Chapter 5: To find and to discover

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Ephedia, Kingdom's capital

Royal Castle

" Woaw... This place is huge- no, massive... "

Iris had only entered the room, and she was met with the biggest library she had ever seen. Not to mention the luxurious decoration, marble everywhere... The walls were mostly an immaculate white, as well as the furniture but as you got closer, you could see the intricate patterns made of gold and other precious materials and jewels. In some places, the shelves went up at least 3 floors high... How did they even get up here? She thought for a while but as they walked forward, she saw a silhouette flutter in the air rapidly going from shelf to shelf with books in their hands. Sometimes, she still forgot magic was a thing.

"Wait, so magic can be used to fly? Why don't we use that in battle?

- It can be useful, but it takes a lot of energy too quickly. It wouldn't be efficient. That's also why we have Amaru."

Talia and Auriana were walking with Iris, right behind Queen Eira. The figure, up in the air, suddenly noticed their presence and flew down to meet them. His feet met the floor and the man immediately bowed before raising his head again. The man was wearing decorated, yet humble Ephedian clothing. His eyes were a clear stone blue, his hair and mustache brown but slightly discolored at the roots and the passage of time was visible on his face.

"Your Majesty, your Royal Highnesses.

- Iris, I present you Vitar, the Royal Librarian of Ephedia and a trusted confident of our family.

- I am honored and overjoyed to finally be able to meet you, Princess Iris.

- Thank you, I- I am pleased to meet you as well..."

Iris started to bow slowly but quickly felt Talia's hand on her back and stopped herself. Royal members only bowed among themselves, never to others. In a short amount of time, Iris was already expected to learn proper royal etiquette. Luckily, she had an expert on that ready to help her at any moment... Auriana, not so much apparently. She followed it but wasn't the most fond of it. These traditions were a bit "rusty" in her mind.

"It's alright, princess, don't worry!" said Vitar while raising and waving both of his hands. They were all understanding of this. They didn't expect her to pick up everything in a day... "May I ask what bring you here?

- My daughter wishes to know more about Vulcan, as we're currently searching for a way to find their missing Queen and Princess.

- Oh..."

Vitar stopped for a moment and took his chin in his hand, thinking.

"Well... I could tell you a lot about it, but I think showing you might be better. Follow me, please."

Vitar turned around and lead the group to another room, accessed through the back of the library. The room wasn't that big In fact... it was rather small. It was circular and in its center, a ball of light was floating in midair. The orb shone a light blue color. Vitar closed the doors after the five of them entered and as quickly, he approached the orb and put his hand on it. He looked to see if the girls were ready.

"Vulcan." He spoke softly and in a matter of seconds, the world around seemed to fade away to make way to a new one. Shapes and colors changed and suddenly, it didn't look they were in Ephedia anymore. It was the same kind of magic Auriana and Talia had used to show Iris her home world when they had found her for the first time. They looked like they were outside a castle, but it wasn't the same. The walls were a warm sand color, much like the floor, and they were decorated with intricate designs and beautiful silk banners displaying the kingdom's colors and symbols. Looking at the outside, there were lots of plants everywhere and the wild vines were giving life the plain facades of some houses, visible way down in the valley. And up there, towering over Vulcan's capital city, the peak of a volcano could be seen.

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