5-Encore (NSFW)

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"How'd it go?" Bruce asked as the team boarded the quinjet. He put a bookmark in the big text he had lost himself in and prepped the quinjet for takeoff.

"Dean had Tony questioning his sexuality out there," Clint chuckled.

Tony raised his hands defensively. "Hey, it's like I said before- I got all of my experimenting out in college."

"Well, I'm flattered," Dean muttered as he approached the row of team lockers and yanked a duffel bag from his. As he unzipped the bag he noticed Thor's eyes on him. The Asgardian was not pleased. He stood with his back against the wall and his arms folded across his chest. The bill of his ball cap was pulled down, creating shadows across his face.

"What's the game plan now?" Bruce asked.

"Road trip to Sokovia," Natasha said as she settled into the seat next to him.

Clint pointed a finger at Dean's outfit. "So is this the new uniform, Dean?"

Tony started laughing. "I can see it already. Replace the sword with a whip and you're good to go."

"You could keep ball-gags on your belt to restrain your enemies," Clint suggested.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Do I look like I'm in the mood for games?

Tony raised an eyebrow and gave him an up and down look.

"Never mind," Dean muttered. "Forget I asked."

Steve cleared his throat authoritatively. "I think we need to focus on the next step. Authorities have collected Sobrevitch and his men and carted them off to prison."

"Which is good for him," Thor spoke menacingly.

"So we won't have to worry about word getting back to Hydra," Steve continued.

As Steve continued to brainstorm the next mission with Tony and Clint, Dean pulled an old sweatshirt on and walked over to where Thor stood a little removed from the group. "Please don't be mad at me," he murmured as he put his hands on Thor's forearms.

"I didn't like watching that," Thor spoke in a low voice. "I don't like other men's hands on you."

"Do you think I do?"

Thor shook his head and met Dean's eyes. "No."

"I've never felt so embarrassed or self-conscious in my life doing that in front of you," Dean admitted. "I hated it."

"Have you had to do that before? Seduce an enemy?"

Dean nodded. "Once. It didn't go further than a kiss. The target wanted more and tried to restrain me. I was still pretty new in the field and he was able to overpower me. The team got me out before anything could go further and Fury promised he'd never send me on a Valentine Op again."

Thor raised a brow. "Valentine Op?"

Dean explained the phrase and Thor shook his head. "It sounds like the sort of trickery Loki would have committed."


"I didn't mean that the way it sounded," Thor spoke quickly. "Besides, you no longer carry out those duties for S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"And after tonight, I'm never doing it again."

Thor slowly began to grin. "I don't know if I would say 'never', Fair One. I have a mission for you."


Thor nodded and pulled Dean into his embrace. He looked over Dean's head at the others to see that they were all occupied with conversation. He took advantage of their lack of attention to slowly bring his hands down to Dean's ass, squeezing the muscles and massaging them through the tight leather shorts.

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