Moscow's Undead Army

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Alice POV:
I opened my eyes seeing nothing,but a white room in the shape of a hexagon. "Project Alice who do work for?" the voice of the Red Queen filled the room. "Where's Clair and the others?" I asked standing to my feet to notice my outfit had been changed. Suddenly a ear piercing shriek blasted out across the room causing my yell out in pain. I covered my ears as the nose drilled through my ears. Falling to the ground I let out a scream of pain. After what felt like a eternity the nose vanished causing my to sigh in relief. Several minutes later the Red Queen spoke again "Project Alice who do you work for?" she asked once again. "Why are doing this to me!" I yelled out as loud as I could. Once again that ear piercing nose sounded off causing me to immediately yell out in pain again. Another eternity passed before the noise turned shut off again. I almost begin to cry as the pain was stronger than any I've felt before. The door to the room suddenly opened unexpectedly with no one standing in the door way. "Hello?" I asked softly standing to my feet beginning to walk to the door. A small competent shot out from the wall located in it was a set of clothes. It was a black Umbrella uniform that was all connected together.

Claire POV:
"Alright we will be at the Russian facility soon once inside we have a total of two hours and thirty minutes to get in and out," Leon said looking at all of us. "What's up with the time limit?" I asked confused on why they just brought this up now. "Once that timer goes off that place is going to blow," he said sternly. "What if we don't make it out in time?" Luther asked hoping for some good news. "I hope you are at holding your breath," Barry said laughing a bit. "Why didn't you tell us before?" I asked lost on why they would not share that information with us. "Wesker was worried you wouldn't come along if we informed you," he said standing up. "Alright ladies I'm taking this bird down,so hold on," Barry said as we begin the descent. "Luther if these guys try anything get to Alice as soon as possible," I said giving him a small nod. I felt as the helicopter hit the ground shaking us all around a bit. "Let's get going," Leon said as the helicopter opened up. Slowly we all got out of the helicopter keeping a eye out for any umbrella soldiers that could be located outside the facility.

Rain POV:
We all got on some huge elevator thing and begin the descent down into the facility. "Let's do it," Barry said to Leon as they pushed a button on their watches. "Once we get inside, we stick together," Leon said looking over at Ada. It was kind of funny how I used to work for Umbrella now I was helping bring them down. "The Red Queen is a bit of a psycho bitch, so be careful," Barry said with a chuckle. "You ever heard of bigger the gun smaller the dick?" I asked sarcastically referring to the big magnum revolver he carried around. It was clear these people knew what they were doing by the way they operated. "Everyone get down," Leon said as they laid down on the floor. We all followed not sure what was going to be down at the bottom. Finally, we neared the bottoms as Leon tossed a small device out. The little device turned into several barrels as it launched a series of bullets on the team of soldiers at the elevator entrance. "Let's move," he said as we all stood up moving slowly off the elevator. "Ada lead the way," he said as the girl in the red dress begin to lead the way. "You know I don't think red dresses are the best outfit for the mission at hand," I said shaking my head. "First we will head to the Russian simulation facility," she said ignoring my comment.

Alice POV:
I had made it out of a room that took the form of Tokyo. It seemed like a simulation of the outbreak as they all the people turned quickly. I turned to see a bunch of desks with dead umbrella soldiers. It was clear someone else was here not that long ago. Suddenly Wesker appeared on every screen in the room with that fucking smirk. "Project Alice long time no see," he said chuckling. "Let me guess you are the one who brought me here?" I asked smirking a bit. "Actually, I've joined in the fight against the red Queen with your comrades. You see you are in a underground Russian facility which they simulate outbreaks in using rooms that take place of different cities," he said as the screens glitched a bit. "Make your way to the suburbia section of the facility, and there you'll meet up with some of my men who will assist you out of here. I'm losing control hurry project Alice," Wesker said before he was cut off by the Red Queen. All the screens showing her looked at me with a serious expression "You are all going to die down here," she said causing me to chuckle. "I've heard that before," I said making my way to the door that led to the next facility I need to go to.

Claire POV:
We had been taking down several random soldiers on the way to the facility ahead. "The Red Queen knows we are here," Leon said as we entered the Russian simulation the ceiling turning dark. "Moscow sequence engaged stand by," a voice said as we entered a building. "Hey Leon, what the hell are those things?" Barry said as we looked ahead to see what looked like an army of people. "Shit take cover!" I yelled out realizing it was a army of infected wielding weapons. They blasted the windows out of the store as we all took cover from the bullet. "How many of those fucking things are there?" Jill said taking a couple shots at them. "Ada find us a way out," Leon said to her as she put on a pair of red glasses. Carlos chuckled as he looked at me as we both took shots at the undead army. "Who would've thought they could get more deadly?" he asked sarcastically as we took cover. "Leon, we need that exit now," I said as the army got too close for comfort. "Shit," Luther said tossing his assault rifle down as one of those undead bastards entered the room holding a chainsaw. "Duck!" Barry yelled out as Luther ducked for him to blow the bastards head off with his revolver. "Got it!" Ada yelled out as we begin following her taking shots. We all begin running through the building hoping to escape that undead army. Alice wherever you are I hope you are alright.

—The End—

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