Project Alice

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Alice POV:
I had arrived in the New York simulation facility which seemed to already be active as the sky was completely pitch black. A smirk rushed across my face hearing the familiar sound of a axe dragging across the ground. The giant axe wielding monster came into view as he stood about twenty feet in front of me. "Let's do this," I said aiming the submachine gun I found on one of the dead soldiers at him. We ran at each other he was fast for a creature of his size. Quickly I rolled out of the way of his axe as he swung it down at the ground. I begin shooting at its head knowing that would only weaken the monster. He lifted the axe out of the ground swiftly raising it above his head. "Crap," I said to myself running onto a empty bus trying to escape the attacks. Suddenly the axe came crashing through the bus right next to me. "Fuck," I said to myself as I begin running towards the other door at the end of the bus. The axe tore through the top half of the bus as I barely escaped out the back door. The axeman grunted as he took the axe,and placed it on his shoulder walking towards me. Finally I saw the opportunity I needed behind the creature was a gas tanker. "Let's play," I said as I ran at him knowing it was risky. The creature stood there holding his axe above his head ready to swing. Thinking about it could be the end I fell the ground sliding between the monster's legs his axe crashing down right behind me. I whistled as he turned to face me his picked up his axe. "Want to play catch?" I asked standing in front of the tank of gas as he winded back the axe. The axe came flying forward as I jumped out of the way it crashed into the gas tank lodging itself in. Gas poured on the ground as I used the cars to keep myself hidden as he walked towards the axe. "Rookie mistake," I said smirking as I shot the ground in front of him causing a spark to ignite the gasoline. A explosion devoured the monster killing it which caused me to chuckle a bit. "New York simulation over stand-by," the voice said as the ceiling turned completely white. "Here we go," I said walking towards the exit heading to the suburbia simulation.

Claire POV:
We smashed through a window exiting the building at which we escaped from. Suddenly a tentacles of sorts wrapped around Carlos's leg as his eyes widened. "Fuck," he said before he was pulled up by the tentacle to have his these bitten off by a gigantic licker. "NO!" I yelled out shooting at the licker as it jumped down in front of us. We all begin shooting at the licker knowing we would need a lot more firepower. "Everyone watch out!" Leon yelled out as suddenly a rocket fired at building sending a bunch of rubble down onto the licker crushing it. We turned to see the army of undead has made it around the building. "Run!" Ada yelled out as we all begin to run not even having time to mourn Carlos. I wasn't sure how much luck we'd have outrunning these fucking things,but damn it we couldn't die here.

Alice POV:
I had made it to the suburban facility which was a total wreck clearly it had been used not long ago. Walking through the streets a shadowy figure ran by a window of one of the houses catching my eye. It was probably a infected,but for some reason I had to check it out. Slowly I entered the house making my way upstairs which is where I saw the figure. "Hello?" I asked to whoever the figure was as I entered a child's room. A noise came from the closet as I leaned closer to it. Suddenly a infected popped out of the closet knocking me back a bit. I grunted kicking it off before shooting it dead. I sighed relieved it was only a common infected and not some monster. "Mommy?" a voice asked as I turned to see a little girl standing in the door way. My eyes widened as she ran up hugging me tightly. "What happened to your hair and your clothes?" she asked looking up at me. "Nothing," I said wrapping a arm around her. Whoever this kid was it was clear she thought I was her mother,so I had to get her out of here. "Come on let's get out of here," I said holding her hand as I begin to lead the way out of the house. Exiting the house I saw a dead clone of myself laying on the ground. I made sure the girl couldn't see it as she probably thought I was that clone.

Rain POV:
I had broken away from the group to make sure one of us would find Alice in time. No way I was going down to some infected with a gun. Slowly I entered a subway station which had Russian writing on the wall when I heard a sudden noise. "Show yourself," I asked keeping my gun aimed at where the noise came from. Out from behind a pillar a fucking clone of myself stepped out. "Wow what the fuck?" the clone said as confused as I was. "Hey listen I wish I knew,but don't worry this won't last long," I said taking aim at her. "Rain I wouldn't do that," I heard a familiar voice say as I turned to see Alice and a little girl. "Who is the kid?" I asked lowering my weapon. "You guys made it," my clones said running up and hugging Alice. "I was worried I was the only one who made it out alive. Also what's with the BDSM get up?" she asked which I was kind of thinking myself. "We don't have time to explain. Rain where is everyone else?" Alice asked to which I shrugged. "I lost them somewhere in that Moscow simulation," I said as she walked over to me. "Watch over them," she said smirking as she looked back at the girl and my clone. "Rain don't kill anyone while I'm gone," Alice said as she leaned in closer. "If I don't come back get these two out of here," she said as she kissed my cheek. A small blushed wiped over my face as she walked off into the Moscow facility. "You know I'm glad it was you and not me," my clone said causing me to chuckle. "We are the same person idiot. Now come on let's find you two somewhere to hide," I said walking over to the two. Whatever Alice was doing I hope she knew what kind of shit she was up against,but I was confident she'd come back.

—The End—

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