Chapter 8 : Mystery Family

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Earth, Shell City

The Mall

Surprisingly, there weren't many people on the bus at this hour. Amber was a bit surprised. But that only meant more place for them and less noise, so she wasn't going to complain.

"Kayla, Touma and Calvin are already at the main entrance, they're waiting for us." she said, looking at a text she'd just received on her phone.

Merry was looking happy but noticed Mephisto looked a bit- tense? She wrote something on her notebook then showed him.

Are you okay?

Mephisto looked at the paper and tried to relax.

"It's just Is it really okay for me to be there? I don't want to intrude.

- Don't worry, it's fine! I'm the one who invited you and they're aware someone else is coming, I've let them know. It'll be okay, our friends are all really chill. Maybe Touma might just be a bit closed off because he doesn't talk a lot but that's just how he is! He's more of a listener. So don't let that make you feel uncomfortable.

- Oh. Okay. And, might I ask why you all decided to do that today? You're still going to school tomorrow, right?

- Yep. We're going today because there are sales on a lot of stuff. We all need to buy school supplies and there might be some interesting things at the music store. Also, we're not going to the same high school so hanging out after classes have ended or during the weekend is our only way of being together. Except for Calvin, he's in our class.

- Hm..."

He didn't ask anymore questions, that was enough. He looked outside the window. If someone had told him hed be in a bus, going around a city on Earth and not be plotting to destroy some stuff there with his sister, he wouldnt have believed it. Instead of that, he was hanging out with some humans on their shopping spree. Said like that, even in his head, it sounded ridiculous.

Hm, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Ever since the explosion and after realizing it was taking forever for his magic to come back, his mind was full of negative thoughts Maybe this was an opportunity to clear his head. As soon as the bus arrived, the three stepped out. The mall was right across the street and near the main entrance, another group of three was waiting for them.

"We're here! exclaimed the only girl there.

- Hello guys!"

Amber rushed over to them and wrapped her arms around one specific person. Merry didnt look that surprised next to Mephisto who only followed in silence.


- I ?

- You could answer my texts! Amber almost shouted.

- Sorry... Mom's been monitoring my Internet time since exams are coming soon. I literally had to accept to do all the chores for an entire week to be able to come here today.

- Hmf... Fine, you're forgiven. But at least tell me next time when she starts doing it, you know how I can get... I was worried you were upset with me. You know how I am...

- I could never...

- Hey Calvin, how bout you stop monopolizing Amber? I wanna say hello too! Or maybe you want two want some time alo-

- Kayla."

Calvin turned to Kayla and looked at her dead in the eye and Amber looked at the ground with flushed cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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