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The mountain vacation ended too soon for Dean's liking, but the team that waited for them when they returned to the compound was a welcome sight. In the span of a week, Steve and Natasha had already begun forging a new team dynamic. Dean and Thor, rested and renewed, were eager to join in.

"The new recruits are faring well?" Thor asked as he stood in the control room of the newly-built Hazard Room.

"They've taken to each other pretty well," Natasha said as she manned the control panel, deploying robotic sentries to assault the four new recruits from every angle.

"Rhodes is a natural, of course," Steve explained as he stood beside Thor and Dean. "He's had a lot of time and experience as War Machine before coming to us. Sam, too. Their aerial combat alone makes both of them a welcome addition. Before them, only you and Tony could actually fly around."

"How's Wanda doing?" Dean asked as he watched the young woman hang back from the others and use her powers defensively.

Steve pursed his lips. "She's cautious. Afraid to use too much power. But she seems to be getting on well enough." He paused and pointed at Vision, who was hovering nearest her. "Vis has been a big help in that. He watches out for her."

"It makes sense," Thor said. "Both of them are products of the Mind Stone."

Natasha looked over her shoulder and Dean smiled at her and walked over. "What do you say you let Steve take the controls? I feel like we haven't talked in ages."

Natasha got up and walked out of the room with him and he put an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry that we ran off so suddenly after everything. I know you're dealing with a lot right now and I should be here for you."

Natasha swatted him. "Don't be ridiculous. If I could get away to the mountains with Bruce don't you think I'd do it?"

"Still, I want you to know that I'm here for you. I know you keep things to yourself most of the time. But I'm your friend. You can talk to me."

They walked out of the compound and into a garden area. Natasha rested against a fence and stared up at the sun as it fell upon them. "I was fooling myself thinking I could have anything normal."

"No you weren't. You still can."

Natasha shrugged. "To be honest, this team is where my focus needs to be right now. We've got four newbies to whip into shape. Steve, Thor, you and I have our work cut out for us."

"Actually, just Steve, you and me," Dean corrected her. "Thor is going to be leaving soon."

"The Infinity Stones."

"Yep. He said he needs to find answers about who's after them. He saw some pretty terrible things in his vision and he wants to stop them."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I love him and don't want to not see him. But I get it. This world is important and if we're going to keep it safe we have to be willing to make some sacrifices."

Natasha plucked a leaf and twirled it by the stem. "Seems like the Avengers make more sacrifices than most these days, doesn't it?"

He reflected on his engagement to Thor and had fleeting thoughts of being able to settle down with him. If they weren't Avengers. He looked at Natasha and shrugged. "Life's not fair."

"When is he leaving?"

"Soon. He told me he'd stay with me tonight, but tomorrow he's off."

Natasha pulled him in for a hug. "Well. At least now I won't have to spend my nights eating ice cream all by my lonesome, will I?"

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