The Workshop

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Ali grabbed Percy's shaking hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "There's nothing we can do to change your mind?"

Daedalus shrugged. "Not unless you're willing to sacrifice everything for it. Mr. Castellan made some hefty promises."

Percy stared angrily at the floor. "I'm sure he did."

Ali was fighting hard to keep herself from jumping the old inventor and slicing his throat. That wouldn't accomplish anything. It wouldn't even quell her anger. Whatever rage she felt, wasn't towards Daedalus and the person she really wanted to maim wasn't there.

Percy squeezed her hand and she realized her hands were shaking.

She met his warm gaze and gave a weak smile.

Annabeth was watching them, but they were spared from the awkward conversation by a Lastrygonian bursting through the doors to the workshop, tailed by a small group of monsters, including the ghost of Minos, and an empousa. Along with them, they dragged Nico di Angelo, the Son of Hades.

Ali whirled, brandishing her knife and drawing one of her swords. Her eyes flashed with a silver light, but it didn't linger. She faced the giant man with a look of malice.

The giant eyed her like she would make a tasty snack. His irises burned with a vengeful fire. "You killed dracanae."

She smirked, raising her blades into position. "That's right. And you're next."

The beast charged her.

Ali raced forward to meet it, sliding between its legs and jumping up behind it. She locked eyes with Percy. "Go!"

He hesitated, Riptide clutched in his fist.

Annabeth dragged him over to one of the work benches and started strapping him into a harness.

Ali turned on the monsters surrounding her. The giant seemed to stay back as the others moved in. All she had to do was keep their attention long enough for the others to escape.

A monstrous figure lunged forward and Ali sliced it in half with her sword. She skewered another with her knife. Golden dust plumed through the room, obscuring her vision.

Out of nowhere, the Lastrygonian grabbed her, making her ribs creak. It lifted her off the ground and pulled her close to its face. Its rancid breath stung her nostrils and made her eyes water. She coughed, choking on the stench.

The giant squeezed his fist tighter, forcing the air from Ali's lungs. "Puny hero!" It tossed her aside.

She slammed against the stone floor and rolled to the wall. Gasping for breath, she rose to her hand and knees.

The others stood by an open window. Only Percy and Annabeth remained, wax wigs strapped to their backs.

"Get out." Ali croaked, her chest throbbing with pain.

Percy took a step towards her, but Annabeth grabbed his arm and forced him towards the window. Soon, with a bit of resistance, they both jumped out the window.

Ali struggled to her feet. Dozens of monsters still remained. She had no chance, unless... her gaze shifted to the open window. It was her only way out. Shooting Daedalus one final death glare, she darted for the window and lunged out, heedless of the thousand foot drop just outside.

The wind whipped passed her. Her clothes billowed around her and her hair trailed behind her in a long black train. The ground rushed towards her and she knew the impact would kill her. So much for a heroic death.

Suddenly, someone caught her under the arms and pulled up abruptly, yanking her away from the ground and into the air.

Ali looked up to find Percy soaring above her, bronze and wax wings splayed out on either side. They were gliding, but, without his hands in the controls, they would crash. She reached up and grabbed his shoulders, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Focus on keeping us airborne, would you?"

He smiled as he replaced his arms beneath the wings. He closed his eyes, basking in the freedom the wings gave him.

Ali watched the wind toss his thick black hair. She pulled herself closer and kissed him.

He opened his eyes and met her gaze.

She gave him a smile, a real smile. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this happy.
                                   *   *   *
All too soon, they landed behind a massive stone. There were some people nearby, but they didn't seem to notice.

Ali released Percy's neck and stepped away, trying not to blush. "Thanks for the save."

He grinned. "Of course. No one gets left behind." He stared intensely into her eyes as if he were waiting for them to turn silver.

In that moment, she wanted to tell him about Artemis, but she couldn't. She hadn't even accepted it herself.

Rachel led them to another entrance into the Labyrinth.

They hadn't been walking long before Percy stopped, staring down one of the tunnels.

Ali grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?"

"I... I have to go that way." He started down the dark passage.

Ali tightened her grip on his hand. "Wait. Are you sure?"

He met her gaze. His expression was dead serious. "Yes."

She let his hand slip from her grasp as he walked into the tunnel. Soon, the shadows enveloped him, and he disappeared.

Annabeth, Rachel, and Nico stood there, staring down the tunnel.

Ali almost immediately started to follow him.

Annabeth grabbed her arm. "What do you think you're doing?"

Ali whirled to face the daughter of Athena. "He's going to need help." She stared at the familiar walls. "I know where this tunnel leads."

Sorry about the wait guys, but at least I got another chapter out this week. Hope you enjoyed it.
Also, I accidentally put the Tyson and Grover part in the wrong spot so if part of the next chapter sounds familiar that's because I moved it. 😅
Thanks for your patience guys. We made a LOT of progress on my brother's house. 😁
Until next time.

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