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Claire POV:
We had escaped into another building nearing the exit of the Moscow facility. "Fuck," Luther said as we turned seeing the giant licker standing in front of us. Suddenly a fancy car swept in hitting the licker. The giant creature went tumbling into a building. "Need a ride?" Alice asked smirking as she rolled down the window. I smirked hoping in the car looking over at her new outfit. "I like the leather outfit," I said as the others entered the three rowed vehicle. "Buckle up," Alice said with a wink as she stepped on gas as the licker rose up. "You boys mind?" I asked looking back at Barry and Luther who shrugged. "My pleasure," Barry said as they busted out the back window firing at the creature. "Hey Alice you might wanna turn," I said holding on tightly as she drove towards the subway entrance. "Hold on!" she yelled out as we jumped over the curb crashing down into the subway station. On the way down we took out a couple of support beams which caused the entrance to collapse behind us. I panted heavily trying to regain my breath after what the fuck just happened. "Everyone ok?" Alice asked smirking as she unbuckled herself. We all just nodded in agreement as she chuckled from our attitudes. "Good let's get going," she said laughing a bit as we all got out of the vehicle.

Rain POV:
I had managed to find the little girl and my clone a safe hiding spot while we waited for Alice to return. Foot steps approached at a solid rate,so I had to stay alert. I took aim at the way they were coming from prepared for the worst only to see Alice and the others. "Hey you can come out they are back," I yelled at the other two. The little girl rushed out of her hiding spot hugging Alice closely. "Care to explain?" Claire asked giving her a surprised look. "We don't have time for all that we only have twenty-five minutes left," I said shaking my head. "I'll find us a way out," Ada said as she put on those stupid red glasses from earlier. "Follow me," she said jumping down into the train tracks. "Hey where is the one guy?" I asked looking around to see one of them missing. "Carlos didn't make it," Leon said as we both hopped down on the tracks. "We won't either if we don't hurry our asses up," I said as he laughed a bit. "You know it wouldn't hurt for you to lighten up," he said smirking. "Bite me," I said knowing if we stopped taking this seriously we'd be dead.

Alice POV:
We walked on the tracks with Becky holding my right hand,and Claire walked on my left. "What's the kids name?" Claire asked looking over at me. "Becky,and she's is a clone like Rain and Carlos,but she thinks I'm her mom. If this girl believes I'm her mom I'll be just that," I said nodding towards Claire who smirked. "It's kind of cute seeing you be so protective," she said making me blush a bit. "We are only ten minutes away from the elevator station," Ada said as we kept walking down the tracks. "One death isn't bad I was expecting more," Luther said with a sigh as he said what they were all thinking. "Thanks for coming to save me," I said looking over at him with a smile. "Don't mention it," he said chuckling as he knows I'd do the same for anyone here. Finally we reached the elevator station only to be surprised by what we saw. "Project Alice how nice of you to join us," Wesker said smirking as he was there with a team of umbrella soldiers. "Wesker what's going on here?" Leon said stepping forward shocked more than any of us. "A small change of plans. I'll be taking project Alice,and leaving you all down here to drown," he said smirking as suddenly he appeared next to me. "It might sting," he said before sticking a  syringe full of something into my neck. I fell into Claire's arms as she caught me as I coughed heavily. Wesker was now back on the side with his soldiers smirking. "Alice is the only one who's successfully bonded with the t-virus in such a way. Now, I have use for her again,but as for the rest of you not so much," he said pointing towards the group. The umbrella soldiers begin to fire as everyone dispersed behind the concrete walls that separated us from them. "Come on Alice stay with me," Claire said as she drug me on the elevator. "Hey! Hold them off till the last minute,and then we will leave them down here," Claire yelled out as I begin to regain composure. "Seize fire!" Wesker yelled out as he had one of his soldiers bring out a familiar hostage. "Fire and you're little K-Mart here gets a bullet in the brain," he said holding a gun up to her head.

Claire POV:
My eyes widened hearing K's cries as Wesker held her at gun point. "All of you come out now or she dies," he said as I went to walk out Luther stopped me. "Stay here," he said stepping out smirking a bit. "Luther I'm sorry to say,but we don't have need of star power," he said putting the gun against the back of K's head. "DON'T!" I yelled out as I came out from behind the wall causing Wesker to chuckle. "Claire Redfield I haven't forgotten what you and your brother did to me," he said popping his neck. "I should probably kill K-Mart here for what you did to me," he said as I heard someone walk up behind me. "Wesker let them go,and you can have me," Alice said behind me as she put her hand on my shoulder. "Good girl. You walk over here and I'll send K over at the same time," he said smirking. "Alice don't," I said holding her arm as she stepped toward. "Claire take care of Becky," she said breaking from my hold.

Alice POV:
I passed K-Mart as she walked towards the other,and I headed over to Wesker. "You have what you want now let them leave," I said demanding it. He smirked as suddenly his soldiers begin opening fire on them. "No!" I yelled out punching Wesker who was fast enough to catch it. "We have to get on the elevator!" Leon yelled as I'm not sure who was killed,and who made it onto the elevator. I heard it begin to take off as you could hear the explosions go off the water rushing towards us. "I'll see you in hell," I said looking at Wesker with a smirk as the water hit us.

Rain POV:
The water barely missed us as the elevator raised up. "Who all made it?" I said looking around to see Leon,Claire,Becky,K-Mart,and Luther. "Shit," I said realizing that means we lost Barry,Ada,Jill,my clone,and Alice. Claire fell to the ground laying there looking up at the sky knowing Alice was gone. "Damn it I can't believe Wesker betrayed us like that!" Leon yelled out furious at the betrayal. "We are all just fucking pawns in umbrella's game," I said as we all sat in silence until we hit the surface. "We have a escaped vehicle ready," Leon said as we turned to see a huge carrier of some sorts that could fit all of us. "Claire we have to go," Luther said kneeling down next to the broken girl. "Come on Becky," I said picking the kid up knowing she didn't need to see any of this. "Where's my mommy?" she asked sounding like she was going to cry. "I'm not sure," I said softly as I handed her over to Leon who put her in the vehicle. I turned to see Luther carrying Claire who had seemed to have given up. "I've never seen Claire like this," K said sighing as she begin to cry. "It's all fault," she said sitting down in the vehicle. Slowly we all loaded into the vehicle,and begin to ride off to the helicopter we landed a mile or so away. "I'm sorry," Leon said knowing his former boss just took lots of our hope. Suddenly the vehicle begin to shake as the ice below us could be heard cracking. "Hold on!" Leon yelled as the vehicle was turned on its side.

Claire POV:
I wasn't sure if I wanted to even wake up after that crash,but I did. "Becky are you alright?" I asked looking at the girl who nodded. "Stay here," I said to her softly as Leon kicked the window out of the vehicle allowing us to see what caused the crash. Luther,Rain,Leon,and myself crawled out leaving K and Becky behind. "I should've fucking known," Leon said as out from a submarine walked out Wesker. "You all didn't think we were done yet?" he asked sarcastically with a smirk. "Where is Alice!" I yelled out wanting to kill the bastard. Wesker whistled as Jill came dragging a unconscious Alice out. "Jill? What the fuck!" I yelled in disbelief she'd betray us. "Sorry Wesker's offer was just too good to refuse," she said as she pulled out a gun shooting Wesker in the skull smirking. "You all didn't really think I'd betray you did ya?" she asked smirking as my eyes widened. "JILL!" I screamed at her as Wesker was behind her now. One second later he snapped her neck killing her. "You can't kill me," he said smirking as he kicked Jill's body to the ground.

—The End—

Next chapter we see if they can escape Wesker,or will he kill them all?

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