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Alice POV:
We had taken everyone up to the roof which wasn't in the best shape considering that bomb I lit off. "Alright if any of you try anything I'll kill you," I said smirking zip-tying Carlos,Jill,and Rain's hands together. "Why don't you just leave us here to die?" Rain asked with a serious expression on her face. "You all are more than clones that's why," I said as we walked onto the helicopter. "Claire come on," I said flagging her along as we went up to the cockpit. "You sure you can fly this thing?" Claire asked looking at me with a smirk. "I guarantee it," I said taking a seat down in the pilot's chair. "Keep a eye on everything back there," I said as she walked off to everyone else's location. I took a deep breath before going through the process needed to start the helicopter. In the back Luther,Claire,and Chris sat silently making sure no one tried anything. "I'm not even sure why we are keeping you all around," Chris said with a smirk. "Trust me pal I have no fucking clue either," Rain said before spitting on Chris's boot. "What a charmer," Luther said chuckling as we begin to lift on in the air.

Claire POV:
I sat down buckling myself in just in case of any emergencies that happened. "Claire you remember anything about me yet?" Chris said sitting next to me. I shook my head not remembering him,but I did now remember all the way back to when Alice first joined up with the convoy. "All I remember back to is when Alice first joined up with us," I said with a sigh looking at Carlos. "Hey do you know who I even am?" I asked to which he shook his head. "Hey we will be landing soon,so buckle up," Alice said back to us as we had arrived at Arcadia. "It's funny I never thought I'd actually live to see the day I got on this boat," Luther said chuckling as he shook his head. "Don't rest up yet we don't know what's on this boat," Chris said as we landed on the boat. It felt good to know that we may have finally reached a safe haven we could rest at. "Alright let's clear the boat,and then regroup here," I said standing up with everyone else. "Bad idea we should stick together," Alice said walking over to me with a smirk. "One of us should hang back to make sure they don't go anywhere," Luther said nodding towards the prisoners. "Thanks for volunteering," I said with a smirk as the cargo door opened.

Alice POV:
"I guess I asked for that," Luther said smirking as he looked at me. "Whatever you got the easy job," I said walking past him. We exited the helicopter to see what looked to be a completely abandoned ship. "Come on let's search the control room," Chris said as he begin leading the way. I looked at Claire shrugging as we followed him to the control center. "It's still fully operational," I said seeing all the controls were still on. "It says everyone is still on board the ship," Chris said showing us a screen that showed everyone was on board. "Come on let's check down below," I said walking out of the control center determined to find everyone. "Listen when we get down there be careful," I said knowing something strange was going on here. Eventually we made it down to a the last door which opened to a completely empty white room. We walked in observing the room trying to find out it's purpose,when suddenly Claire ran over holding a device that showed a screen with the survivors. "Watch," she said with a smirk pressing the button on K-Mart's screen causing a pod to raise up from the floor. A large door opened behind us as Claire and Chris ran over to the pod catching K as she fell to the ground. I turned seeing the door empty to a room with tables of dead bodies on them. "Claire I'm gonna check something out," I said slowly entering the strange room. A chair was in the middle of the room facing away from me,when I felt a gun barrel on the back of my head. "Hey now look who showed up,"Bennett said as I dropped my gun to the ground. "Good man Bennett," a familiar voice said as the chair turned towards us. "Project Alice I'm glad to have you back," Wesker said with a arrogant smirk on his face. "You're a huge pain in the ass Wesker," I said smirking as Bennett back up slowly keeping his gun aimed at me. Growling could be heard as two infected dogs came out from behind the chairs sitting at Wesker's side. "Alice you aren't the only one who has successfully bonded with the t-virus,but difference is mine struggles for control," he said his head twitching. "Using your blood I should be able to gain full control of the t-virus," he said chuckling. "Sorry,but I'm not on the menu," I said as Claire and Chris entered behind me shooting at Wesker. A small tray with knives and medical equipment laid next to me,which I kicked towards the arrogant bastard. Wesker managed to dodge the bullets,and sharp objects with ease.

Claire POV:
Quickly Chris turned pistol whipping Bennett knocking they weasel out cold. "Alice we will handle Wesker you handle the dogs," I said as we both begin to fire away at Wesker. It could only be described as inhuman speed as he dodged the bullets. "Chris and Claire Redfield you have been becoming a pain in my neck," he said before elbowing Chris in the face. He begin charging towards me as I backed up taking shots. "Fuck," I said to myself as my gun ran out of bullets,and then Wesker kicked me back into the wall. Alice seemed to have the infected dogs under control as she handled them with ease. "Claire you could've been so useful for my mission," Wesker said picking me up by the neck. I groaned as it was becoming harder to breath as his eyes begin to glow a red color. Suddenly a bullet hit Wesker in the back causing him to drop me. I coughed as he turned around to see Luther standing by Chris now. "Luther Reigns our local celebrity," Wesker said as he tossed his sunglasses at the two. Before Chris and Luther realized it Wesker was in front of them catching his sunglasses. "What the fuck?" Luther said shooting right at Wesker who dodged every shot. "You all are weak," he said kicking Luther back sending him into the wall.

Alice POV:
"It's all over Wesker," I said behind him with my double barrel aimed right at him. Wesker turned his eyes widened to see as I pulled the trigger. The now bloody coins launched out of the back off his skull. "You all alright?" I asked looking around the room seeing everyone nod a bit. "Alice!" Claire yelled out as I turned to see Wesker raising to his feet. "Sorry pal," I said stomping down on his chest as Chris and Claire walked over. "Have fun," I said to them smirking as I walked off. The brother and sister duo begin to fire every bullet they had into Wesker. "Luther what happened to the people we left you to guard?" I asked as I walked over to him. "Don't worry they are in the room next door," he said chuckling as he raised to his feet. We all exited the room smiled across our faces as the keypad screen turned on. "Hey you can't leave me in here!" Bennett yelled out over the keypad. "Shut up," Luther said shooting the keypad silencing the loud-mouth rat. I smirked as I looked at Claire "We did it," I said looking at the pods rise out of the ground. "Damn right," she said leaning in kissing me deeply. I returned the kiss smirking,but I knew this battle with Umbrella wasn't over yet. "Come on let's help our friends get their memories back," I said smirking as we walked over to the survivors that had just been released. We weren't off the hook just yet,but whatever Umbrella threw at us next we'd overcome it together.

—The End—

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