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The onslaught was done and Thor could feel his mind retreating from the images that had once flooded his mind. The girl had cast some sort of spell on him. He felt her power influencing his thoughts. Despite trying to maintain control, he succumbed to a dreadful vision that claimed his senses. It all felt so real. He saw his home in ruins. He was surrounded by his people, despondent and damned. He wandered the corridors of the palace on Asgard and watched as Heimdall turned around and raised a glass. But this was not Heimdall as he remembered him. No, this was not the same friend he had known.

"Has he finally returned? The first son of Odin!" Heimdall called out.

Thor looked at his friend, alarmed. His eyes, once golden and vibrant, were completely white. "Heimdall, your eyes?"

Heimdall reached out and grabbed Thor by his face. "Oh, they can see everything, Odinson. Would you like to know what they see?"

Thor was alarmed at how rough his friend was becoming, how enraged he appeared. "Heimdall, you have to tell me what's wrong!"

"My eyes see you leading us straight to Hel! Wake up!" He reached for Thor's throat and began to squeeze.

Thor shoved the watcher god off of him. "I can save you! I can still save you!"

Heimdall threw his head back and laughed. "No, you cannot! Can you not see what is happening? We are all dead! And it is your doing! You are nothing more than a destroyer, Odinson. Your powers will only bring devastation to all you touch! Even your precious Fair One is not safe!"

Thor watched as bolts of lightning struck his body and began to fan out, hitting everything around him. He fell to his knees, gasping for breath as a fiery aura resonated from nearby. He raised his face and watched as Surtur placed his crown upon the eternal flame, conjuring Ragnarok- the apocalypse.

"Thor! Thor, you've got to snap out of it and help me out here, man!" Clint shouted as he shook Thor by his shoulders. The thunder god gradually regained focus and he looked at Clint. "You back with us, man?"

Thor tried to nod his head but it wouldn't move. He managed to grunt a little.

Clint smiled grimly. "Dammit, Thor, you were my last hope, man. Everyone is down but me. And I don't know what to do about Dean. He's in bad shape."

The mention of Dean spurred Thor to try and shake the horrors of the vision off but his body felt like it was submerged beneath leagues of water.

Stark came in over the radio, interrupting Clint's attempts to bring Thor back. "We've got a code green going down. Banner went buck-wild. Nat, you're around we could really use a lullaby."

"Nat's out of commission, Tony," Clint reported.

"Thor?" Stark suggested.

"He's down too. Whatever the Maximoff girl did, she put everyone but yours truly on their asses. Even Thor is reeling from it."

"Shit," Stark grunted. "Okay, I'll handle it. You just focus on getting them all out of there."

"Will do," Clint said as he pulled Thor to his feet and steered him off toward the others.

Clint had found Natasha first and carried her to where Cap and Dean were. As he guided Thor into the area, the Asgardian was vaguely aware of his comrades, each in various stages of distress. Natasha was sitting on the bottom step, her arms hugging her knees close to her chest, her face hidden. Cap was leaning against a wall, his face completely haunted. Dean lay on the floor, his body thrashing about.

"Whatever Wanda did to all of you, Dean is still under. He hasn't woken up yet," Clint explained. "Thor, I need you to carry him. Can you do that? If not, I can come back and get him. But Nat and Cap need someone to help guide them out of here."

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