Chapter 1 : Glimmers of a normal life

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Earth, Sunny Bay

Iris' home

" Urg, where is it?!

- Stop screaming."

Iris was staring outside her bedroom as she heard the ruckus behind her. Seemed like Auriana had lost her phone, again. She turned around and couldn't a laugh at the sight of her panicked friend.

" Did you check everywhere? the blonde asked.

- Of course! Even the bathroom!

- Even your pocket? "

Auriana stopped for a second and reached for the pocket of her jeans.

" ... Ah... Oupsie? ~

- Auriana-

- Oh come on Talia, it's not like it's never happened to you before!

- Well, actually- "

Iris smiled and let her best friends continue their bickering and returned to her window. The weather was great, that day. So peaceful. It was hard to imagine that a few days ago... The final battle against Gramorr had taken place and they'd won. Evil had ultimately lost. Iris had been able to meet her biological parents, her dream of ever seeing them had finally come true... Aaaand, she was finally going out with Nathanial. She couldn't be happier. At least, that's how she wanted to feel. But she had something else on her mind, at the moment and it disheartened her. Talia looked at Iris and asked:

" Iris, are you thinking about Praxina?

- ... Yes."

Talia let out a sigh, walked to the blonde's side and sat next to her.

" Iris... I know what you're thinking. Stop blaming yourself.

- I'm sorry, it's just- ... I can't help it. If only I had been more careful-

- Iris... Talia is right. What happened to Mephisto wasn't your fault. I mean- It's what war means, Iris. Accidents like that... happen... and people die, said Auriana while looking at the floor.

- But I feel like it's my fault Praxina turned out this way. She seemed so... different...

- Well, she did lose her brother- ...

- ... I wonder if that's the only reason why. I don't know, her presence, her magic... something felt off, noted Iris.

Talia didn't know what to say about that. She had noticed it too, Praxina's aura seemed way different during her little surprise visit at the castle of Ephedia and she couldn't figure out why. It had to be important. There was no way one's magical signature could change in so little time without the intervention of something else.

Talia thought about this a lot when she was alone in her room. And the more she thought about it, the more she wondered if Banes, that weird panther, had something to do with it. The creature had left Gramorr right as he was about to be beaten, it didn't even try to help him. Why?

Talia let out a sigh of frustration and returned her attention to Iris.

- Look... Defeating Gramorr was the most important thing. We still don't know what Praxina intends to do and we still have yet to see any sign of her. You should try to relax a bit.

- Wow, you're actually telling us we can slack off- ? said Auriana.

- Not what I said. I think we deserve some time off, but we shouldn't let our guard down, in case anything happens. Besides, that's not the only thing we should worry about.

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