Chapter 4: Waking up

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Earth, Shell City

Amber's and Merry's house

Amber woke with a really strong headache. Perhaps it was due to playing loud instruments the entire week at school... Or perhaps it was because of the overwhelming stress of having a stranger in her house who had not woken up for the entire week.

Amber had left Mephisto alone for a bit... and when she had come back, he had already gone back to sleep. She didn't blame him, being wounded and all... But when he didn't wake up the next day, she had started to worry. Merry as well. Now, one week had gone by... and he was STILL sleeping. He wasn't dead- he was still breathing and all. And it's not like he looked in pain or anything... But it was still stress inducing.

She had hesitated multiple times to call the nearest hospital. But Mephisto himself has asked not to call anyone. She'd finally decided with Merry that if his state actually worsened, they would call someone but for now... They'd remained silent. If Amber could avoid explaining why she had not called for help sooner, then it was good for her. The last thing she wanted was to get into trouble with the law or something, especially when she really was just trying to help.

For the past days, she'd been wondering if he was ever going to wake up... But also wonder where he was from. She hadn't had the opportunity to talk to him a lot but from the little interaction she'd had with him... She felt there was something off. Not necessarily the "bad" kind of... But more like something felt strange. Mephisto sounded like he had absolutely no clue of where he was, like he was lost or something. And most importantly... While she kept calling him the "cosplayer" as a joke, when she had mentioned it to him, he looked almost... insulted for a moment. Did he think she was making fun of him? She truly wasn't, but she didn't expect his outfit to be anything but a costume of some sort... Was it not? It had to be, it looked way too... out of this world to be something that someone would commonly wear. Or perhaps she was uneducated and couldn't tell where it came from. In any case... She owed him an apology. That was uncool. Well, now she knew she had to, but still had to wait for to actually wake up.

She frowned sightly. All that thinking was not helping her head feel better. She resolved herself and stood up from her bed after petting Gigi who was sleeping next to her. She always slept next to her. Gigi always obeyed and listened to her every word, but from an early age, she refused to sleep anywhere else than near her.

"I have to prepare breakfast-"

She then looked at her clock.

"12- Oh. Oh well, lunch it is."

She really had slept in today... One day of doing it wouldn't hurt. She got up and made her way to the bathroom. After taking a shower and drying herself, she used a scrunchie and put her hair in a ponytail. She put on some casual clothes, a mustard crop top with long sleeves and dark brown jeans. She kept her white bunny slippers on and finally came out. On her way to the living room, she knocked softly on Merry's door and opened it sightly.

The blond girl was still in her bed, still half-asleep.

"Oh, I'm not the only one who slept in, haha... I'll prepare lunch so don't worry." she said and Merry answered with a smile and a thumb up.

She closed the door and was going to go but wondered if she should check up on Mephisto, too. It made her a bit uncomfortable to know she was most likely going to open the door only to see him passed out again... But she didn't have a choice, did she? She sighed heavily and finally opened the door to the room he was staying in. It was a spare room they had. She tilted her head to see-

Except he wasn't there.

Except he wasn't there

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