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Ali cringed as she put weight on her injured leg. She braced herself against a tree, heaving long breaths. "Aubrey, wait!"

The redhead slowed and turned to look at her. "We don't have time for this." She checked to see if anyone was following them. Sirens blared behind them as the fire department arrived to douse the fire from the latest explosion.

Ali grimaced as she shifted her weight. "If you want me to go faster, you might give me some ambrosia or nectar or something."

Aubrey sighed in exasperation and dug a canteen from her pack. "Here." She tossed it over.

Ali uncapped it and took a quick drink. Immediately the pain in her leg eased and she could walk again.

"Better?" Aubrey gestured for Ali to give the canteen back. "Now, let's go. They're waiting."

Ali took a deep breath and followed Aubrey into the trees.
                                   *   *   *
"I'm telling you, I don't think it's Kronos." Percy held. "It makes no sense for him to attack a convenience store in the middle of nowhere and those monsters looked as surprised as we were."

"They're hellhounds, Percy. How could you tell?" Annabeth sat thoughtfully by the window.

"I don't know." He slumped in his chair. "I just... I don't think Kronos blew that building up. I think something else is going on - something we're not seeing."

"Chiron?" Annabeth turned to the activities director, who sat silently in his magical wheelchair. "What do you think?"

He stroked his beard. "I think that this is a very delicate situation and that we don't understand all the forces at play." He met Percy and Annabeth's gazes in turn. "I think we haven't seen the last of this... bomber."
                                  *   *   *
Aubrey kicked Ali in the back to wake her up. "Come on, sleepyhead. We have another mission."

Ali groaned as she sat up. "You mean blowing up gas stations didn't earn his trust."

Aubrey chuckled. "Trust me, if it were that easy, there'd be a lot more of us."

Ali wove her hair into a French braid along the top of her head and tied the rest back in a ponytail. She tightened the straps of the sheath on her thigh which held her dagger.

"You slept in that?" Aubrey scoffed.

"Why not?" Ali shrugged. "You never know when someone might try to stab you in the back." She eyed Aubrey meaningfully.

Aubrey smirked. "You know, you're a smart girl. No wonder he's so interested in you."

"So," Ali grabbed her sword off the ground, Mason's sword, a reminder of why she was doing this. "What's this mission?"
                                    *   *   *
Percy stroked Blackjack's neck. The black Pegasus was about the only one who could give him any comfort since Ali had disappeared, besides Annabeth of course.

As if she knew he was thinking about her, Annabeth walked into the stables. "Chiron has a mission for you. He's waiting at the Big House."

Percy nodded and gave Blackjack one last pat on the back before turning and making for the Big House. What did Chiron have in store for him this time? Hopefully not another gas station fire. He'd had his fill of those over the past week. It was always the same story - the building was blown up with Greek Fire and the bomber escaped without leaving a clue as to where they had gone. It was annoying.

Finally, Percy reached the porch of the large farm house, his mind still swirling with questions.

Chiron waited for him, sitting near a table in his wheelchair disguise. "Percy." He gestured to the chair next to him.

Percy took a seat. "What's up?"

Chiron sighed. "I have a mission for you."

Percy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and..."

Chiron took a deep breath and Percy almost lost it as he sighed again. "You need to go to Maine."

Percy raised an eyebrow, remembering what had happened the last time he was in Maine. "Why?"

Chiron suppressed another sigh. "I've received word that Kronos may be planning an attack there."

"Okay." Percy met the centaur's worried gaze. "Any details? Like where exactly in Maine I'm going."

Chiron shook his head. "All I know is that, if it happens, it will happen tonight near the border of Maine and New Hampshire."

Percy nodded. "Alright. I'll take Blackjack and patrol the border tonight."

Chiron kept shifting the position of his arms and brushing his hair aside needlessly. Was he... anxious? "Just... be careful, Percy. Who knows what you might find."

Percy nodded again and stood. He took one last look at the antsy centaur before hopping off the porch and making for his cabin.
* * *
The night was colder than Percy had expected. He hugged his jacket tight around his torso as Blackjack glided through the air above the Maine-New Hampshire border.

When his hands went numb, he ordered Blackjack to land so he could warm up. He breathed heavily into his cupped hands, the moisture from his breath condensing on his palm.

He patted Blackjack's neck. "See anything yet?"

The Pegasus brayed. Not yet, boss.

Percy sighed. "Maybe Chiron's intel was bad. Or maybe he just wanted to get me out of camp for a while."

Wouldn't be surprised with the way you've been moping around. Blackjack tossed his head for emphasis.

"That's not fair." Percy protested. "Ali's missing."

I know that. Blackjack nickered. But you should be out looking for her, not wandering around camp like a pouty catfish.

"Pouty catfish?" Percy asked.

Have you ever seen a catfish pout? Blackjack shivered. It's not pretty.

Percy couldn't help but smile as he imagined a fish pouting.

Something rustled the leaves to his left.

Percy snapped to attention and Blackjack tensed, his ears twitching to catch the slightest sound.

Percy slid off the pegasus' back. "Wait here."

Blackjack gave a soft winy and took a step back. No problem boss.

Percy crept forward, careful not to snap any twigs underfoot. He may not have enjoyed hunting, but at least it had taught him to move silently through the woods. He noticed two lithe silhouettes dash across an opening and flatten themselves against trees. Chiron had been right. He looped around through the trees towards the two girls. A stick snapped beneath his foot. He flinched, cursing in Ancient Greek under his breath.

The pair of shadows bolted, suddenly aware of his presence.

Throwing caution to the wind, Percy rushed after them. The girls were fast, but he had built up his cardio over the last four years at camp. He gained on them slowly. Unfortunately, he was more of a sprinter than a long-distance runner. His legs began to ache and he started losing ground. He couldn't catch up. In a last-ditch effort, he lunged forward, grabbing at the nearest girl's legs.

They both went down hard, rolling across the rough stony forest floor.

Percy heard the girl curse in Greek as she pushed herself painfully to her feet. He grabbed Riptide and uncapped his sword. A soft glow emanated from the celestial bronze.

The faint light illuminated the girl before him, her long black hair and cammo pants.

Fingering the knife strapped to her thigh, she turned to face him and froze. "Crap."

Percy's heart stopped and he couldn't breathe as he stared into the girl's familiar silver-blue eyes. "Ali?"

Hey, I did it! Looks like I had more time than I thought I would.
I have now officially updated everyday this week. Hooray!!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Again, I would love to hear your predictions.
Have a good Saturday.

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