Chapter 2: The shadow of a threat

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Earth, ???

The cave

Laughters echoes throughout the cold, empty cave, ones that made Praxina boil with anger and disgust. She sat upon her purplish crystal throne, in the dark, with only the moonlight reflected in the crystals across the cave to remind her light ever existed at all. Banes was lying at her feet.

With ease, her magic showed her the location of the princesses. The three girls were in Iris' home and having what the Voltan girl called a... "pajama party". Not that it mattered. What the princesses were up to at the moment was the least of her concern. What they were celebrating didn't matter at all. Her mind was restless, spinning with many ideas, all of which only had one purpose in common: to destroy them once and for all.

"Laugh while you can, princesses" she spoke grimly, getting the attention of Banes who raised his head to look at her. "I promise you... that you WILL pay greatly for what happened to my brother. I'll make sure of it."

And thus, she put herself to work and started to come up with a plan. She hadn't shown her face to the girls in a while and she wanted to make an impactful return. As for why she had taken so many days to start reflecting on her revenge, it was very simple.

She had been too busy mourning to do anything else. Too busy crying, though she would've never admitted it. Praxina started sulking again. She couldn't believe her brother was gone. Not just her brother, her twin brother. A few weeks prior only, all Praxina could think about was how annoying Mephisto was and how tired she was of him not doing anything right.

And now, she would've given anything to get him back.

Mephisto surely... wasn't the brightest of them all. He was clumsy and always rushed in the lion's den without thinking too much. He hardly listened when she gave him instructions and always found himself in trouble in the most idiotic ways. It was bothersome, almost infuriating sometimes.

But... He was her brother.

The one who came up with surprisingly good ideas when they needed it, like this one time they managed to steal an Oracle Gem.

The one who sometimes took the blame in her place when Gramorr confronted them.

The one who would always put himself between her and the princesses, to try to protect her from harm.

The one... who would try anything to get her to crack a smile or get a laugh out of her when all she wanted to do was to scream or cry of frustration.

Praxina cursed herself and her oblivious mind. She loathed herself for not realizing it sooner. For not realizing of much she cared for her twin. She always knew she cared, but she never showed it directly. She regretted it. In the darkest days she'd had in that cave, Mephisto had been her only source of support. The only one to truly be there for her as her sanity was slowly slipping away.

And now, he was gone. Never to return.

Reality struck violently again as the girl who had murdered Mephisto in front of her very eyes laughed innocently without care with her stupid friends.

Reality struck violently again as the girl who had murdered Mephisto in front of her very eyes laughed innocently without care with her stupid friends

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