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Alice POV:
It had been over what I think was a year since Wesker had robbed me of my powers,and since I lost saw Claire. "I've been searching for months now,and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep doing this," I said looking into the camera I had setup. Slowly I begin to land the plane down on a airstrip that wasn't far from the location the book I gave K said to go. Successfully I landed the plane which caused a sigh of relief. "Here we go," I said to myself hoping out of the plane knowing I may not find anything or anyone. Walking around I begin to think about all the people I had lost along the way everyone from Carlos,Rain,and now possibly Claire it was beginning to take a toll on my mental status. Finally I saw what I had been looking for the helicopter Claire and the others used. It was too quite for anyone to be here,so it either meant they didn't make it or everyone left. I walked over to the helicopter seeing exactly what was expected nothing. "Fuck," I said to myself when suddenly something ran past the corner of my eye. "Hello?" I asked whatever the strange figure was hoping it would show itself. I kept my gun ready as I walked around looking for whoever or whatever it was. "I'm not going to hurt you," I said as I made my way over to plane that's door was shaking a bit. Slowly I grabbed the plane door and opened it only to be met by a flock birds flying out causing me to stumble back. Suddenly I turned to see a woman who launched a kick at my face knocking me down. I groaned in pain as the attacker jumped down on me with a knife looking for the kill. I grunted as I struggled to push them off when it hit me. My attacker was Claire who seemed to be completely out of her mind. Finally I pushed her off jumping up quickly delivering a boot to the head knocking her out.

Claire POV:
I woke up tied to the landing gear of a plane as I struggled trying to free myself when a woman walked over kneeling down in front of me. "Hey it's going to be alright just calm down," she said in a soft tone clearly she wasn't a threat at the moment. I just sat there silent as she brushed my hair out of my face slowly. The woman had short brown hair that went down to her neck,and she had very beautiful eyes. "Do you know who I am?" she asked to which I shook my head as I'd never seen this woman in my life. "I'm Alice I used to ride with you in a convoy with several others," she said standing up. "Do you remember anything at all?" she asked walking over to the fire she must've built. I just shook my head not even remembering how I got to this beach or who I was. "You're name is Claire," she said looking over at me with a smirk. "Does that sound familiar?" she asked clearly she must've known who I was before. "No,not really," I said as she walked over holding some sort of metal spider. "Do you know what this is?" she asked holding it out for me to look at. "No," I simply responded not sure what it was or what it did.

Alice POV:
It hurt knowing that she didn't remember that kiss we shared before she had taken off,but I had to help her regain her memories. "You said something about other people where are they?" she asked as I knelt down beside her. "I wish I knew," I said knowing about what she knew about their location. "Claire before you lost your memory we had a moment before do you have any memory of it at all?" I asked knowing she'd likely say no. "Sorry,but I can't remember," she said as I stood up a bit hurt,but it wasn't her fault. "I'm going to make sure you get your memories back," I said turning to her. Claire smirked a bit as she nodded knowing now I wasn't going to hurt her. I sat down near the fire knowing I'd probably fall asleep soon as I hadn't slept well recently. "Claire I'm glad to have you back," I said looking over at her with a smile on my face. "Alice I hope you really can help me get my memories back," she said with a cheap smirk. I laid down looking up at the stars knowing the task ahead wasn't going to be a easy one. In my dreams it was always flashbacks to all the death I had witnessed which caused me to jump out of my sleep. I panted a bit looking over to see Claire sitting there still with her arms tied up. "Shit," I said to myself knowing she was definitely going to have bruises on her wrist. Slowly I got up and made my way over to her not sure if I could fully trust her yet.

Claire POV:
I woke up when I felt my arms jerk forward as I opened my eyes to see Alice above me cutting part fo the rope. My wrist were in pain from being left tied up all not definitely going to leave bruises. "Sorry about leaving you like that last night," she said as she cut the rope. "I think you forgot something," I said showing the ropes still around my wrist keeping my hands together. "I think we should get to know each other better first," she said helping me up to my feet. I chuckled a bit knowing I had to earn her trust,so I'd go with what she said for now. "Listen we're going to Los Angeles to see what's going on in a big city like that," she said which I nodded along with. Alice must've been crazy wanting to fly into a huge city,but I didn't have a choice. We eventually got in the plane,and took off now flying our happy asses to LA. "Hey you said we shared a moment what did you mean by that?" I asked remembering what she said last night. "Don't worry it'll come back to you," Alice said in what sounded like a sad tone. Whatever happened between us must've formed a emotional bond between us. "Listen whatever we had in between us I'm sorry I can't remember," I said feeling guilt knowing the fact I couldn't remember hurt her. "It's alright it wasn't much anyway," she said clearly trying to change the subject. We sat in silence now as we were heading to Los Angeles hoping to find something hopeful.

—The End—

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