Back on Track

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"But... How is that possible?" Percy shook his head in disbelief. "You're not a daughter of Poseidon." He hesitated. "Are you?"

She chuckled, triggering a shock of pain. Her wound may not have been killing her anymore, but it still hurt. "No. I'm not."

"Then..." he moved his mouth like he wanted to speak but didn't have the words. "How?"

"I don't know." Ali winced as she lay back on her bedroll. "I don't think I've done anything to gain favor with your dad."

Percy shrugged and leaned back on his hands. "What else could it be?"

She laced her fingers behind her head, taking long breaths to help sooth the pain in her side.

Percy dug a canteen out of his pack and popped the stopper out. "This'll sting."

Ali nodded curtly. Returning the gesture, he trickled the nectar he'd found buried in Annabeth's pack onto her wound. She tensed, clenching her fists and squeezing her eyes shut. When he finished, she opened her eyes, her gaze settling on the painting of Zeus on the ceiling. She cocked her head, staring at the peeling portrait. "The Stone."

"What?" Percy followed her gaze to the ceiling. "You think... Zeus' Stone could've done this?"

She locked eyes with him. "It makes sense, doesn't it. The Stone took my powers and some of yours; and it gave them back at the same time." She propped herself up on her elbow, her stomach still throbbing. "What if... it gave me a fragment of your power when it returned mine."

"That's... crazy." He stared at his hands. "Does that mean I have some of your power?"

Ali sighed. "I don't know." She studied his worried expression. "Honestly, the only thing my power could do for you is improve your aim."

He cracked a smile. "I don't think even you could do that."

She chuckled. "You are pretty bad."

His grin shrank and he took a deep breath. "Ali," he met her gaze. "about what happened in the woods."

"Don't." She interrupted. "That can never happen again. I don't want you to get hurt or, gods forbid, killed because of me."

He scoffed. "Who says I will?"

She took a deep breath to hold back her tears. "Everyone else I've ever cared about." He reached for her hand, but she pulled away. "I can't risk it."

He shrugged. "What if I can?"

She looked into his deep green eyes. "What are you saying?"

He exhaled heavily. "I'm saying. I'm willing to take the risk if you are. Let's see where this goes." He leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on her cheek. "Try to get some rest." With that, he pushed himself to his feet and strode back to his own bedroll, leaving Ali to her thoughts.
* * *
Rachel led them through the maze of tunnels at a swift pace, speeding up as she sensed they were nearing the center of the Labyrinth - Daedalus' workshop.

Ali walked next to Percy. Annabeth was directly behind Rachel, seeming to avoid them. She shot glancing looks backwards when she thought they weren't looking.

Ali had tried to talk to her earlier, but all she'd gotten was an eye roll and a reminder to focus on the mission. After that, she'd given up on trying to resolve the issue. She didn't know what was eating at the daughter of Athena, but she didn't have time to figure it out right now.

Rachel skidded to a stop at a pair of simple wooden doors. "We're here." She pushed open the doors and their group filed into the vast cluttered room.

The walls were lined with work benches, all of which were covered in papers, computers, and models. Blueprints were hung on the stone walls and a staircase led to a loft area.

Annabeth was completely enamored with her surroundings, wandering the room in awe. "There are more ideas here than could be developed in five lifetimes."

"Oh there's more than that." They all turned at the voice. A man in full armor descended the stairs.

"Quintus?" Percy tensed as he stared at the middle-aged soldier.

The man smiled at Percy. "Yes, my boy. Though you may call me Daedalus."

Annabeth's jaw dropped. "You've been at camp this whole time?" She looked like her brain might explode.

"Yes, my dear." He reached the bottom of the stairs and examined their small band of teenagers. "A curious group." He moved his gaze from Percy to Ali. "Very interesting."

Ali gripped the hilt of her dagger and inched closer to Percy. "What do you want?"

Daedalus chuckled. "And here I thought you'd come all this way to talk about what you wanted."

"Yes." Annabeth cut in. "We need you to grant us passage through the Labyrinth, but, more importantly, to deny it to Luke Castellan and his army of monsters."

Daedalus looked almost sad as he replied. "I'm sorry, my dear. I'm afraid a deal has already been struck. I have granted this Luke Castellan safe passage through my Labyrinth."

Annabeth stumbled back a step, her eyes wide. She met Percy and Ali's gaze and Ali knew exactly what it meant. They were too late. They'd failed.

Hello all!!!
Sorry about the brief silence. I got NO time to write yesterday. Things have been busy, but I'll try to upload at least one more time this week.
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.
Thanks for the support.

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