Trouble in Paradise

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Ali jolted awake, triggering a wave of pain through her whole body. Her vision flashed white before focusing on the bustling lobby around her. Half-bloods held off monsters, barricading themselves inside the Empire State Building. 

Ragged teenagers rushed around the lobby, grabbing whatever they could find to brace the doors.

Someone gripped Ali's shoulder. "You need to lie back."

Ali stiffened and turned to find Aubrey watching her concernedly. Her red hair fell loosely around her face. "I'm okay?"

Aubrey chuckled. "You're far from okay, but you're alive."

"I found some water." A blonde boy with a satchel similar to Aubrey's approached and handed her a canteen.

"Thanks Will." Aubrey grabbed the container and passed it to Ali. "Drink. You need it."

"How are you feeling?" Will asked as Ali took a long drink.

"Better than I expected." Ali gave the canteen back to Will.

"What were you expecting?" He accepted the flask.

Ali shrugged, causing a sharp pain in her right shoulder. "Dead?"

Aubrey smirked. "You didn't think I'd let you go that easily, did you?"

Ali had to smile at the girl's arrogance, but her relief quickly abated. "Where's Percy?" She hadn't noticed him or Annabeth anywhere in the lobby.

Aubrey's smile faded and she looked up. "He said they had to stop him."

Ali's heart stopped. "He made it through?"

Aubrey simply nodded.

Gritting her teeth, Ali forced herself to stand.
Aubrey grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

Ali whirled to face her friend with a gaze so stern and determined that Aubrey took a step back. "They're going to need help," she tried to hide the pain she was feeling. "and you guys have your hands full down here."

"If you go up there... like this," Aubrey nodded towards Ali's shoulder. "you will die."

Ali held her gaze. "I know, but I'm not supposed to exist. This is just the universe correcting its mistake."

Aubrey was speechless as Ali bolted to the elevator and pressed the button for the 600th floor. As the door slid shut, the last thing she saw was Aubrey staring at her, knowing it was the last time they would see each other.
                                   *   *   *
Ali jumped out of the elevator even before the doors had fully opened. She raced through the streets towards the palace at the peak of the city. Barging into the throne room, she froze.

Kronos stood before Percy and Annabeth, pleading for Annabeth's knife. His eyes were a terrified blue instead of gold. Luke.

Percy hesitated as he offered the knife to Luke. That was it. With that decision, it was all over. For good or ill, the fight ended in that moment.

Luke met Annabeth's gaze. "I'm sorry." He stared at Percy. "Thank you for trusting me." His voice was strained, as if he was fighting every fiber of his being to speak his mind. His gaze found Ali. "Forgive me."

Ali's eyes teared up as Luke drove the knife into his side, just below the armpit. Almost immediately, he collapsed to the ground, the knife still in his grasp.

Annabeth dropped to her knees, hand over her mouth, tears glistening in her eyes. Percy knelt beside her with his arm around her shoulders.

Ali was in shock, unable to move or speak. She'd never imagined that Luke would save them in the end. She felt numb, the pain in her chest and arm no longer perceptible.

Olympus was utterly silent except the quiet crackle of the fire in the center of the room. The night sky overhead shone with millions of stars. It was too peaceful, too bright for what had just happened.

Regaining control of her body, Ali walked over to Percy and Annabeth. "I'm sorry." She said helplessly.

Annabeth rose, meeting her gaze, and sank into her arms.

Ali wrapped her arms around Annabeth's trembling body and met Percy's stunned gaze. They held that stare for a moment, then Percy joined the embrace, squeezing Ali and Annabeth tightly.

"It seems we've interrupted something." A strong masculine voice sounded behind them.

Pulling apart, they turned to find the 12 Olympian gods standing somberly in the doorway to the throne room. Zeus eyed Luke's body. Poseidon kept careful watch on Percy. Athena surveyed the scene resolutely. Artemis locked eyes with Ali and managed a weak smile. The gods took their seats and stared down at the three half-bloods.

Ali couldn't make herself listen until she heard Percy say, "you have to claim your kids, all of them." He shot Ali a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. "The minor gods deserve to have their own cabins at camp. Their kids shouldn't be neglected."

Zeus raised an eyebrow. "Anything else?"

Percy looked back at Ali and Annabeth like he was asking if he'd missed anything. He faced the king of the gods. "Swear to me on the River Styx."

In turn, each of the Olympians swore to Percy's terms.

When he finally stepped back and turned around, Ali couldn't help but hug him. "You're amazing."

He pulled back with a big awkward grin on his face. "Every half-blood deserves to be claimed. Neglect is what started all this."

Ali shrugged. "You're not wrong."

Artemis approached from her throne, her auburn hair braided over her shoulder. "May I borrow my daughter for a moment?"

Ali nodded and Percy walked away with Annabeth.

"Walk with me." Artemis started towards an open door leading into the gardens.

Ali took a deep breath and followed.

Artemis paused to smell a vibrant flower. Simultaneously, she grew and her hair darkened to raven black. She turned to face her daughter. "I'm proud of you."

"Really?" Ali scoffed in disbelief. "I betrayed you, blamed you for my life. How can you be proud of me?"

Artemis sighed and knelt. "We all make mistakes," She caressed Ali's cheek. "even me."

Ali leaned into her mother's touch, basking in the warm gentle sensation.

Artemis smiled warmly. "You came back. In the end, you chose loyalty over vengeance. Not many can say that." Her smile widened. "Although, from what I hear, there've been an unusual number of those as well."

Ali bit her lip and grinned, embarrassed.

Artemis drew in a long breath. "I know you think I claimed you just to prove a point, or disprove one, but I assure you," she squeezed Ali's shoulder, which, somehow, didn't hurt. "you earned it, twice over. You are a true hunter." Her smile faded. "And now, with the threat of Kronos gone and this new promise I must keep, I have a quest for you."

Ali met her mother's cold solemn gaze. "What is it?"

Artemis breathed deeply. "You're not my only daughter."

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