Chapter 9 - Don't you dare

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Adelina's pov:

It's been two months since the initiation ceremony and I'm still trying to adjust to my new life. The good thing is that working at the hospital gave me the opportunity to meet new people and make more friends like Marisa, the Hospital's Executive Secretary. Marisa is 22 years old and we have a lot in common. Apart from being the same age, she's all alone here like me, having lost her parents in a rogue attack five years ago. Since then she has been under the protection of Maximus as she told me. Yes, I know, I would never have imagined that Maximus could care about anyone but himself, but apparently, against the odds, he does. The best thing is that we both have the same hobbies like shopping and working out. We became good friends very quickly and since then we spend most days together.

As for Maximus, all this time I rarely see him. This is something I did on purpose. After much thought I've come to the conclusion that Maximus is a midsummer night's dream for me. If I continue to hope for a future with him, I will drive myself to an emotional breakdown. To avoid this, I follow a very demanding daily schedule. I start my day at 7am, get dressed and go down to the pack's restaurant to have breakfast. I have my breakfast early in the morning to avoid meeting him or the red head or both. Then I go to work where I stay until 5pm. Then Marisa and I work out in the gym and some days when we are bored to do something else, we go for a coffee or shopping. Sometimes Alex accompanies us. He also turned out to be a very good friend. He is helpful and caring and is always by my side. But we can't be more than friends because he is a ladies man after all. He can't commit to a stable relationship, not until he finds his mate at least that is what I think. Not that I'm looking forward to something more between us...... In my current position, trying to make a new relationship would surely end in a real disaster. I need to get over Maximus first and get over our bond to improve my personal life. At the moment I am giving my hundred percent to my work.

Today is the sixth day in a row that I've stayed late at the office and that's not only because I'm avoiding Maximus but because of the arrival of the new Manager a week ago. He is a very ambitious person and also a perfectionist. He wants to close all the backlogs as soon as possible so that he can establish his new way of governing. He is about 30 years old, tall, handsome with a well- built body (like all werewolves), blond hair and beautiful forest green eyes.

In short, he is like a Greek God. In addition to his appearance, he is a very intelligent and capable person. So I tried my best to help him by informing him of all pending matters. I really want to establish an honest and productive relationship with him.

Due to my lateness, I am now rushing to my room to take a quick shower and get dressed as today is Wednesday and dinner with Alex is planned. One day each week, usually Tuesday or Wednesday, we tend to have dinner together and catch up on our lives. At first, it was a little awkward to dine with him. Everyone stared wherever we went, but as time goes on we really enjoy and look forward to it without caring about the prying eyes. This time I can't wait for that dinner to come. Even though I'm so tired and stressed from work, drinking some wine with Alex's company is all I need to unwind.

I left the hospital and headed towards the pack. I arrived ten minutes later and immediately ran to my room: I opened the door and was about to turn on the lights when they miraculously turned on by themselves. I scanned the area in surprise and my eyes met those of Maximus who was waiting for me, sitting in an armchair next to my bed, his legs crossed. He was holding a glass of drink in one hand and his cigarette in the other. He was smoking in my bedroom! That was so rude! I do not tolerate smoking in my place, especially in my bedroom! It's so rude to do that, especially when the room belongs to someone else and didn't give any permission.

- "Where were you?" he asked coldly startling me again. But I didn't let it overwhelm me and answered his question as calmly as I could.

- "Good evening to you too Alpha" I said in a sassy way. I had enough of his attitude.

-"Why are you coming late every night?" he questioned. His way was cold and his face rigid.

- "I'm sorry I did not know there was a specific time to return" I retorted.

- "I asked you a question and I demand an answer, don't play dumb with me" he told me sternly.

- "Alpha don't you have anything more important to do tonight? Instead of bothering with someone like me why don't you focus on your girlfriend?"... I suggested sarcastically.

-"My personal life is not of your business" he scolded.

-"Neither is mine to you. So I would appreciate it if you left my room right away. I have to take a bath and get changed. And I am already late!" I explained.

-"Late for what? Don't tell me that you are leaving again?" he asked incredulously.

-" I've told you Alpha that's none of your business."

- "Do not push it, Adelina" he told me with menacing eyes.

- "It is I that I push it? Really? What's your problem?"

-"Answer to my damn question" he demanded in his alpha tone.

-" You know what? Do me a favor and leave..." I told him in defeat as I couldn't take it any longer calmly. He stood there in the armchair looking at me angrily. "I said leave" I yelled at him.

-"I won't leave until you tell me where you've been and most importantly where you're going" he said decisively.

-"How dare you come here and ask for an explanation when you've been fooling around all this time? You kicked me out of your life, your mind, and your heart. In fact, you never let me in. You revealed that we're mates just to bring me here and tell me to forget about it. So what the hell do you want from me now? After months of getting the cold shoulder from you, now you come here and demand answers, answers about what? Why am I obligated to tell you what I'm doing or where I'm going or who I'm meeting? Tell me why?" I yelled at him in frustration. I felt like I was going to explode. All the feelings that I had been holding so deep inside started to come out. I was furious! I couldn't take his mistreatment or arrogant behavior anymore. He just looked at me without saying anything. This made me angrier and I continued to yell at him. It was too late for me to stop.

-"You want me out of your life, don't you? So why are you still keeping me here? You were very clear when you said you didn't want anything from me. So why don't you stick to your decision? It's your damn decision after all!" I yelled at him angrily.

I could no longer control myself. My anger was growing. All the thoughts I had for so long wanted to come out, to be heard. I wanted to break out! Maximus got up and approached me. Although the atmosphere was very tense, his attitude was calm and composed, as if he wasn't affected by what was happening. His behavior made me furious. It really drives me crazy when someone ignores me especially when we are talking about something very serious like our lives.

-"Don't you have anything to tell me?" I asked in frustration.

- "I am waiting for an answer and my patience is running out" he told me sternly.

-"Oh, you want an answer, eh? I'll give you one, one that I should have given you a long time ago. And then I did what I never thought I could do. I began to slowly and steadily utter the rejection phrase" "I Adelina Mac Arthur daughter of Richard Mac Arthur Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack I reject you Maximus....."

In the blink of an eye he came in front of me, grabbed me tightly by the waist and covered my mouth with his hand. He looked at me angrily and said in a low but very threatening voice "Don'". I didn't manage to utter a single word. I was just staring at him in fear.

His face was inches away from mine, his eyes had already turned black and his body was shaking. He was probably trying to hold back his anger. I've never seen him like this before. He is always so reserved and collected. Holding me tightly and not breaking our eye contact he continued in his alpha tone.

-"Never dare to do this again. You cannot reject me nor go away from me. Never! Do you understand? NEVER! YOU ..... WILL STAY ..... WITH ..... ME ..... FOREVER! " he shouted at me and then left, slamming the door behind him.

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