Lessons and Secrets

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"Where is he?" Kronos snapped as soon as Ali walked into the tent empty-handed.

She steeled herself and stood her ground. "Apparently, he arrived on a pegasus. He managed to get back to his mount before I could reach him."

Kronos nodded understandingly. "I see." Without warning he smacked her so hard across the face that she dropped to the ground. "Idiot! You have a bow for a reason." He grabbed her by the hair and jerked her to her feet. "I think you still have a soft spot for him. He's your weakness." He sneered. "Weakness won't be tolerated." He punched her in the gut and she keeled over, collapsing to her knees, clutching her stomach. "But don't worry." He kicked her onto her back. "We'll beat it out of you." He pressed his foot against her chest, making her ribs creak.
* * *
Blackjack had barely touched down when Percy slid from his back and dashed towards the Big House. He threw open the door and found Chiron playing solitaire in his wheelchair. "Did you know?!"

Chiron didn't look up from his cards. "I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific."

"Ali." He could barely say the name without his voice breaking. "Did you know?"

Chiron calmly placed his cards on the table. "She didn't tell me the specifics, didn't want me following her, I suppose."

Percy's fists were quivering. "But you knew she might go to him."

Chiron hung his head. "I had that suspicion, yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was harsher than he wanted.

Chiron sighed. "Because I knew how you'd react and we have bigger problems to deal with right now, problems that need you to be focused."

"You've gotta be kidding me." Percy scoffed. "You think that's a valid reason to keep this from me." He shook his head in disbelief. "She's my best friend, Chiron, you don't keep something like that from me." He turned and stalked out of the Big House. He needed to hit something.
* * *
Ali twirled aside and slammed the butt of her sword into the half-bloods face. He stumbled back as she whirled and sliced another opponent across the chest. Spinning, she parried another half-blood's attack, grabbed his head, and bashed it against her knee. He collapsed to the ground unconscious with a broken nose.

Someone crept up from behind, sword raised.

Ducking the attack, Ali elbowed the boy in the stomach. She gripped his wrist and flipped him over her back onto the hard ground. Her knee resting against his chest, she held her blade against his throat.

"Good." Kronos urged from the sidelines. "Kill him."

Ali met his gaze with a defiant angry stare and stood, removing her blade from her opponent's neck. "I don't kill without reason."

Kronos scowled. "How disappointing." He curled his fingers into a fist and Ali froze, unable to move. "She's all yours." He spoke to the people behind Ali. "Just don't kill her."

The half-bloods converged on Ali, beating her and cutting her. She was helpless, unable to defend herself, frozen in time.
                                     *   *   *
Percy jolted awake with a scream. He heaved long breaths, unable to calm his racing heart.

Something moved outside his door and his mom came rushing in. Her gaze settled on Percy and she sat down beside him. She didn't say anything, just rubbed his back between the shoulder blades.

He turned to look at her. "I saw her again." He couldn't say anything else. It hurt too much to relive. He'd watched helplessly as they beat Ali without mercy. When they finally backed off, she looked dead. Blood pooled around her quivering body and her skin was black and purple from the bruises. Her sword lay beside her, unused. She hadn't even been able to protect herself.

Percy shook at the thought. He knew first-hand what Kronos was capable of and he had no doubt that's what he'd done to Ali.

His mom wrapped him in a tight hug, resting her chin on top of his head. "It's okay. She's a tough girl. She's going to be okay."

He squeezed his eyes shut, fighting his tears. "What if Kronos wins? What if he changes her?"

His mom held him tighter. "You'll just have to trust her." She pulled back and met his gaze. "You do trust her, right?"

Percy nodded. "More than anyone."

His mom nodded in finality. "Then there you go. If you trust her that much, then you have to believe she can handle herself."

Percy nodded. "Thanks mom."

She shrugged. "That's what I'm here for."

He leaned into another hug, squeezing his mom so tight he wasn't sure she could breathe. It felt good. For the first time in almost a year, he wasn't worried. He knew, somehow, sometime, Ali would come back.
                                      *   *   *
"Well that sounds familiar." Ali commented as Aubrey explained what had become of Kronos' latest attempt to reach Manhattan. The yacht had been blown up with Greek Fire. How ironic. "I suppose he didn't take out Percy Jackson either." She waited for Aubrey to shake her head. "Typical. And he says they're the losing side."

Aubrey scanned her surroundings as if expecting an arrow to fly out of the trees and skewer her. "Careful what you say. Your mouth is what got you in trouble last time. Remember?"

Ali leveled Aubrey with a hard gaze. "Trust me. I remember all of it."

As if on cue, the lord of time stomped angrily back into camp. "BRECK!!!"

Ali sighed. "Here we go again." She stood and walked over to the Titan. "What do you think I did this time?"

He growled. "He got away."

"And you think that's my fault." She finished. "I've been here the whole time. I couldn't have done anything. Maybe your precious spy is playing you."

He lurched forward and grasped her neck with one hand, cutting off her airway. "My spy is more reliable than you." He released her throat. "But you may be right." He sighed. "How would you like to prove your loyalty?"

"You mean I haven't yet?" She countered.

Kronos took a deep breath. "Not by a long shot, but I do have a way." He pulled her sword from its sheath and offered her the hilt. "Kill Percy Jackson and you will guarantee your future."

Hesitating, Ali took the weapon from his hands.

Dang it! I broke the streak. 😠
Sorry guys. My week has been crazy and I didn't get a lot of time to write.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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