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Claire POV:
My emotions seemed to shut off as Wesker snapped Jill's neck in what felt like slow motion. I heard someone yell out as I looked at the ground not wanting to see as everyone begin to fire at Wesker. "The bullets won't work," I mumbled to myself as I slowly looked over at Alice who was laying on the ground. We had no idea if she was unconscious or dead,but would it even matter now? "Claire! Snap out of it," Luther said to me as he shook my shoulder alerting me Wesker was headed right at us. I looked up just as Wesker punched Luther down to the ground. "Fuck you!" I yelled as I went to punch him,but I was surprised when he caught my punch. "Claire Redfield I have taken everything away from you,but I'm not done yet," he said smirking as begin crushing my hand. I yelled out in pain as I crumbled down to the ground every second as he squeezed tighter. Suddenly he stopped crushing my hand which causing me to pant heavily holding my wrist with my other hand. "Damn it Claire help!" Leon yelled out as Wesker kicked him away no doubt he was the one who stopped my hand from being completely destroyed.

Rain POV:
I panted a bit as I got up once again charging at that fucking monster. Quickly I threw a right then left hook at him which he dodged with ease. "Rain shouldn't you be working for me?" he said chuckling as he kicked my right knee out from under me. I winced in pain as I fell to one knee only to be met with a kick to the jaw. The kick definitely shattered some teeth as I felt blood begin fill my mouth. "You are all going to die here," he said as he kicked me in the gut sending me back about three feet. Luther quickly snuck a sucker punch in causing Wesker to stumble a bit,but overall it did nothing. "Shit," Luther said as Wesker kicked him in the stomach causing him to duck down before delivering a elbow to the back of the head. "I was expecting a better fight. Oh wait no I wasn't," he said before grabbing Luther by the chin. "Sorry but you'll have to set on the bench this game," he said before snapping Luther's neck. "Luther no!" Claire yelled out as I looked over in pure horror.

Alice POV:
I heard Claire scream out as my eyes opened slowly as I came back to my senses. Slowly I turned myself on my stomach to see we were on the surface now. I coughed a bit as I raised to my feet seeing Wesker drop Luther to the ground. He turned to me with a smirk knowing he was taking everyone I cared about away. "Project Alice you can try to fight me,but even with your powers restored you'll lose," he said taking off his sunglasses. Claire had a mixed look of sadness and horror on her face as Wesker stood there over our friends dead body. I ran towards Wesker as anger took over my body seeing he killed the people that were important to me. I threw a punch which he dodged,but I caught his punch he threw back at me. "Give up?" he asked sarcastically as I growled staring into his dead eyes. "Never!" I yelled out before head-butting him back,and then going to a kick to the abdomen. Wesker smirked as he caught my foot as blood begin to spill out of his nose. "You're strong,but not strong enough,"he said before tossing my foot in the air. I managed to flip myself all the way around successfully landing the flip. Without a second to react he delivered a left hook to my jaw causing me to stumble back. Swiftly I delivered a round house kick causing him to stumble back. Knowing I couldn't rest until he was dead I charged towards him going for a series of jabs. Wesker managed to dodge the jabs until one successfully landed causing him to stumble back. He turned to see Leon standing there who delivered a punch which turned him back to me. Before I managed to even move a muscle he took out a knife. "Now we can finally get to the fun part," he said swinging the knife over and over towards me. I managed to dodge the slashes,until he turned throwing the knife towards the tipped over vehicle. It felt like time stopped as I looked only to see the knife stuck in K-Mart's throat. A single tear poured down her face as she fell to both knees. She went to say something,but it never came out as she fell to the ground dead. Wesker turned facing me with a smirk on his face as he knew what he had done. "Shame she had to die," he said before I hit him with a punch right to the bridge of the nose. My assault didn't let up as I delivered a series of punches everyone causing him to stumble back more. I couldn't stop as anger took over my body as I kept going. Eventually he fell to the ground as blood poured out from his nose,mouth,and a cut on his face. "DIE!" I yelled out getting on top of him punching him over and over again.

Claire POV:
I slowly walked over to K-Mart's body seeing the sweet innocent life fade from her eyes. Tears rushed to my eyes as I kneeled down next to her body lifting her up a bit. "I'm sorry," I said as I kissed her forehead she was gone for good. Alice could be heard punching Wekser over and over again as at this point it sounded like she wasn't hitting a person anymore. "Alice he's done," I said as she kept punching him her own hand starting to bleed from the repeated punches. "Alice stop!" I yelled out as I stood up only for her to ignore me once again. I walked over to her grabbing her from behind trying to pull her off as Wesker's face was unrecognizable. "Get off!" Alice said in anger as Leon begin helping me get her off of him. "Alice it's over," I said hugging her from behind as she stood there completely still. A tapping could be heard from underneath the ice as Rain wiped the snow off. "Guys I know what will get rid of him," she said smirking a bit as she pointed to the ice. Under the ice was a bunch of undead from the Moscow facility. Leon walked over to her dragging Wesker's unconscious or dead body over to a spot in the ice. "Claire I'm sorry," Alice whispered to me as I hugged her closely. "Don't be," I said knowing she was going to blame herself for all of this. "No,I'm sorry," she said breaking away from my hug walking over to K's body. Alice pulled the knife from her throat,and walked over to Rain and Leon. No doubt she was going for Wesker.

Rain POV:
Leon and I turned to see Alice storming towards us with a knife. "Alice don't do this come on," I said knowing she was going after Wesker's body. We stood in her way knowing she didn't have to do this,and it would probably hurt her even more. "Move!" she demanded as we refused to move from our spot trying to protect her. I couldn't even react before she punched Leon in the face and elbowed me in the side of the head. We both fell to the ground as we looked up to see Alice lean down over his body. It was the bloodiest thing I've ever seen as she slashed his throat. Alice could be heard grunting as she begin to cut away at his neck blood pouring and splashing out everywhere. Eventually she stood up holding his decapitated head in her hands. I barely recognized the girl I helped save in the hive as she was covered in Wesker's blood. I stood up slowly backing up knowing this wasn't the Alice I knew long ago. No,this was some monster who was consumed by rage and a lust for blood. Leon back away as well knowing exactly what I did. We turned to see Claire who stood there in horror as the woman she loved was gone.

Alice POV:
I looked down at Wesker's head in my hand as a smirk rushed over my face. "Mommy," I heard Becky's voice say as she crawled out of the vehicle. Slowly I turned to see Becky dropping Wesker's head on the ground. "You're covered in blood," she said softly rushing over to Rain hugging her side. Rain had the child stand behind her protecting her from me. I raised my hands and begin to talk to her using sign language. "I love you," I said using my hands looking down at her. Looking at that sweet girl who thought I was her mom in the face couldn't be done as I didn't deserve her. "Rain take care of her," I said causing Rain to shake her head. "Alice you are going to take care of her," she said in denial knowing what I had to to. "You know I can't be allowed to stay around you all," I said as Claire begin to walk toward me. "Claire I.." was all I was able to say before she kissed me deeply. I kissed her back knowing this could be the last time I ever kissed her. "Claire take care of everyone," I said  hugging her tightly as a tear ran down my cheek. "I promise I will," she said as we broke the hug,and behind her Becky stood there. I knelt down looking at the ground knowing she was going to hate me. "I love you mommy," she said hugging me causing me to cry more as I hugged her back. "I love you too baby," I said softly kissing her on the forehead before breaking the hug. "Listen mommy has to go bye. Claire and Rain are going to look after you," I said while also signing it. "Where are you going mommy?" she asked causing me to cry a bit more. "I... don't know baby," I said standing up slowly as I wiped the tears from me face. "Alice be safe out there," Rain said as Leon nodded in agreement as I waved goodbye at them. Slowly I turned away from them beginning to walk off knowing I couldn't stay with them. Claire,Rain,Leon,and Becky were my family,but I ruined that. Now,I'm on my own with a mission to put a end to this apocalypse now. I'll never forget all the people that I've lost since this begin from Matt to K-Mart. I'm no longer a survivor I'm just a resident in this evil world.

—The End—

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