16-Mountain Paradise (NSFW)

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A/N: The song "Passenger" by Britney Spears kind of inspired some of the content. I love that song because it illustrates how it feels when you live your life always in control or having to be in charge of something and then being able to feel the relief of relinquishing that control. I can just imagine a relationship with Thor being like that. He comes into your life and sees how hard you work and how in control of everything you always have to be in, and he wants to take care of you for a change.

Dean stepped out of the large truck and reached for the gasoline nozzle just as Thor was coming around the side of the vehicle. Thor closed his hand over Dean's and smiled. "You must let me do this."

Dean raised his hands in surrender and leaned against the side of the car and smiled as he watched Thor begin pumping gas.

"You're a quick study," he remarked.

Thor beamed proudly. "I passed my driver's test easily," he bragged.

"You know, you're the only person I know who actually took a good driver's license picture," Dean said as he reached into Thor's back pocket and retrieved his wallet to have another look at the license. When he flipped the wallet open he saw a picture of him placed inside. It was a picture from his surprise birthday party. He was standing with a big grin on his face and a silly birthday hat Natasha had insisted he wear.

"I like to take it out and look at it," Thor said. "I see Steve looking at his picture of Peggy all the time. I see that is what Midgardians do."

Dean took in the sight of the Prince of Asgard pumping gas at the roadside station. He was dressed in fitted blue jeans, boots, flannel, and a baseball cap. His hair was in a messy ponytail, and Dean could see the hair of his lost loved ones was still braided into it. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, showing off a taste of his chest and Dean's old dog tags he'd once given to Thor as a token of affection.

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"Nothing," Dean smirked. "I just never thought watching someone pump gas could be so sexy."

Thor smiled and carefully removed the nozzle. "If you prove yourself worthy, something else might be pumped today."

Dean rolled his eyes and reached for the driver's side door. "I think we both know you couldn't handle not being able to do that."

Thor hastily pulled Dean back and got into the driver's seat.

"I can give you a break," Dean laughed. "You've been driving all day."

Thor shook his head. "Not a chance, Fair One. I like driving. Besides, doesn't it feel good to be a passenger?"

"I guess it does," Dean said as he sat in the passenger seat and looked at Thor, who regarded him with a gentle smile.

"So let me give you a break. Let me take the wheel for you."

Dean sat with his seat reclined a little bit and watched as trees zipped by. The drive turned into an incline and Thor handled the car like a pro, taking each curve like he'd been driving for years. The trees gradually fell away from view and Dean looked out at the large expanse of mountain country. His ears popped and he grinned.

"What is it?" Thor asked as he spared a glimpse.

Dean turned his focus back to Thor and stared at him. "It's just nice to get away with you. I like this." He reached out and laid a hand on Thor's thigh. "Escaping with you."

As Thor drove on, Dean connected his phone to the truck's Bluetooth and put Van Halen on. Thor immediately began to tap the steering wheel to the beat and sing along as Dance the Night Away played.

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