Los Angeles

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Alice POV:
We had been flying for a what felt like a long time when we finally made it to LA. The entire city was complete destroyed buildings burning or already burnt. "Oh god," I said looking over a building seeing a man standing there above a sign that said help us. "What?" Claire asked sitting up behind me as she leaned up. "Take a look," I said nodding towards the prison building the man was standing on. "We are going to land this," I said making a wide turn to head towards the building. "Cut me loose," Claire said as I sighed handing her a knife. "What you are about to do is fucking crazy," Claire said as she held on to the seat. "The world is crazy," I said flying down close to the roof passing right over it to let them know I was landing. I saw them begin to clear a path as I begin turning the plane around again. "Remember if you kill us I won't get my memories back," Claire said leaning bracing herself for impact as we turned at the building. "Don't worry," I said as I begin bringing it down as the engine light begin to flicker. "Shit," I said to myself as we begin to go down,but luckily I pulled us back up. "Hold on!" I yelled out as we landed on the roof top rolling towards the very edge. We crashed through the concrete wall breaking it. I let out a loud gasp as the plane begin falling off the building,when suddenly we came back crashing on the rooftop. The survivors caught us,and begin pulling us back onto the roof which caused a sigh of relief from both Claire and myself.

Claire POV:
Now after almost dying without knowing what my life was like before made me determined to regain the memories which I lost. Alice got out of the plane as I took a moment to catch my breath. "You're one hell of a pilot,and that was one hell of a landing," one of the men said as Alice stood on the wing. "I think it's considered crashing," Alice said jumping off the wing onto the ground. "Fuck," I said to myself getting out onto the wing as well. "I'm Alice and that's Claire," she said as the man from earlier offered me a hand which I ignored jumping down on my own. "My name is Luther," he said with a cheap smirk as some weasel men walked forward. "Forget the intros and shit you're here to help us right?" he asked rudely. "Yeah you're from Arcadia right?" a woman asked stepping forward as well. Alice shook her head "Sorry I wish I was," she said causing the weasel man to sigh and walk off. I shook my head walking over to a set of stairs trying reach a vantage point that would give us a good view. A boat could barely be seen in the distance which seemed familiar. Suddenly a wave of memories about people coming off that boat,and kidnapping several of us. "Fuck that's Arcadia," I said to myself looking down at the ground.

Alice POV:
I followed Luther and one of his people over to the spot where my plane wrecked the concrete wall. "Sorry about that they've been waiting for Arcadia to save us for a while now," Luther said chuckling a bit. "Arcadia is nothing,but a barely small town with no people," I said wondering how they knew about it. "Really a small town?" he asked sarcastically handing me a pair of binoculars,and pointing at a boat in the distance. Sure enough the boat said Arcadia meaning I had never even reached it. "I'll be back," I said handing him back his binoculars,and begin walking over to Claire. "Hey see that ship thats Arcadia," I said walking up the steps. "I know," she said looking at me causing a bit of shock. "Wait you remember?" I asked wondering when she remembered. "Yeah I remember we landed,and they came from the boat. We thought they were there to help,but it turns out we were wrong," she said with a sigh. Luther whistled at us flagging us over to him "Come on I'll give you a tour," he said smirking. I chuckled a bit as Claire and I walked over to him not knowing what to expect. The three of us begin walking down a set of stairs which no doubt would be a while before we reached the bottom. "How did you all meet?" Luther asked clearly trying to make conversation. "It's a complicated story," I said shrugging a bit as it would be complicated for those who didn't know. "Trust me this whole world is complicated right now," he said chuckling a bit.

Claire POV:
The boring small chat was already wearing thin as we kept going down the stairs. It felt longer than it actually was as we hit the floor we needed to be on. "Hey you all go ahead," I said as they stopped looking at me. "Are you sure?" Alice asked with a bit of concern on her face. "Yeah don't worry," I said as they walked off causing me to sigh in relief. I leaned against the wall taking a moment to think about all that's happened that I can remember. The memories of before Alice found me just wouldn't come back as I just begin thinking about Alice. I'm not sure what we were before,but I had this weird feeling we could've been like more than friends before. The door to the stairs opened causing me to jump a bit. "Oh sorry," one of the survivors said as he begin heading up the stairs no doubt going to the roof. I shook my head a bit as I entered the cell block everyone was in which was huge. "Claire come on," Alice flagged me over to a table which her and Luther were sitting at. I made my way over to them sitting down as Alice pushed a tray of food over to me. "You'll need your strength," she said looking at me with those beautiful eyes. I almost blushed as I grabbed a spoon nodding as she slid the tray over. "Thanks," I said beginning to eat as Luther chuckled a bit. "Alice if you care to follow me I have one more room to show you," he said standing up as he begin walking off. "Hey I'll be right back then i want to talk," she said as she walked off with him. The runt faced jackass from to roof looked over at me for a split second pissing me off. It had to have been over thirty minutes that passed before Alice walked back in the room flagging me over.

Alice POV:
Claire begin to walk over as I watched her smirking a bit. I led her down a hallway which no one would come down. "Listen I know what might bring back some memories," I said looking at her smirking. "What is it?" Claire said clearly not knowing what I was getting as I walked closer to her. "Follow my lead," I said leaning towards her as I begin to kiss her deeply. Slowly we backed against the wall as Claire begin to kiss me back. Finally after a year or so I had finally got another kiss. "Alice I think it's coming back," Claire said before kissing me again. I smirked a bit as I begin moving my kisses down to her neck. I heard Claire moan a bit which begin to make me kiss her neck faster. Suddenly I could hear footsteps coming down the hall as I broke the kissing. "Anyone down here?" Crystal the woman who was the cook said looking down the hall. "Yeah just having a conversation," I said waving at her as Claire looked away no doubt blushing. "Oh alright," she said walking off as I chuckled turning to Claire. "Sorry for that," I said as suddenly Claire grabbed my shirt tightly kissing me deeply. I blushed heavily as Claire shoved me against the wall kissing me passionately. "I remember all about you," she said smirking as she went right back to kissing. Claire seemed to have had something snap in her as she basically ripped my shirt off me. "I've been wanting this for so long," I said remembering all the nights I thought about Claire. "Let's not waste time talking," she said smirking as she removed her own shirt. Slowly she begin rubbing my breast as she kissed me deeply. It felt like absolute heaven after waiting for so long as I let out a small moan. "I've been waiting to hear that moan," Claire said smirking as she begin kissing my next sending shockwaves down my body.

—The End—

That'll probably be the most smut you'll see this entire story.

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