6-Storming the Castle

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Dean awakened the following morning with a big smile on his face and a song in his heart. As he brushed his teeth, he hummed along to Chelsea Morning by Joni Mitchell. He didn't bother with dressing for the day in anything special since he'd be in uniform and off to Sokovia soon enough.

"You slept hard last night," Thor commented as he sat up in bed and tossed the sheet off of his naked body and joined him in the large bathroom.

"I guess it was all the dancing I did last night."

"Or all of this dick you took," Thor suggested with a big grin.

Dean eyed Thor's morning wood and sighed. "Or that."

Thor moved to stand behind Dean and rested his manhood against his back. "Perhaps we shouldn't waste this?" Thor suggested.

Dean turned around and put a hand over his mouth and shook his head. "Don't even think about it. We have a mission today and I can't do it if I'm walking around with crutches."

Thor laughed and splashed some cool water over his face. He removed the hair tie, allowing his long blond hair to spill down his broad shoulders. Dean picked up Thor's brush before he could reach for it and began to work it through his hair.

"I'm happy to see you this way again," Thor commented as he let Dean brush him.

"I'm happy to be this way again. I know I won't be over Samantha for a while, but it's nice to feel like I'm back to my life again. You can only lay in the bed and mope for so long before you start wondering what the person you lost would say to you."
"What would Samantha say to you?" Thor asked as he reached for his toothbrush.

Dean set the hair brush down and lost himself in thought. "Probably to go on living. Enjoy everything enough for her, too."

"Samantha loved you very much," Thor said. "I remember the way she looked at you. Her life may have been short, but you made her time happy."

"Don't make me cry first thing in the morning," Dean said as he reached up and kissed Thor's cheek before walking out.

When he strolled down to the kitchen to grab breakfast, Natasha and Bruce were sitting at the table.

"Excuse me, what's that on your neck, Mr. Allen?" Natasha said as she hopped up from the table and joined him at the island. "And don't you dare tell me it's a curling iron burn."

Dean poured himself some oat milk and grabbed a scone. "It's a curling iron burn," he answered with a smirk as he walked over to the breakfast nook and sat beside Bruce.

"What the hell happened to your neck?" Clint asked as the team boarded the quinjet.

"Curling iron burn," Dean quickly answered before testing his sword.

Tony shook his head. "If I had a nickel for every time I used that fib I'd be twice as rich."

"So," Steve interrupted. "Back to Sokovia."

Tony cleared his throat and spun around in his seat. "Yes, sorry. We were discussing invading the evil paramilitary cult hellbent on world domination. Proceed, good sir."
Steve grinned and went back to the brief. "So this is what we have from Jarvis. Hydra's compound is on the outskirts of the Novi Grad, the capital city." He tapped a button and brought up multiple satellite images. "Based on the intel and these images Jarvis compiled, we can see that there's heavy security on the grounds. They extend out into the woods around the place, with multiple outposts. Troops are armed to the teeth, naturally."

"We love a challenge," Dean murmured.

"And the compound itself is encased in a dense field of energy." Natasha explained as she paused and zoomed in on one of the images. "These turrets are clearly powered by Chitauri tech, as evidenced by the tell-tale energy signature they emit."

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