The Prisoner's Plan

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Claire POV:
Last night was incredible probably the best since this whole apocalypse or from what I can remember started. However we didn't get time to enjoy it all as someone screamed waking everyone up. Alice and I quickly got dressed, and rushed to the scene to see Luther and Angel shooting at several infected with tentacles coming out of there mouths. One grabbed Wendell a man who watched over some prisoner they kept downstairs. The infected pulled Wendell down a deep hole they had dug to invade the prison. "Shit," Luther said as he ran over to the hole in the ground looking down at it. "We have to get out of here," Bennett the rat face douche said as everyone was worried now the infected could come from anywhere. "How do you suppose we do that? Just walk out the front door," Crystal said sarcastically. "I have a idea," Alice said with a smirk on her face as I looked over at her. "The man you all keep downstairs said he knows a way out of here," she said knowing we didn't have many options. "Are you sure about this?" I asked looking at her. "What options do we have left?" Alice asked shrugging her shoulders as we begin making our way down the cell.

Alice POV:
I knew this Chris guy may have not been the most trustworthy person in the world,but we didn't have many choices. "I knew you'd come around," he said with a cocky smirk as we looked at him. "Okay I can't be the only one who thinks this is insane," Bennett said looking around the room. "Bennett we don't have any other options," Luther said as he opened the cell door. Chris came walking out slowly knowing to be careful as we didn't trust him. "Tell us that master plan of yours," I said as he seemed to stop when he saw Claire. Slowly he walked over to her "Claire? It's me Chris your brother," he said. Claire suddenly grabbed his arm twisting it now holding a knife against his throat. "Hey easy now," I said defusing the situation before any blood was spilt. "She has lost a lot of her memory," I said looking at Chris who just nodded. "Got it,now follow me," he said as he begin walking off. Everyone begin to follow him,but Claire and I hung towards the back of the group. "Is that guy really my brother?" she asked looking at me. "He knew your name without even being told,so it's not impossible," I said as he was explaining the plan.

Claire POV:
We all made our way out to the front gate area which was holding the hundreds of infected back. "Behind those doors is the vehicle we will need. It had plenty of power,and can seat up to twenty people. We will need fire power so I'll need some help getting to the location they store the weapons," Chris said looking around when suddenly a huge noise came from the gate. "Shit," I said looking at the gate to see a huge infected hitting the gate with the combination of a axe and hammer. "Luther come on!" I yelled at him as we rushed to the front gate knowing we had to secure it. "Grab that axe," I said pointing at the axe on the ground. "Got it," Luther said grabbing the axe quickly jamming it into the gate making it harder to enter. The large axemen hit the gate again knocking some screws out. "Fuck it," Luther said shooting a couple of rounds into its head. The bullets seemed to have no effect as he hit the gate again. I turned to look for anything we could use to block the gate. "Come on," I said as we ran over to a cop cars going to use it to block the gate. I opened the door putting the car in neutral,so it would be a lot easier to roll. "You steer I'll push," Luther said as we begin moving the vehicle in front of the gate.

Alice POV:
Chris and I had arrived at the elevator shaft at which we would be able to enter the weapon supply room. One big issue was it seemed to be completely flooded with water. "I hope you can swim," he said with a chuckle when suddenly Crystal popped up behind us. "I'm going with you after all I was a state champ in swim during high school," she said smirking. "In that case glad to have you on the team," I said smirking as I jumped down into the water. Anything could've been in this water,but we needed those guns,so we had to risk it. We swam around the prison carefully making sure we knew what was around a corner before we turned. Finally we hit a stairwell that took us to the hallway the armory was located. "I'll admit you ladies are good at this," Chris said panting a bit with a smirk. Suddenly one of the infected popped out of the water grabbing crystal with the tentacles from its mouth. "No!" I yelled out as another popped out of the water. Quickly I stabbed it with one of my large knives it falling into the water with the infected. Several more begin popping out of the water Chris shooting at them when he could. "Come on!" I yelled as we ran to the armory several more infected now followed us. "Shit," I said to myself as Chris chuckled showing the weapons with his flashlight. "Fuck yeah," I said with a smirk seeing all the guns they had. After we packed two bags we looked around for a exit knowing we couldn't go out the door.

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