Together but Separate

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Percy glared at the golden-eyed form of Luke sitting in the throne-like chair before him. His angry gaze turned to Ali. "You've been working for him?" His voice dripped with rage.

Ali dropped her gaze to the ground.

Kronos smirked. "That's right. I'd forgotten your connection with Miss Breck." He chuckled. "That makes this so much sweeter." He pushed himself to his feet. "You've been betrayed twice now, if my count is correct."

"How could you do this?" Percy stared at Ali, trying to ignore Kronos' comments. "How could you leave us for him?"

She finally looked up, meeting his stern gaze. His green eyes swirled like a hurricane. "Percy." She spoke his name tentatively, as if she didn't deserve to say it. "I wish I could explain everything, but..."

"Quiet, girl." Kronos cut her off. "You're mine now." He walked over to her, grabbing her chin and squeezing. "That means he's no longer your friend. You don't speak to him."

Ali breathed deeply and met the Titian's golden gaze defiantly.

"Understood." He tightened his grip on her chin, his fingertips digging into her face. She didn't answer. "I said." He moved his hand to her throat. "Understood."

At the same moment, one of the dracanae pressed the head of her spear into Percy's back.

Ali struggled to breathe and her eyes turned glassy as she finally nodded.

"Good." Kronos released his grip on her neck and she hunched forward, coughing and gasping for air. He faced Percy. "Now, Percy Jackson, are you ready to die?"

Percy felt his pocket and realized that Riptide had returned to him. He met Ali's gaze. She knew that Riptide always returned to his pocket, but she hadn't said anything to the other girl - Aubrey. Maybe she wasn't completely lost, not yet. He snapped back to reality, eyeing Kronos, who waited smugly for his answer. Percy cracked his most arrogant smirk. "Sorry, I still got a lot to live for." He whipped around, uncapping his sword, and slashed through the dracanae behind him and bolted out of the tent before anyone could regain their composure.

He rushed through the camp, drawing the attention of every half-blood and monster in the encampment. He was wildly outnumbered and his chances of escape were slim to none, but what else was new. He reached the edge of the camp, hesitating for a second before barreling into the woods.
                                     *   *   *
Ali raced through the woods, Kronos' words replaying in her mind. You want to prove yourself? Bring Percy Jackson to me. I don't care if he's dead or alive. Her heart raced. She couldn't do this, could she? After everything she'd gone through, everything she'd done, to get this far, could she let Percy stand in her way now? She didn't want to admit it, but she still had feelings for him, even though she knew after this he'd never feel the same. She'd broken his heart. She doubted she could do anything but hurt him now. That's what she'd been afraid of.

A twig snapped among the trees and she froze. Percy had become fairly good at moving through the woods silently, but he still slipped up every once and a while.

Crouching in the brush, she crept towards the sound. She carefully unslung her bow and notched an arrow to the string. With a flourish, she stepped out of hiding and aimed her arrow at Percy's chest as he skidded to a stop.

They stood facing each other. Percy held Riptide in his hand, his knuckles white. Ali's hand shook as she held her bow aloft.

Percy capped his sword and slipped it back into his pocket. He held out his hands out defensively. "Please, Ali. You don't have to do this."

She fought back tears. "I don't have a choice. I'm trying to protect you."

"By letting Kronos kill me?" He scoffed. "You always have a choice." He offered her a hand. "Come back with me."

She shook her head, clenching her bow tighter. "I can't. Not after what I've done."

He stepped closer. "It's nothing that can't be undone. Please, just come back."

She took a deep breath and drew her bowstring back to her cheek. "I'm sorry, Percy, but that's not an option."

He stumbled back a step. "Ali? Please. If you ever really cared about me, don't do this."

Her hands were shaking, her mind racing. If she let him go, Kronos would punish her, but if she brought him in... she lowered her weapon. "Go."

He hesitated. "If you stay, Kronos will kill you."

"No he won't." She slid her arrow back into her quiver. "He doesn't understand who I am, but he knows I'm useful. I'll be fine."

He met her gaze with concern. He was still worried. "Are you sure?"

She sighed. "No. Now go." She grabbed his arm as he passed her. "Warn Chiron. He's coming." She released her grip and watched Percy disappear into the night. She let a tear roll down her cheek before turning back towards the camp. Time to face Kronos' wrath.

Day 9
A shorter chapter, I know, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. 😁

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