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Ali rubbed her head as she pushed herself off of the cold stone floor. Her mind was fuzzy from the drugs. She shook her head to try and clear it, but it just sent a throbbing pain shooting through her skull. She pressed her palm against her temple, trying in vain to soothe the throbbing.

A door squeaked open, triggering more pain in Ali's head. A tall blonde smudge entered the room.

When Ali's visions finally focused, she recognized Luke standing over her. "What did you do to me?"

He crossed his arms. "Be glad we didn't bludgeon you."

She groaned as she stood and glared at him. "Are you expecting a thank you?"

He chuckled. "You always did love your sarcasm."

"How would you know?" She snapped back. "It's not like you ever took the time to get to know me."

He leaned casually against the wall. "You didn't exactly make it easy."

She shrugged. "Fair enough." She leaned on the opposite wall, facing him. "What do you want with me? Why am I still alive?"

Luke shifted his weight like he needed to get more comfortable. "The same reason we didn't bash you over the head. He wants you undamaged."

He didn't have to say the name for Ali to know he was talking about Kronos. "Well, he's about 16 years too late for that."

Luke sighed. "Allow me to rephrase. He wants you uninjured."

"That's too bad." Ali replied nonchalantly. "Because I'll die before I help him."

Luke smirked as he walked over and grabbed her wrist. "Careful what you wish for." He dragged her out of the cell, slamming the door shut behind them.
* * *
Luke threw Ali to her knees on the hard stone floor, making her kneel before a golden sarcophagus.

She caught herself with her hands, sending a stinging pain through her hands. Setting her jaw, she whirled and lunged at Luke, who grabbed her wrist and squeezed as tightly as he could. His grip twisted her skin as he stared at her, unimpressed.

He snatched her other hand from her side and pulled her close so they were almost touching. A wicked grin spread across his face, contorting his scar. "Someone's desperate." His voice was smug and triumphant. "Does he scare you?"

Ali's heart skipped a beat and she blinked back inexplicable tears. "No. He doesn't."

Luke's grin widened. "Why do I?"

She stared into his piercing blue eyes, taking deep breaths. "He was always evil, but you... you weren't. You changed."

His grip tightened on her arms and dragged her even closer. "You don't know me." His lips brushed her ear as he spoke. He shoved her violently backwards.

She stumbled backwards and glared at him. "I know more than you think."

"And yet so little." The deep grinding voice sounded from the coffin, like a dagger against stone.

Ali stiffened. She could feel the titan's cold dark presence.

He chuckled. "I've been waiting to meet you, Aliana." The sound of his voice saying her name sent a shiver down her spine. "You're such a... special girl. There are no other half-bloods like you, as skilled as you, as vicious as you."

Ali clenched her fists. "I'm not vicious."

"Aren't you?" The question was pointed and blunt. "That is certainly the image you portray. It is what you want others to see, to believe. Why is that, I wonder?"

Ali faced the coffin, glaring at the golden sarcophagus.

She could almost hear his smile as he spoke again. "See? You want people to think that you are some heartless warrior, who doesn't care what she does to others." He exhaled as if he'd caught a whiff of fresh cookies. "That is just the kind of half-blood I need."

Ali's glare deepened. "Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not me," she felt her fingernails digging into her palms. "and I won't help you."

He sighed. "So certain. Perhaps, after a bit of... persuasion, you'll see things my way."

Luke grabbed her forearms and dragged her out of the room.
* * *
Ali caught herself as Luke shoved her back into her cell. She glared at him as he slammed the door and stalked away. She pushed herself off of the floor and sat down on the hard wooden cot.

The musty air stung her dry throat, triggering a fit of coughing.

She walked to the solid oaken door and hung on the bars. "You really think depriving me of food and water will make me join you?!" Her voice echoed down the empty hall.

No one answered. She hadn't expected them to. It just felt good to voice her resolve.

She walked back over to the cot, kicking one of its legs. All that accomplished was stubbing her toe. The cot didn't budge, like it was nailed to the floor. Sinking to the floor, she leaned against the the uncomfortable slab of wood, the corner digging into her back. She laid her head back onto the cot, staring at the ceiling as if it held all the secrets of the world.

Somehow she must've fallen asleep, because she jolted awake to the sound of someone opening her squeaky door.

She locked eyes with Luke. "What do you want?" She glared up at him.

He looked bored. "Get up. I'd rather not drag you this time."

She raised an eyebrow. "Is he really trying again? Doesn't he get it? I'm. Not. Helping him."

Luke crossed his arms. "He can be very persuasive."

Ali sighed and stood up. "I suppose I'll be the judge of that."

He opened the door and stepped aside. "After you."

She walked out of her cell, pausing next to Luke. "What a gentleman." She complemented sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes and shoved her forward.
* * *
The sarcophagus was glowing on a short dais in the same massive room as before. It seemed to gleam brighter, as if his power was growing.

Ali stepped forward without hesitation, shooting Luke a death glare before turning to face the shining coffin.

The titan's deep voice resounded through her mind. "Welcome back."

So... I lied about updating on Sunday. 😅 I ended up hanging out with my cousins that afternoon after church then Monday was really busy. Sorry.
Anyway, here it is - Chapter 1 of Lost in Time. I have some fun plans for this story. I hope you enjoy.

Lost in Time (Forgotten Daughter part 3)Where stories live. Discover now