Chapter 7 : Off to Earth

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Ephedia, Kingdom Capital

Royal Castle

The sun was high in the sky, and the library was lit in a warm light. Auriana and Iris were standing behind Talia who looked visibly irritated. Theyd spent the entire morning looking for a particular chest, where anything of value concerning the royalty shouldve been in.

" It should've been right here.

- Maybe someone looked at it and it was misplaced afterwards ?

- Obviously. "

She sighed in frustration. How could looking for a localization spell be so time consuming?

" You know what? Lets just go with Iris' idea. Maybe Crystal Locatum will work. "

That said, the three gathered in a triangle, hand in hand and spoke the spell in unison, like theyve done multiple times in the past. A light appeared in front of them and flew away, slowly.

" Well, that was easy ", Auriana said.

- I'm surprised it works on something that's not supposed to be found so easily but nevermind. Let's go.

The girls followed to a destination and found themselves in front of a random shelf. But, there was no parchment there. Talia then started to pick up the books one by one, to see if there was something behind them! She looked closely and reached inside with her hand.

" Hm- Aha! Maybe- "

Her arm slid back and in her hand was an old piece of parchment. She took off the seal and opened it in its entirety.

" That's it. The magical device localization spell. " Talia whispered with a smile.

Iris was also looking at the spell when she heard footsteps behind them, she turned around slowly.

" Sir Vitar!

- I see you've found what you were searching for, your highnesses.

- Yes- But why wasn't it where I looked before? Shouldn't it have been in that chest over there? "

Talia pointed at a golden chest in a corner of the library.

" Hm, it probably was until the Queen asked me to move it. It is not a good thing to hide everything of value in the same place. I regularly change and put them in different spots to make sure that it cannot be stolen, even by people of the palace. We never know where the enemy could be hidden, after all.

- That's a bit extreme Auriana murmured.

- I wish it was, princess. But, looking back on our discussion about Vulcan Sadly, it is a necessary precaution.

- Why didn't you just tell us where it was ?

- I must admit that... "

Vitar gave his most sincere smile, with very sorry eyes.

" I forgot where I put it this time. "

The trio stopped dead in their tracks. Talia stayed silent. Iris blinked. Auriana started to laugh loudly.

" You must forgive me, your highness. My memory isnt what it used to be...

- It's fine. Lets just move on, from this. "

Talia felt a bit frustrated but there was no point in getting angry. She simply looked at the spell again. It wasnt so different from Crystal Locatum. You could call it a bit more complex version of it. The incantation was longer, and it would take all of them to cast it.

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