'll be with you. Please stop this", I cried loudly. Nate turned around to see me and he smiled.

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