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Percy raised Riptide. "Ali? What's going on?" He edged hesitantly closer to her. "What are you doing?"

She gripped her knife with white knuckles and leveled him with a somber stare. "I'm sorry." She lunged forward and elbowed him in the stomach.

He stumbled back, almost dropping his sword. Recovering, he tightened his grip on his weapon and locked eyes with Ali. His eyes flickered with fear. He knew he couldn't beat her. She had over a decade of experience. If she wanted him dead, he had no chance.

She dashed around him, kicked the back of his knee to make him kneel, and pinned him on his back on the ground. Her blade pressed against his throat, threatening to cut through the skin.

Kronos grinned from his place behind them, releasing an amused chuckle. "That's it, Ali. Now, secure your future. Show Percy Jackson who you really are."

Ali's mind was running at a million-miles-per-second. She couldn't do this. Percy was all she had left. He was the only thing that gave her hope.

She breathed deeply, clenching her fist tighter around her knife. "Gladly." Pivoting on her heel, she rose to her feet and spun, knife lashing towards Kronos' neck. Mere inches from her mark, she froze.

Kronos' grin widened, cruel glee dancing in his eyes. "Finally." He strutted around her like a predator. "When you first came to me, I thought you were Chiron's pathetic attempt at placing a spy in my ranks." He stroked her ponytail. "It didn't take me long to dispel that belief." He paused in front of her, leveling her with a mischievous stare. "But... I knew you lacked the resolve to truly be one of my soldiers. I wanted to see how far I could push you. I wanted to find out what you were willing to do, how far you were willing to go, how many lines you would cross."

Ali fought back tears, unable to move, wishing she could face Percy, explain everything.

Kronos sighed. "Nevertheless, you served me well." He fingered a long knife strapped to his waist. "There's just one more thing you can do for me." He removed the weapon. "Die!"

"No!" Ali forced herself to jerk sideways, resisting Kronos' power.

The knife slashed her across her side, but the damage was far from fatal.

Kronos stared at her in disbelief. "How?"

Clutching her wounded side, Ali lifted her gaze to meet his, her eyes silver. "You of all people should know, never underestimate an opponent."

Kronos growled in anger, but lowered his weapon. "You're lucky it's sunrise." He grabbed her by the throat, squeezing the air from her lungs. "Next time we meet, it will be the last." With that he disappeared, taking his army with him.

Snapping out of her shock, Ali rushed over to where Percy still lay on the ground. "Percy! Are you okay?" She tried to help him up, but he pushed her away.

"How could you do this?" His voice shook angrily, on the edge of shouting. "When I first found you in Maine, when I first found out, I thought... I wanted to believe, with everything I had, that you were a spy, that you were doing those things to help us." He clenched his fists.
"Then, you told me to warn Chiron about the yacht. That'd settled it. I thought you were still on my... our side." He glared at the ground, unable to meet her gaze. "But I was wrong. You weren't a spy. You weren't helping us." Finally he looked up, his eyes full of rage. "You actually joined him. You betrayed me." 

"Percy." She grabbed his hand and he flinched. "Please, I can explain. Just let me explain."

"No." He snapped. "I trusted you. I..." He couldn't finish. He took a deep breath. "Follow me. We set up base in an old museum."

"You want my help?"

He sighed. "We're going to need all the help we can get. And... as much as I hate to admit it, I do trust you. I can't forgive you, but I know you. I know how loyal you are, but this..." He slipped his hand from her grip. "has to stop." He turned and walked away towards the city.

Ali squeezed her fists so tight she felt her fingernails digging into her palm. She fought back her tears and forced herself to follow Percy across the bridge.
                                      *   *   *
Ali trudged along behind Percy, staring at the ground as they walked through the silent streets of Manhattan.

He led her to an old-fashion house with Victorian architecture and a statue of a goddess on its highest peak.

As they neared the property, Annabeth threw open the door and dashed across the grass to meet them. She gave Percy a huge hug then turned to Ali. "You're okay!" She wrapped her in a tight hug. She pulled back, gripping Ali's shoulders. "Why did you leave?"

Ali shrugged. "Well... we're good now right? Maybe that's why." She couldn't keep her voice from betraying her heartbreak.

Percy scoffed and marched into the house.

Annabeth watched him go. "What happened?"

Ali chuckled coldly. "What happened is he hates me." She took a deep breath. "I deserve it. This is my fault."

"What are you talking about?" Annabeth met her gaze in confusion.

Ali sighed. "There's a reason I bottle everything up. There's a reason I shut people out." She hugged herself. "I let my emotions get the best of me."

Annabeth placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't think like that. Opening up is a good thing."

"Not for me." Ali held. "First, my father dies. I was seven. Strike one. Then I go to camp. Mason saves my life, I start to open up, I lose him." She took a shaky breath. "I get him back only for him to betray me then save me again. Then, of course, immediately after I remember him, he dies. Strike two." She struggled to meet Annabeth's gaze. "Then... there's Percy. He was the first person to care about me since my father died. I tried to ignore my feelings for him, but then I found you in the Labyrinth and you said he was gone." She choked up. "Now, I broke his heart. Strike three. I'm out." She dropped her gaze. "He's all yours, Wise Girl."

Sooooo.......... I sank the ship. I would like to apologize to the Pliana shippers, but it's not canon and it will never be canon. 🥺 (as much as some of you may want it to be. *cough* Avi *cough*)
The next chapter will probably have some more explanation stuff and filler content, but I hope you enjoy it and this one anyway.
Until next time.

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